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Dec 26, 2011
rip off & scam
I have paid more than $700 to Yaya Maria last year. She promised me so much.
Hope SPSReviewForum
Dec 28, 2011
rip off & scam
I am Hope, owner and founder of the spsreviewforum.com (former spellscams.freeforumsblog.com/)
This report is part of a defamation campaign started against me and my forum by a group of scammers exposed on the forums.
We have been bullied and harassed by this group for the last few months.
Anyone interested in reading about all the fake reports and lies about us, feel free to visit the forum, we have a topic with the links to all the reports I find.
The accusations go from ridiculous to risible, so far they claim the forum is run by a "group psychics", Hope blackmails physics, Hope spam email accounts, Hope steals personal information, , Hope deletes posts, Hope bans members, Hope extorts members, Hope charges for referrals, Hope is a member of an organized crime, Hope is a psychic in Singapore, a woman in India, Hope is from UK, Hope is associated to psychics and spellcasters, Hope owns spellcasters sites, Hope invents fake casters, Hope promotes sites, Hope is another scammer, Hope is vindictive ... and the list goes on and on, when all that Hope does is to make it possible for members to EXPOSE SCAMMERS LIKE YOU, making up lies and fake reports about Hope and the forum is not going to make us go away.
Last month they sent an email to the spallcasters and psychics discussed and exposed on the forum instigating them to file reports against us, this email says it all:
You have been featured on the websites spellscams.freeforumsblog.com and spsreviewforum.com
These websites are run by a group of psychics. You may have been unfairly accused of being a psychic scammer. These forums are themselves, in fact, scams attempting to defame you and steal business from you.
If you would like the whole world to know that they are scams you do have recourse. You can post, for free, that they are scams on one or more of the following websites: ( I did not get the links, but I am sure they point to the reports mentioned above)
This is worth your time. It will only take a second to do so. And it will ensure that when people search for one of these websites that they hear your point of view. It will ensure that when people search for "spsreviewforum" for example that they do not take the negative reviews about you as seriously.
Google "spsreviewforum" and see what I mean.
Your Friend,
A Fellow Psychic
This email explains the reason behind this defamation campaign, they cannot shut us down, therefore they need to put us down.
Regarding this particular report, the domain information you cited here shows both sites registered with different providers and hosted on different servers, thank you for making that information public and clearing any doubts.
I have no idea why orishaashe.com is using a private registration, but I can give you hundreds of reasons why I, Hope, the founder of the spsreviewsforum.com choose a private registration #1 reason: people like you, charlatans without boundaries, who will attack and slander anyone who exposes your scam sites. You have done it in the past and there are hundreds of fake complaints and false reports with bogus information.
I protect the identity of all the members of my forums the same way I protect mine. How and why is my identity so important? I have a job and a family and the last thing I want is for a low life scammer to ruin my personal life with false claims. I do not sell anything, my forum is just a review site and for obvious reasons we all need our privacy protected in order to be able to speak freely.
To keep the record straight, Hope and the spsreviewforum.com are NOT associated with any spellcaster or psychic, Hope does not endorse any practitioner.
Most members are very happy to find the forum; we help and support each other, we bring awareness on scams and expose scammers, feel free to join the spsreviewforum.com and see for yourself (scammers are not welcome)
Hope it helps
Dec 29, 2011
rip off & scam
I know this forum and I know it is a FAKE Psychic Review Forum
I lost $1400 because of www.spsreviewforum.com
They try to hurt the competition and promote their own psychics scam
Why is spsreviewforum.com protecting some psychics from the Google search results?
Excuses like "stopping spam" or "privacy" make no sense because anyone can register to the forum and read them. The only reason is an attempt to promote their own psychics and hurt the competition.
The admin of www.spsreviewforum.com found a pretty unique way to get attention to his scam artists.
They state that they try to find the frauds but what they are really doing is a sneaky way to promote their own list of recommended frauds.
This is a new psychic scam called the Spells Psychics Spirits Review Forum
Dec 29, 2011
rip off & scam
Hay Jennifer, it sure sounds like you are part of the "competition", it may explain why you "lost" all that money to a free forum, did they expose your business too? Looks like they stopped your scamming business and now you are mad and making false allegations.
Dec 30, 2011
rip off & scam
Hey Tom24, I'm sure you are a part of the www.spsreviewforum.com scam. YOU ARE A FAKE Psychic Review Forum
Dec 30, 2011
rip off & scam
you defend your own SCAM www.orishaashe.com
Jan 11, 2012
rip off & scam
all i want is results and i am VERY tired of being scammed has anyone tried jillianmoonspells.webs.com I want to try her spells while she has a sale her regular prices are outrageous and expensive but I heard her email readings are good and she doesnt have scams so far
Jan 25, 2012
rip off & scam
www.Spsreviewforum.com and www.Orishaashe.com are the same people SCAM ARTISTS
... Hope is a Liar and con artist scammer she has a few friends on the forums as mods, Maggie and Singing that commented here are also affiliated with that scam site which promote illegally there own scam websites, they say they dont endorse anyone? really i have hundreds of people that say they were scammed by Hope and Yaya Maria and that HOPE was the one who refered them to be scammed by Yaya Maria ...
Dont believe the nonsense on that scam marketing website forum that is used to promote there OWN Psychic websites they discredit many just to make themselves seem valid they send people to be scammed to there own fake scam websites
This is Illegal Racketeering where a business performs defamation of character against one and then promotes another to try to form a monoply against other business's its like a mafia tactic does to strong arm business's hope is recorded as trying to blackmail and racketeer ... they are being investigated and will be pursued by many law enforcement agencies globally.
Dont believe me ?
take a look yourself
Hope and Yaya Maria from Orishaashe.com are FRAUDSTERS!
and they are now being pursued legally by Government law enforcement agencies for there illegal activities
She claims she doesn't endorse any websites? ... she claims she is doing what she is doing righteously?
i beg to differ ... she is a money motivated hog trying to scam people out of hard earned money and i have proof
her own Forum website will act as legal proof against them ... because its Defamation of Character and Criminal racketeering my suggestion to anyone associated with that website and those scam business's is to get a GOOD LAWYER! your going to need it
Need more proof ?
Hope the founder of spsreviewforum.com is illegally performing what is called Racketeering and Defamation of character and will be pursued legally along with her business affiliated psychic websites and partners including ORISHAASHE.COM .
98% of the posts on that forum (spsreviewforum.com) are FAKE reviews made up from psychic websites or herself and fellow administrators psychic sites that she is affiliated with and getting paid from which we could characterize as illegal racketeering and also confirms this below.
here is the proof!
Hope the founder of spsreviewforum is a scam artist in connection to the psychic websites she endorsed in messages to people after she has fake reviews posted
after doing domain searches and filing a criminal investigation against this website and OrishaAshe.com which is listed under her SAME DOMAIN SITE HOSTING!!!
Where Hope the founder is doing advertising and promotion for certain websites using her negative marketing scam website forum (spsreviewforum.com) she is using the forum to act legitimate when in fact its highly illegal while she promotes one business and then discredits another falsely and illegally
she is blackmailing business owners, defaming, and illegally performing civil and copy right infringement laws with this forum website against other websites and business's while performing illegal racketeering for there own group business's, this is highly illegal and being investigated after now 45 members have filed lawsuit against spsreviewforum.com and orishaashe.com which are connected together on the same hosting service, it doesn’t take a fool to know what is going on here, its Illegal and should be shut down immediately
Orishaashe.com is the main scam website that is associated with www.spsreviewforum.com on the same domain hosting and she promotes very often on her forum website and Ebay under different allias’s, this website is listed as an anonymous website, after careful investigation with local law enforcement and Authorities including the F.B.I we found out is actually hope the founder of spsreviewforum.com either business itself or business partner and after all the information has been saved and documented is Rackateering and Defamation of Character and an illegal cyber crime.
Here is the story, straight facts about orishaashe.com ( Yaya Maria) who is a fake made up Palo Mayombe priestess and fake Orisha Priestess who has been unconfirmed and unauthenticicated with many legitimate sources she does not have any of the legitmate information to confirm her as who she says listed on her website and will not post it because she is a fraud... we have confirmed this with legitimate priests that have been contacted since this time of the investigation and that never heard of this person EVER and said that her lineage line was made up and fake, that she invented it up
This happened after we asked what her confirmed lineage was through email and she made up some fake invented information.
she claims to be a Yaya Nganga of Palo Mayombe
but in fact there is NO SUCH initiation for women ONLY MEN are Tata Nganga's, women are not allowed this position in the religion of Palo Mayombe EVER! Women are not allowed to own the sacred alters themselves and must have a Tata Nganga (male Priest) present during ALL ceremonies. Which confirms she is not authentic and does not in fact have what she claims.
she cannot perform what she says she can because of this taboo in the religion and is illegally scamming people to believe this, she has NO legitimate initiation in the religion of Palo Mayombe or Orisha tradition, after careful investigation this was revealed fact.
if she claims to be legitamate why is this information NOT listed on her website, why does she not have the name of her munanso congo and rama's listed on her website which is needed to authenticate her as a priestess... the reason why is because she is FAKE!
This cannot be made up because there are only 7 main lineage lines and 5 sub rama’s in the religion of Palo Mayombe and if she was initiatied as a priest she would have the location, name of the munanso and rama of elders present, which is to serve as a recital in cases of authentication and rememberace of her religion…. She cannot do this because she is fake .. I contacted several authentic priests of Palo Mayombe and Orisha worship that confirmed this.
there is no phone number or contact information on her website... why? because she is fake!
All of these facts have been confirmed with several authentic Palo Mayombe and Orisha Priests that we have contacted along with the National African Religious Congress an organization that specializes in Orisha/Ifa and Palo Mayombe Priesthoods and confirms authenticity, which said Yaya Maria (orishaashe.com) is a non-authentic priestess and does not have ANY legitimate initiations either non confirmed or false.
i have been contacted by several people during my process of the class action lawsuit that I have filed along with 40 other members that have been ripped off by spsreviewforum.com and Orishaashe.com
I was personally ripped off for over $2, 000 and several others for thousands from Yaya Maria who was recommended to several people on spsreviewforum by Hope the founder of spsreviewforum.com who is in affiliation with Yaya Maria (orishaashe.com) and later finding out she either part of or business partners with
This is illegal racketeering .
The full legal class action lawsuit in process 14-9742-D now filed against spsreviewforum.com and orishaashe.com including ALL the people that she recommended and were ripped off by her
Along withal the other Psychic websites she illegally defamed on her false front forum website where her and the fake id’s made up by her talk negatively about trying to discredit one and promote her other business’s
which is performing illegal racketeering and defamation of character just to promote her business affiliated websites to scam people out of money!
More proof and facts!
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You figure it out for yourself!
Need more Proof??? they say they dont endorse anyone really?????
Maybe they only Scam people with there own scam business's like there OrishaAshe.com site which is actually Hope herself?
Jan 25, 2012
rip off & scam
SCAM ALERT www.Orishaashe.com
Yaya Maria is a fraud and charlatan, she is not an authentic "High" priestess of Palo Mayombe or Orisha traditions it is Taboo for women to be "High" Priestess's in these African Traditions, but she also fails to explain her lineages or authentic information on her fake website.
she ripped me off for $2, 000 and many of my friends for thousands of dollars thinking that she was authentic and refered by her business partner "Hope" who i actually think is her.
but later after having no results from everyone including myself we found out that she was a fraud, fake charlatan exploiting the religion of Palo Mayombe and Santeria so i went out on a quest to find out the truth about these religions and i found out the deal.
Thank goodness i found a Real Palo Mayombe and Orisha Priest that helped me fix everything, i found a Tata Nganga and Oba Oriete in Orisha Traditions in Santeria that explained to me what makes this person Yaya Maria unauthentic and a fake, so i asked Yaya Maria about her Lineage line, Name of her Munanso Congo, Initation title and name and who gave her it, and Location along with her Initiation date, name and title and who her God parents are who initiated her, she failed to comply
she wouldn't provide it with me until several other people started to question this and then they all asked her also and she proved to be FALSE!
she made up some garbage that was all lies and non verified we contacted several authentic sources including the National African Religious Congress and Afro Caribbean studies group in Puerto Rico who all confirmed that Yaya Maria is a fake and a charlatan, most times these priests do not make websites like this and try to sell services over the phone, in most cases they need to be done in person and in front of the alters IN PERSON they dont use websites like she is doing.
she calls herself a "Yaya Nganga",
there is NO SUCH level of initiation in the religion for Women and tradition of Palo Mayombe, women are not allowed to be high priestess's and cannot perform ceremonies alone in this religion of Palo mayombe because this is reserved ONLY for a male priest called a Tata Nganga
the word Yaya Nganga means Mother of the sacred alters, a women cannot build these alters and cannot initiate new members so how can she have this fake title she made up?
there have never been Yaya Nganga's in Palo Mayombe for thousands of years... EVER!.. this is an invention of this fraudster named Yaya Maria who is a complete fake!
it is a complete taboo for women to perform ceremonies alone without a Tata Nganga (Male Priest) in Palo Mayombe which means she is not a high priestess and not a Yaya Nganga, she is unable to provide legitimate ceremonies and cannot even provide information about her lineage line, rama, names and munanso names and locations.
Woman cannot become the high priest in the religion of Palo mayombe and calling herself a Yaya Nganga's is incorrect because there is no such initiation title for women.
this is only reserved for Male Priesthood initiations where ONLY the Male Priest can become a high priest in Both Palo Mayombe and Santeria Traditions where they can perform Initiations, naming, rituals and sacrificial ceremonies in the religion of Palo Mayombe
The reason why is because women have a menstrual cycle and give birth to children, Palo Mayombe deals with energies of the Dead and sacrificial ceremonies Women cannot offer sacrificial rituals ever and these ceremonies require a Tata or Male Priest in the religion to perform them, because women bleed monthly and spirits cannot differentiate the difference of lifeforce energy in them and the dead, it is considered unclean to the spirits for women to touch or perform rituals without a Male Priest present, a women is not allowed to posses the Nganga's which are the sacred alters alone because a Tata Nganga must perform all these rituals and lead ceremonies so she is lying, fake and a charlatan.
i found this out from a real Palo Mayombe Priest that i now work with and became very close with, who explained to me about what is authentic and what is not, he explained to me about the lineage lines, initiations and locations of Munanso Congo's to authenticate who is legitimate and who is not each munanso has a location and name confirmation in its title and from this a "family" or tribe associated with it along with the branch and tribe they are associated with, it also includes the names of the Initiating priests and validates who is authentic and who is not because there are only 7 lineage lines and they must match the locations and family names in order to prove legitimacy .
She has a completely anonymous website, no listed phone number, no address, and SCAMS people using this forum called spsreviewforum.com where Hope and Yaya Maria are the same person!
if this person is authentic why the need for such anonymity? hiding ?
Why no information?
Because she is a fraud who scams people and is not authentic!
You decide yourself below is my friends account with both scam sites spsreviewforum.com and orishaashe.com who are both working with each other and hosted on the same hosting company
This was an Actual Account by my friend who also got ripped off by Yaya Maria OrishaAshe.com :
I got SCAMMED by the "Spells, Psychics, Spirits Review Forum" www.spsreviewforum.com and www.orishaashe.com
Yaya Maria is a fake and charlatan
Hope is a Liar and fraud!
they both work together and SCAM PEOPLE!
Hope the founder is illegally performing what is called Racketeering and
defamation of character and will be pursued legally along with her
business affiliated websites and partners.
98% of the posts on
that forum are FAKE ID's made up from Other Psychic websites or herself
and fellow administrators psychics she is affiliated with and getting
paid from which we could characterize as illegal racketeering and also
here is the proof!
Jan 25, 2012
rip off & scam
SCAM ALERT www.Orishaashe.com
Yaya Maria is a fraud and charlatan, she is not an authentic "High" priestess of Palo Mayombe or Orisha traditions it is Taboo for women to be "High" Priestess's in these African Traditions, but she also fails to explain her lineages or authentic information on her fake website.
she ripped me off for $2, 000 and many of my friends for thousands of dollars thinking that she was authentic and refered by her business partner "Hope" who i actually think is her.
but later after having no results from everyone including myself we found out that she was a fraud, fake charlatan exploiting the religion of Palo Mayombe and Santeria so i went out on a quest to find out the truth about these religions and i found out the deal.
Thank goodness i found a Real Palo Mayombe and Orisha Priest that helped me fix everything, i found a Tata Nganga and Oba Oriete in Orisha Traditions in Santeria that explained to me what makes this person Yaya Maria unauthentic and a fake, so i asked Yaya Maria about her Lineage line, Name of her Munanso Congo, Initation title and name and who gave her it, and Location along with her Initiation date, name and title and who her God parents are who initiated her, she failed to comply
she wouldn't provide it with me until several other people started to question this and then they all asked her also and she proved to be FALSE!
she made up some garbage that was all lies and non verified we contacted several authentic sources including the National African Religious Congress and Afro Caribbean studies group in Puerto Rico who all confirmed that Yaya Maria is a fake and a charlatan, most times these priests do not make websites like this and try to sell services over the phone, in most cases they need to be done in person and in front of the alters IN PERSON they dont use websites like she is doing.
she calls herself a "Yaya Nganga",
there is NO SUCH level of initiation in the religion for Women and tradition of Palo Mayombe, women are not allowed to be high priestess's and cannot perform ceremonies alone in this religion of Palo mayombe because this is reserved ONLY for a male priest called a Tata Nganga
the word Yaya Nganga means Mother of the sacred alters, a women cannot build these alters and cannot initiate new members so how can she have this fake title she made up?
there have never been Yaya Nganga's in Palo Mayombe for thousands of years... EVER!.. this is an invention of this fraudster named Yaya Maria who is a complete fake!
it is a complete taboo for women to perform ceremonies alone without a Tata Nganga (Male Priest) in Palo Mayombe which means she is not a high priestess and not a Yaya Nganga, she is unable to provide legitimate ceremonies and cannot even provide information about her lineage line, rama, names and munanso names and locations.
Woman cannot become the high priest in the religion of Palo mayombe and calling herself a Yaya Nganga's is incorrect because there is no such initiation title for women.
this is only reserved for Male Priesthood initiations where ONLY the Male Priest can become a high priest in Both Palo Mayombe and Santeria Traditions where they can perform Initiations, naming, rituals and sacrificial ceremonies in the religion of Palo Mayombe
The reason why is because women have a menstrual cycle and give birth to children, Palo Mayombe deals with energies of the Dead and sacrificial ceremonies Women cannot offer sacrificial rituals ever and these ceremonies require a Tata or Male Priest in the religion to perform them, because women bleed monthly and spirits cannot differentiate the difference of lifeforce energy in them and the dead, it is considered unclean to the spirits for women to touch or perform rituals without a Male Priest present, a women is not allowed to posses the Nganga's which are the sacred alters alone because a Tata Nganga must perform all these rituals and lead ceremonies so she is lying, fake and a charlatan.
i found this out from a real Palo Mayombe Priest that i now work with and became very close with, who explained to me about what is authentic and what is not, he explained to me about the lineage lines, initiations and locations of Munanso Congo's to authenticate who is legitimate and who is not each munanso has a location and name confirmation in its title and from this a "family" or tribe associated with it along with the branch and tribe they are associated with, it also includes the names of the Initiating priests and validates who is authentic and who is not because there are only 7 lineage lines and they must match the locations and family names in order to prove legitimacy .
She has a completely anonymous website, no listed phone number, no address, and SCAMS people using this forum called spsreviewforum.com where Hope and Yaya Maria are the same person!
if this person is authentic why the need for such anonymity? hiding ?
Why no information?
Because she is a fraud who scams people and is not authentic!
You decide yourself below is my friends account with both scam sites spsreviewforum.com and orishaashe.com who are both working with each other and hosted on the same hosting company
This was an Actual Account by my friend who also got ripped off by Yaya Maria OrishaAshe.com :
I got SCAMMED by the "Spells, Psychics, Spirits Review Forum" www.spsreviewforum.com and www.orishaashe.com
Yaya Maria is a fake and charlatan
Hope is a Liar and fraud!
they both work together and SCAM PEOPLE!
Hope the founder is illegally performing what is called Racketeering and
defamation of character and will be pursued legally along with her
business affiliated websites and partners.
98% of the posts on
that forum are FAKE ID's made up from Other Psychic websites or herself
and fellow administrators psychics she is affiliated with and getting
paid from which we could characterize as illegal racketeering and also
Hope SPSReviewForum
Jan 25, 2012
rip off & scam
Wow, I did not know that HostMonster and BlueHost were the same company, please check your sources, the address listed for both sites is the address for Fast Domains, the agency that supplies the private registrations services, address shared by thousands of sites, Google it. Your proofs and facts are as misleading as your accusations, this is defamation and libel, hope your attorney can advise you.
But lets the truth be heard, stop the trash talk and give facts, I think everyone deserves to know the name and location of the circuit court where you filling your "full legal class action lawsuit 14-9742-D" and the name of your attorney, anything else is just trash talk and vague accusations. Facts without attacks or offenses, we are getting tired of your dirty campaigns, your insults and your lies.
The SPSreviewfroum.com does not sell anything, we are a FREE FORUM, the largest donation ever received from an individual member was $50.00, I have PayPal account records to prove it, not trash talk, hard copy records that will stand in any court of law.
In regards to Yaya Maria, it is one of the oldest discussions in the forum, members have been sharing their experiences with her (good and bad) for the last year, there has been a lot of controversy because she turns some cases down, if she was a fake, I am sure members would have exposed her long ago.
spsreviewforum scam
Jan 26, 2012
rip off & scam
Hope your lies have been exposed!
You think you are safe on your anonymous listing with your website hosting?
what do you think will happen when law enforcement agencies serve the warrants to your ISP and Hosting company for your detailed information to appear in court?
Do you think you will be safe then?
Whats the matter you cant read the researched information that was provided above?
we contacted several sources to link Yaya Maria and you together and label you both frauds, real Priests can also account that she is a fake scam artist that you are promoting using your scam forum spsreviewforum.com
there are several hundred reasons people have labeled you and your review site as a scam and you have been caught in several lies you have been caught lying in your private messages, Ebay comments and emails and this is illegal racketeering, defamation, slander, libel, blackmail, illegal monopoly marketing, and about 40 other criminal violations along with 15 other cyber crimes that you are responsible for and will have to give explicit details of your account soon in a court of law and let all the people that you have scammed testify on the prosecutions behalf, you potentially could be looking at many years in prison for all of these crimes and scams that have been exposed.
if you read that account above which just gave you authentic reasons why Yaya Maria is a fake and why you are both working to scam people together. there are multiple members that have your messages from you on Ebay and your website spsreviewforum.com that can verify the fact that you are a liar,
anyone can make separate accounts on paypal and separate accounts on your Ebay and have multiple email accounts you are a pro at scamming people and hiding on the internet arent you?
The simple fact is we know about your other Accounts also.
but you are having a difficult time hiding your IP address, ISP and MAC Address which is being monitored by the authorities as we speak people aren't as stupid as you assume they are and we are on to your new psychic scam that you have going on, my suggestion to you is get a GOOD LAWYER!
You're going to need it after the F.B.I and government law enforcement agencies serve there paperwork to you and those parties involved in your scam site, soon enough you will have your chance to prove yourself in a court after the Law officals pull the files off your computer, link up your Accounts, ISP, hosting and IP Address information and MAC address to link you directly to this Scam directly using forensic data specialists
after you have been issued a warrant and seizure of your assets and computer while this investigation is going on i hope that hope has t he decency to has been served to you personally and puts everything together after this cyber crime investigation and brings you to prosecution in a criminal court of law.
Hope SPSReviewForum
Jan 26, 2012
rip off & scam
why are you accusing me of what you have been doing for so many years ?
Sure I am waiting for your attorney or anyone to contact me, I have pages and pages of data they will love to take a look at.
I do not make false accusations, we am still waiting for the name and location of the circuit court where you have filled your "class action lawsuit".
If what you say is true, If your case against me is so strong, I am sure you will not have any problem presenting this information to a neutral 3rd party. Stop making threats and show your face.
I am ready to meet you anytime and expose your scams and false accusations.
Tomorrow I am contacting Ray Meseroll AKA Dr Fila on at: www.hottopixradio.com email : djdrfila@gmail.com, phone: 443-677-1212, show call in line: 443-602-8995.
I will give him all the information and facts and I am willing to present my side of the story, if you can do the same we can set a date for the show and bring an end to this nonsense.
Talk to you soon.
spsreviewforum scam
Jan 26, 2012
rip off & scam
Hope SPSReviewForum
Jan 29, 2012
rip off & scam
Haters only hate the things that they can't get and the people they can't be.
This will be my last post about the SpsReviewForum.com on this board, any further update and comments will be posted on the SPS Review Forum, this has gone long enough:
Anyone interested in finding the truth behind these attacks, visit and read the forum. We have exposed many scammers and we will continue to do so, lies and defamation will not stop us, intelligent consumers can find the truth, the SPS Review Forum is NOT GOING ANYWHERE! Scammers are our motivators!!!
We know at least one person behind these attacks, not anonymous any longer, and it is not an innocent consumer, it is not a victim of Hope, and it is a victimizer, it is a spellcaster exposed in the forum. Now everyone knows where all the lies come from and why.
Enclosed is a capture of the statements posted on the website www.therealwitchdoctor.com on January 26, 2012, of course it was changed few days later, but our members found the page and took captures of it.
The SPS Review Forum is being attacked for letting people say the truth, our members are being threatened, intimidated and blackmailed, but it will not stop us, at the end JUSTICE WILL PREVAIL. If anyone wants to know the truth, please visit the forum and join our discussions.
Any future references to so called lawsuits and vague criminal investigations should include the names of the courts or jurisdictions where they can be verified, or else it is just trash talk, not credible or verifiable.
I am Hope and I am done with all the lies. Visit the forum and see for yourself. I am just Hope. Any updates can be found in the forum:
Defamation Campaign against the SPSReviewForum
SPS Review Forum
Spells Psychics and Spirits Review Forum
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