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Learned lesson
Feb 22, 2012
Vacation trap
"Can'tputmyfingeronit" is absolutey correct in what he says about BTTC. We had / have the same issues with this company. His complaint is a carbon copy of ours in just about every detail and circumstance. We contacted all the appropriate agencies to obtain a refund but so far nothing has transpired. It has been a year since we contacted the PA Attorney General 's office. The PA AG office forwarded complaint to FL AG office and so far we have heard nothing.
To top it all off we received a call on 02/17/2012 from a representative of BTTC asking why we have not booked / used our "vacation package". We had the rep on speaker so we both could hear what he was saying. After asking his question, we proceeded to inform him of our problems with his company. We found it to be humorous and really sad that he had no knowledge of our problems with BTTC. Seems like the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing. This seems typical of companies like this, aka "scam artists".
Learned Lesson
Feb 22, 2012
Vacation trap
Just by way of an update, I have submitted complaints with the Florida Attorney General's Office, Better Business Bureau and the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (the agency that licenses BTTC to sell travel). I just received a final notification from BBB yesterday as follows: "You have indicated that you are NOT satisfied with the business' response in the matter.
However, in the judgment of BBB, the company's response is reasonable. Although, we realize that you may still feel the matter is not resolved, we have closed the case. Your complaint will remain on file for 3 years and be reported to the public as disputed by the consumer." For the record, BTTC's offer was to extend my contract or give me more stays or something like that.. It didn't really address the fact that I wouldn't trust them to book my next oil change, let alone a vacation stay in a foreign country.
I have a feeling that what BBB really WANTED to say was: "You're the dope who gave out his credit card number over the phone to some clown who told you that you that you had to make an immediate decision while he was recording the call. Didn't that strike you as odd behaviour for a supposedly legitimate company? You deserve what you got, dummy!" If they had said that, I am sorry to say that they would have been absolutely correct.
Clearly, given the way BTTC conducts business, they know all the tricks to avoid giving refunds and it's doubtful that they care about their rating with the BBB or they would have changed something by now. Besides, by the time people figure things out, it's usually too late (as it was for me). My hope is that most people will Google them when they're on the phone getting the sales pitch and find this site. I also want to be sure that, if indeed they have a pattern of poor behaviour with regard to dealing with customer complaints, that it is documented in as many places as possible - I have long sinced kissed that money goodbye and have already planned and partially booked my next two vacations in 2012.
One step I have not yet taken is to contact my cruise line (and probably others as well) to suggest that they warn their guests about filling out contest forms during shore excursions. I will probably get to that in the next week or so. Coming back to this site after getting a notification of your post reminded me to do that :)
Learned lesson
Feb 22, 2012
Vacation trap
We also have booked our 2012 vacation - with a reputable cruise line. We have had no issues with any of the arrangements. Between our travel agent and the online services all has gone well.
Even last years vacation went very well. This was after the runaround and BS from BTTC . Reputable companies care about their customers.
We can hope the authorities will end this scam. In the end BTTC will get what they deserve. I believe stealing is against the 7th commandent but apparently it only applies to honest people.
Cantputmyfingeronit - good luck!!
Feb 22, 2012
Vacation trap
is it any good?
who is jane summer?
is it a fake name perchance?
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