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United States, Louisiana


MudBug Daddy
Dec 9, 2011

They don't pay their technicians!

Barrister in business to make a profit, whats your point
Try being a Field Service Engineer for a major MRI company instead of a computers, printers and copiers slave.
I'm getting $120, 000 tax free...Really have zero computer skills. Now I have zero bills.
Life is good, no comment Rick

Rick Peyton
Dec 9, 2011

They don't pay their technicians!

You are also full of shit. Liars are bad enough. But liars that can't even keep their lies straight are the worst. Now get off the computer before your mommy comes home from work, MudBuggy.

MudBug Daddy
Dec 10, 2011

They don't pay their technicians!


Let me share some info, Rick you just a born loser, we need people like you, we need folks to wash my dishes, mow my grass, walk my dog and carry my wife grocery to car. Forgot, make $35 for a days working for Barrister.

Working in another country...

Got 2 months of paid training in a Florida, 1 month in Kuwait just to get ready for this assignment, been here to 1 month.
If you check the the last time I loggon until now...Do the Math

Yes, $120, 000 tax free, housing and food paid for...
Couple of draw back, this place is like a prison, no pussy, family, alcohol or TV...You eat great, sleep and work 12hr a day 6 days a week.

At this point, my wife lookin at all those 0000000 in banking account
Free health care, if anything happen to me my wife gets $500, 000
Why lie... I could care less about your opinion.

MudBug Daddy
Dec 10, 2011

They don't pay their technicians!


There a trash man pickup job in Blue Ash with your name...better run down and get before your father or sister beat you to it

ill put the word in at Blue Ash city hall that good old boy Rick coming down for this opportunity to pickup the city trash.

MudBug Daddy
Dec 10, 2011

They don't pay their technicians!

One of the logistics vendor im dealin with Rick, look it up lol

AL Naji Castle Logistics and Transportation
Mobile: +964 (0) 7901894517 (IRAQNA)
+964 (0) 7809173868 (ZAIN IQ)
Email : [email protected]
website :www.alnajicastle.com

Dec 10, 2011

They don't pay their technicians!

"I'm getting $120, 000 tax free...Really have zero computer skills. Now I have zero bills. "

a while back you had mentioned to get out of the computer business and let the computer techs such as yourself, that know what they are doing, take all the business. or, something along those lines. also you boasted about how you could turn out many of the shittastic jobs that barrister offered for easy money...now, you contradict your own statement saying that you really have no clue of what you are doing with a computer.

Paul Vance
Dec 11, 2011

They don't pay their technicians!

@ MudBug - You are obviously unaware just how much a waste management collector makes. Saw a show last night and one segment featured New jersey refuse collectors, the one guy they interviewed pulls down 6 figures a year picking up and hauling trash for the boroughs.

MudBug Daddy
Dec 11, 2011

They don't pay their technicians!


I been out the computer world for a while...I wipe my azz with my computer certs...Over a period of time I have turn down 98% of Barrister calls
Computers is more then changin a Mother board on a dell or hp box...You have POS system, NOC's, cisco, UNix, Linux, Solaris, Sun boxes with software that used for differ apps...What I wrote is nothing...you need a library.
Barrister is a break fix company...In the computer world, low in
The money is in Biomedical...During 1999 W2K, you made money, get out the computer world while you can...McDon pays more.

MudBug Daddy
Dec 11, 2011

They don't pay their technicians!


Little pissed and very sorry I brought up the topic on waste management
I respect the hell out waste management collectors...You smart enough to those know jobs being sub out to illegal aliens.
Workers need to be paid, they earn every penny.
Waste Management system is broken and we need to fix it by hiring Americans like in New jersey.
PAID THEM, keep those greety azz fat cat contractor form buyin another Jet.

MudBug Daddy
Dec 11, 2011

They don't pay their technicians!

Barrister in bussiness to make money...Get that in your head...listen

Weird crap we learn...You don't say hey or shake a national left hand, It an insult...because they don't uses toilet paper.
Fill in the blank. There a reason why they wear those sheets like a dress. They don't let their butts touch the toilet seat.
We had to learn all this crap in Fla...lol...Tons of do s and dont

Again if you can get a job overseas... tell American to kiss your azz until the contract run out lol
Oversea is were all of your tax dollars been spend...After 5 year, our Gov will hand over the the keys to this place after spending billions

I'm so fuckin pissed and cant do a dam thing about it

Paul Vance
Dec 11, 2011

They don't pay their technicians!

@ MudBug - It's all good. I respect you for your apology, not many people can or will own up online.

MudBug Daddy
Dec 12, 2011

They don't pay their technicians!


Life is good for me and my family, some people in a spiral of no return, in the bottom of a crab bucket...
Let them fall in deep hole of stupid, you cant save everyone

Honest…came from a broken home in a small town where my dad was one of the town drunks. Mom had 6 kids and did the best she can…..Didn’t care about High School until it was too late…..Been in so form of schooling for twenty years and learning something…..Like training in Florida for two months and Kuwait for one for this assignment…worked for 4 major corporation and one for 20 years…. Don’t have a degree in nothing…
Ive Been bless my whole life because of god….yes there is a god

One thing i can write is, Don’t quit…kept fighting haters until you DIE.

Jan 11, 2012

Fraud, Refuse to Pay

Same thing I was wondering...what and why?

Way Out West
Jan 17, 2012

They don't pay their technicians!

Nothing has changed. No pay since July of last year. Their employees are very very nasty.

Jan 22, 2012

They don't pay their technicians!

BTW JBFIREBIRD is one of the owners of this corrupt company

Jan 22, 2012

They don't pay their technicians!

i dont know where you got your facts from, but they are obviously skewed

Paul Vance
Jan 22, 2012

They don't pay their technicians!

jbfirebird also owns the banks and the Brooklyn bridge. ;)

Mar 12, 2012

Fraud, Refuse to Pay

There are a couple of facts to consider:
1. I am a Barrister technician.
2. Barrister manages hundreds if not thousands of technicians nationwide.
3. Barrister manages private & government accounts nationwide.
4. Barrister welcomes new accounts everyday.
5. Barrister welcomes new technicians everyday.
6. There are thousands of phone calls and emails that require complete follow-up for the call center everyday.
I have done work on the field along with my fellow technicians. To tell the VERY TRUTH, most COMPUTER GEEK WANNABE are VERY clumsy and most of the time you do not know what you are doing. Barrister pissed me off a couple of times. But is it their fault? NO! It is their way of operating a business and there is a reason behind everything.

I am not a big fan of you technicians out there trying to trash Barrister. Yes they MIGHT NOT BE ABLE TO BABYSIT you like a LOCAL BUSINESS would. Yes you go to work for McDonald's and you get paid every week for doing things that other people want to do. Working for Barrister is a privilege. You're working unsupervised, therefore, be wise and do it right. Comply with their rules and get paid.
Base on the workload at Barrister. Do you expect Barrister to babysit you? NO! Working on the field unsupervised, Barrister has to VERIFY if the work is done - using different methods - before a technician is paid for that job. If you need assistance to learn the rule, just contact them and they'll work with you! Good luck.

Mar 12, 2012

Fraud, Refuse to Pay

On a professional level of I.T. that still doesn't answer the question as to WHY they refused to pay mpgenaw1985 here?!
Yes they manages thousands of techs
Yes they manages thousands of accounts
But that doesn't mean that they should stall any honest tech doing their work from getting paid! If they have to VERIFY that the work was completed and the issue was resolved there should be no delay after verifying that along with ensuring that the customer was satisfied in order to pay the technician. Working unsupervised in I.T. doesn't mean you should be delayed in getting paid for what you do. The problem comes from payroll or up top if there is any delay in receiving a paycheck (example: Pomeroy I.T. solutions)
If you don't expect Barrister to babysit you...then don't expect to get paid on time. Following-up and communication in I.T. is of the utmost importance...why would any nationwide services company neglect to do any of that with any of their employees?

Mar 13, 2012


I have done 2 jobs for barrister and will never do one again. I was called March 2012 to replace a motherboard. Easy enough, done those. Got to the location and motherboard there and proceeded to pull out old motherboard and replace with new. got cpu ready and installed motherboard. When I turned the computer on nothing. Called their tech support and they had already left for the day yet it was only 7pm pst. which is 9 cst in which they say they have technicians till 10:30. I had no choice but to leave and come back the next day of which I was told I would not get paid. The cost I would receive was only 35 dollars plus downloading 50+ pages of their instructions and burning 3 cds. I went back the second day and went through their procedure to check the power supply which it turned out was fine. Now I have refused to go back a 3rd time without pay and they say they won't pay me at all even for the time I spent. This organization are shisters to get techs work for pennies and not nearly what they are worth. I suggested they replace the cpu and found out that is what they are doing. they pay no gas costs even though gas is over 4:00 a gallon where I live. Never do business with Barrister.

Mar 25, 2012

They don't pay their technicians!

Thats a great idea... barrister owes me several hundred dollars at this point and is constantly late. i have listened to outright fabrications from Gery Solis. Something that i read in PAYISSUES comment was simply not correct or true. they state "Once the technician accepts the rate, the technician is emailed dispatch paperwork where the rate is clearly specified. That paperwork including the rate serves as the agreement between Barrister and the technician. " That statement is incorrect according to law. Case being that when we accept the job and the CRS goes thru that script that qualifies their terms and requirements for completion of the job. all the rules, mention of the 100 dollar fines etc. ... That is the original contractual agreement between barrister and the technician...!!!
They are bound by that agreement by law!
i just wanted to mention that...as far as late payments and failure to honor agreements ...i am going to be invoicing barrister for late payments and i will make every effort to enforce equal 100.00 dollar fines on barrister global services network, INC.

ok i'll say it for you guys... i know its what your thinking..."good luck with that"

i'll keep throwing things until something sticks...that's all i can say to answer that...best of luck guys apparently there are many technicians in the same boat that i am in.

Barrister Global Services Network
Jan 26, 2015

Corporate Response

As a long standing corporation, in business for over 35 years, we take pride in a successful and ethical operation. Thousands of technicians and hundreds of customers enjoy long-standing, successful relationships with Barrister. If a technician has a concern involving payment, he/she should email [email protected]. If a customer or vendor has a concern, he/she should contact management via our company website www.barrister.com.

Mar 25, 2015

Corporate Response

Please share with me how to get off your emails spam list.
Your crap emails is filling up email account.
I'm sick of hanging up your rude customer service rep soliciting for me to work for free.
I begged your customer service tech to take me off your database.

You people act like a cult, living dead, crack head living on your sofa, Scientology and a sister with 6 kids done move in your house.

Please tell me how to get off your calling and emails spam list

Mar 25, 2015

Corporate Response

I'm mudbug daddy / mudbug5653

Your company soliciting me to working as a FS Tech is a nightmare .
Your emails after emails about crap your company ripping off Techs is sick.
The last one about no negotiation on trip charge almost made me vomit. You only deal with retards and morons.
Anyone with common sense would hang-up or cuss your silly azz out.
How could you people sleep at night?

I'm a busy man have zero time to delete your spam email or hang up on your people - please send me a way out is this Bannister cult/gang.

Mar 25, 2015

Corporate Response

Like many of your services [email protected], your tech website, pay within 30 days, deactivation of email doesn't work...
Please help me get off your mailing list.


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