Books-A-Million |
United States, Maryland |
Consumer reviews about Books-A-Million |
Dec 22, 2011
No Holiday Return Policy
Because they totally want you to read the book and then return it, much like Walmart wants you to "rent" their televisions during superbowl weekend.
Dec 22, 2011
No Holiday Return Policy
Who are you WGassss? The book cop?
Dec 22, 2011
No Holiday Return Policy
Why are you trying to return Christmas gifts 3 days before Christmas? If the person they were purchased for does not want them, donate them to a worthy organization.
Dec 22, 2011
No Holiday Return Policy
This complaint is ridiculous.
Dec 22, 2011
No Holiday Return Policy
This complaint is ridiculous.
I totally agree. And yes badabing, I am the book cop, the teller and manager at your local bank, the scrawny brace-faced cashier at your local Wendy's, the manager at Target as well as Home Depot, the customer service rep for all the major internet and phone companies and a mediator for the BBB all at the same time.
Dec 22, 2011
No Holiday Return Policy
The books where returned because specific books were purchased for a present for my Aunt. Totalling $49. The same books were purchased by another member of my family. We didn't know she gave us both the same Ideas for Christmas. Is that ok with you book cop? Probably not, cause you're the type that likes to comment on things you know nothing about.
Dec 23, 2011
No Holiday Return Policy
Actually BAM's return policy is 60 days during the holidays and 14 days the rest of the year. Did you have a receipt or a gift receipt? That is required for all returns, unless you are a Millionaires Club member. If you are having problems, call the customer service line (800-205-3100) and they can help you get it sorted out. I work for the company.
Dec 24, 2011
No Holiday Return Policy
Yes I have the original receipt, I will call the number and hope it works out thank you. I did email the customer service and that's the reason I posted the complaint. (After I attempted to return them in the store) The response from Customer service via email was that they were sorry but 14 days is the policy regardless of if it's during the holidays. But I wall call them on Monday and see what they say.
Dec 26, 2011
No Holiday Return Policy
I bought a few things there for Christmas gifts. My receipt had the 14-day policy printed on the back, but on the front at the bottom was printed: "For returns, bring the item and this receipt back on or before 02/10/2012. Some items cannot be returned if opened."
I had to call customer service for another reason, but also asked about the apparent difference in return policy. The CS agent told me that the return period was extended for the holidays.
Dec 29, 2011
No Holiday Return Policy
That policy is only for things bought 14 days prior to Christmas. It does not go for anything bought durring Black Friday or up to 14 days before Christmas.
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