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kartik choudhary
Dec 11, 2011
Inappropriate cartoons for kids
please start inazuma eleven on cartoon network on tv as soon as you can
Aniket Lamoria
Dec 11, 2011
Inappropriate cartoons for kids
please start inazuma eleven on cartoon network on tv as soon as you can and kindly also start new series of pokemon as soon as you can
Dec 14, 2011
Inappropriate cartoons for kids
... this is not about sexual preference... Nor how you live large...
Dec 14, 2011
Inappropriate cartoons for kids
Unless you're opening your mouth to suck my d!ck, shut it troll.
Dec 18, 2011
Inappropriate cartoons for kids
Are you NUTS!
Jan 7, 2012
Inappropriate cartoons for kids
you broadcasting new programs but some of are bad some are good
pls i am asking to broad cast inazuma eleven program
piyush waychal
Feb 6, 2012
Inappropriate cartoons for kids
cartoon network india is a show just boring cartoons like bheem & tom&jerry.please back
naruto&inazuma eleven&pokemon
Feb 6, 2012
Inappropriate cartoons for kids
I would have too agree with you Mom29NY Cartoon network had lost some of the greatest cartoons made and replaced them with well crap.
Feb 10, 2012
Inappropriate cartoons for kids
Feb 10, 2012
Inappropriate cartoons for kids
You guys ar all fagets
Feb 10, 2012
Inappropriate cartoons for kids
dirty cunt
Feb 13, 2012
Inappropriate cartoons for kids
D: it's gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay BOSS22
Apr 3, 2012
Inappropriate cartoons for kids
in all these cartoons these days their are subliminal message, most of the time usually children are the ones who watch cartoons n wat they see they learn, picking up memory of the images and listening to whatever the characters say, n alot of what they show n say (i know because ive watched for years) whether the message is oppenly known or hidden silently ur child will pick and will remember even if they forget about it, instead of learning something mentally or physically productive most of all the kids in America sometime during the day watch televison, shit to the mind televison that slowly through out the years of watching it has accomidated people with weird and innapropiate events for the new world of today, disney channel, nickelodeon, cartoonnetwork, all show subliminal messages to little kids.. little kidss n the makers know that kids are going to watch, at such young ages, n also ive noticed little kids frequently acting lik certain cartoon characters n making stupid comments n such, due to what they hav learned watching these idiodic programs, ive seen little girls talking about boyfriends n makeup n also havin grown woman talks at very young ages also due to some programs on television and maybe even home learned, theirs alot of devilish demonic comments and motion pictures on adventure for example, also house of anubis has alot of subliminal messages and they always present the eye of wisdom which is on the one dollar bill, in spongebob several times ive seen the pyramid with the eye which is on the dollarbill n has a symbolic historical message n deffinately was not an accident in spongebob, theirs so much i can say but dnt hav time, i dnt hav kids im only 18, n i wud deffinetly advise parents to supervise, control the timing, or not hav my kids what these program which is wat i wud do with child, i am not lying watch n listen yourself, listen carefully..
sony vaio
Apr 9, 2012
Inappropriate cartoons for kids
please start now Inazuma eleven2 on cartoonnetwork at 02 :00am
sony vaio
Apr 9, 2012
Inappropriate cartoons for kids
start now inazuma eleven on cartoonnetwork
Apr 10, 2012
Inappropriate cartoons for kids
explain jersey shore! EXPLAIN!
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