Chet Holmes and Tony Robbins |
United States, California |
Consumer reviews about Chet Holmes and Tony Robbins |
S. Case
Feb 3, 2012
False Advertising
Chet Holmes
Business Breakthroughs International
To all members of the Complaints Board: An open letter from Chet Holmes
Dear Customer,
The vast majority of the complaints here are from people who didn’t get our free reports which are advertised widely on the radio. The common complaint is that because you didn’t receive your reports we are accused of running a bait and switch operation.
Remember, you called and left a message from your cell phone. If the signal was interrupted then we missed a digit, a letter or misunderstood your email address, you’re not going to get your free report. We send thousands of messages a day to prospects and clients and not all of those are delivered, we know that. Yet we strive to get every one correct, sometimes calling back to make sure we have your email address correct. But sometimes that’s not enough.
Many of our emails are lost in spam filters, or sitting in junk folders. Our system is extremely automated and therefore we send everything the minute the request comes in. When you call and speak to a live representative, they are trained to type in your email address and get those free reports sent out immediately.
Our reports are awesome; we WANT you to get them. We WANT you to get our free training program. If you do, you will want more. There’s no incentive for us NOT to send them. Our entire operation is built on giving away our fantastic information so you want to learn even more.
For years, we’ve had thousands of clients come through our master training sessions and walk away having identified hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars in new ideas and initiatives. If you would like to experience that for yourself, come take one of our CEO Master classes and see what you are missing.
The other type of complaint here is from ex-staff members. They answered one of our ads for employment and were dropped from our program for non-performance. What more can I say. We hire only the best and the rest can find other employment. We have that right and we exercise it every day. We train our clients to do the same and we offer powerful techniques through our master classes on how to hire only the best. We would never compromise our own values and sometimes people don’t like to be fired, no one does, but would you keep non-performing staff?
I have been in business for over 20 years. I have the best team of people on the planet that serve our client’s needs and deliver to them cutting edge information and materials. I back every single thing we do with my personal guarantee. And I want to state publicly, right here and right now, that if anyone has ever been dissatisfied with our products, they simply contact us and we resolve it. I go crazy if there is even one unhappy person.
So, in closing, I know it’s easy to scan through some bad press, and get a tainted first impression. But if you are serious about wanting to grow your business with real research that’s worth its weight in gold, then by all means, listen to our clients. And, if you have not yet received your own free reports, go to our website and under “contact” just tell US your issues and I guarantee we will solve it (unless you are a crazy person and yes, we do get a few of those every year with the amount of calls we receive on a daily basis).
Chet Holmes
Mar 21, 2012
False Advertising
Most people need 'some kind' of motivation to do the right thing, take the next step ect. I don't care what program you use if the motivation works for you, and you get value for what ever total $$$$ you spend then it works. Don't know Tony Robbins but I do know Chet Holmes. He is an AMAZING person. He is also in the fight of his life with cancer. Say a prayer if you please.
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