Writ of Garnishment
I was never served any summons..My husband got one, the papers stated
John Doe ANA Jane Doe (Real names used.) I did not think they can sue me or my husband with that..but they did, they took all our money out of or accounts $2055.44 and our joint account for 3.62. They left us with not a dime in the our account . They left us no money fo food or money for insulin, that resulted in our house payment bouncing, we are in loan modifaction. This a nightmare. Daniel Gordon has bought 3 credit cards.. We are in trouble...His last letter is demand for 8100.00. It might as well be for 8 million. The one card he sued and won we never got anything about a court date..When will the put a stop to this..I guess if you don't answer they win ??? When was I supoosed to show up for court..Someday someone will put a stop this guy.