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Dec 25, 2011
Amazing that people believe anything they read on the net. Buying a company, re-branding it, and building up a successful business is a good thing, not a paranoid bad thing.
Do a background check on Michael James Sweaney and see if he has ever been convicted of ANY CRIME. Anyone can be charged 15 years ago, but this is America, people are innocent until proven guilty. This is why we had no problem acquiring this fantastic product.
There are no business' that do not have, I don't know how to describe them, people that only want to cause trouble, see attached real complaint against the criminal making these lies.
Jan 4, 2012
#1 Michael James Sweaney was arrested for SEVERAL FELONIES for securities fraud as well as an ATM scam & yes infact he was convicted in Carson City Nevada, in 1998 he was sentenced for securities fraud to 12-32 months in The Nevada State Prison & his sentence was converted to 2 years probation from June 1998-June 2000.If you don't believe me you can contact the parol & probation board in Cason City Nevada. 775 684-2669
#2 Michael James Sweaney is the same man who now calls himself Michael P Ryan coo of scientific USA INC. I don't know about anyone else but I know I have never used another name other than my own, have you ?BTW using someone else's name other than your own & signing legal documents in someone else's name other than your own is clearly done to mislead & scam people & that is nothing short of a crime not to mention it makes any contract worthless.
#3 Michael James Sweaney/Michael P Ryan would like to make people think that all the complaints are just from one person but that is clearly not the case.I assume their are SEVERAL other victims of his but most people don't pursue it because what this man does is, when he is confronted with this information from victims he threatens to sue you for slander & ruining his name(hasn't he done that very well on his own?)as well as victims are embarrassed they got scammed or don't have the time or the energy to pursue it.
#4 My main reason for doing this it to prevent other innocent people from becoming a victim of this man so BEWARE & DO YOUR HOMEWORK BEFORE DOING BUSINESS WITH ANYONE & ESPECIALLY SENDING ANYONE YOUR HARD EARNED MONEY !!!
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