Field Assets Services |
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Consumer reviews about Field Assets Services |
a Va Realtor
Mar 3, 2012
refused to pay for work done
I am a Va Realtor and found a FIELD ASSET SERVICES letter on the door of one of my short sale listings. Letter basically threatened that someone would be back to winterize the home. Here in Virginia, we call that breaking and entering. Bank has NOT taken property back and its listed for sale. Any forced entry is against the law and I know how to dial 911.
Mar 3, 2012
refused to pay for work done
Here in MI we are an eviction state. So if we see any personals we walk away whether it's a $20 or $1000 item (at least my crew). If it's for sale, we don't enter or do any work. I think the state laws you are working in supersedes what a work order from another state says. Lots of times we call in and they still tell us to do the work. "Protect and Preserve" is the new saying.
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