Flexicom dba Wireless |
United States, Florida |
Consumer reviews about Flexicom dba Wireless |
Jan 19, 2012
Verizon Wireless
I know what you said brother i also worked at that location for about five month and i was the one that got all of the Orlando store into the law suit for over time pay and we won the case thank God. i hope this company gets shut down by the court.
Jan 19, 2012
Verizon Wireless
I remember hearing your name when I was employed there briefly. I too have been contacted by the attorneys out of Ohio. I'm not ashamed of the factual statements above, because they are 100% true. Verizon needs to seriously tighten their requirements in regards to ethical business practices for their indirect, premium retailer program. Down here in Florida there appears to be a surplus of integrity challenged Verizon Wireless Premium Retailer Agents. Shame on them. I'm glad you got out when you did, and I hope the legal resolutions provided to you were ample enough to shine some light on the "darkness" you experienced at Flexicom.
Jan 22, 2012
Verizon Wireless
This is very important. If you purchase a handset and return it, that handset MUST be sent back to be reconditioned or returned to the manufacturer for reconditioning or defective status. Once an ESN (Electronic Serial Number) (ie. handset) is assigned to an account, that handset is deemed used. That means that handset's warranty follows the rules of only being valid on the original account it was activated on at the time of it being brand new. If a retailer such as Flexicom chooses to return the handset five minutes after it was activated on an account, that handset no longer has a warranty. This is regular knowledge to all retailers. The handset also does not qualify for a MIR (mail in rebate). Flexicom does not inform their customers of this, and believe me when I tell you they receive plenty of handsets in return; specifically because of their business practices to not list prices, and overcharge customers for their handsets. Verizon does have the autonomy to choose to carry-over the warranty from another account, but their system prohibits them from doing so in a manner that will require you to explain your case every single time you have an issue with your handset. They can remark the account with a priority remark, but realize this is their choice, not yours. Their policy is that there is no warranty, and you have the choice to purchase insurance coverage on your handset. Realize that the insurance requires a deductible for any handset. Typically you will pay $50-$75 for a basic feature handset to be replaced, up to $200 for an iPhone style handset. The point I'm making is that Verizon's rep, Lisa was informed, as well as the District and Regional Managers of Flexicom. A simply audit of their handset ESNs will show the practice of new handsets being returned, and then sold again as new even though they are used, will prove this is taking place. It will be interesting to see if a significant fine will be assessed to Flexicom again for their deceptive business practices.
Flexicom Employee
Feb 12, 2012
Verizon Wireless
I see alot of complaints against this company and it makes me wonder-
Are you just angry because you could'nt cut it in a required sales position?
I currently work for flexicom and very satisfied with my treatment.
1st your complaining about over time pay on your salary job? So you worked a few hours over time - That shows your commitment and leadership that you are willing to put in time to hit monthly goal. If you worked for the nfl as an athlete do you do the bare minimum or would you stay late and practice? Staying late and coming in early shows DRIVE. Something you obviously dont have.
I never complained about working alot because the company doesnt complain about you taking time off. If someone calls out sick or leaves early or late or takes 3 days off YOU STILL GET PAID SALARY AND DID NOT WORK. So how can you complain about not getting paid an hour or two in over time. Did Flexicom say hey you called out sick so your not getting paid? NO because it is a salary position. You cant take and not give.
Also about shady ness? There is no shady ness it is a great retailer that empowers you to either be high in integrity or a lazy bum that cannot close sales. Its up to you how the customer is treated not the company- they intrust you to be a role model employee- Im sure you were interviewed and displayed good characteristics which is why you got the job, but if you fall short of what the discription is then of course you will get cut. Fired, layed off... If you want a easy job to customer service. Not SALES.
Personally. I have been with the company 1 year and so far I have been given 3 raises- from $1600 a month now to $2500 month.
ALSO Im a store manager. Why? Because I work hard and make points. I sell and make the customer happy. You get what you put in, You bust your butt for them they will take care of you. Thats how ALL BUSINESS'S Work. On one occasion I did not hit our monthly goal and was in financial trouble, the company GAVE me $1000.00 bonus to help me out.
They take care of you personally- Its a family. So please stop trying to damage the employees and company with your negative experience. I understand you are sour because you probally got let go- But if you were valuable would you have gotten let go? DID YOU DO EVERYTHING you could to be a good leader or sales person? Prob not... There are plenty of hungry candidates out there that are willing to take your spot, so if your not up to par dont take it so rough... Find a job that better fits your personality -
If you dont have a goal to work hard and get promoted then you wont be. Youll be below average in any sales job without that fire and desire to do well. Good luck in your new career paths.
Feb 12, 2012
Verizon Wireless
The law seems to say differently in regards to so-called salaried exempt positions when the rate of pay falls below minimum wage for hours worked. Case in point, the class action suit against FlexicoN to which hundreds of employees have signed. No matter how hard you try to polish a turd, it's still a turd.
Feb 12, 2012
Verizon Wireless
Oh an in reference to you stating INCORRECTLY that the company pays when you have time off, not true. They deduct the days missed. Multiple employees have records of this taking place, specifically one I worked with that went to the hospital for heart failure and the four days this employee missed were deducted from her so-called salary. The legal complaint isn't without merit. If you are a current or former employee and got screwed by this company, feel free to call Telephone: (513) 345-4700
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