Forrester UK Holdings LLC |
United Kingdom |
Consumer reviews about Forrester UK Holdings LLC |
JB Wales
Feb 14, 2012
Debt collection problems
Have cancelled my contract due to ill health! They have already started to threaten me with court proceddings! I cancelled my Direct Debit straight away thankfully. Will have to wait and see what happens next??? JB Wales
G Snow
Mar 19, 2012
Fraudulent claims for money
Don't know if this will help in any way, but we have had an awful time with this shocking company Forrester Holdings. We sent back their (faulty) equipment and paid them up to date. But we get bill after bill demanding money (amount increasing all the time) and have sent in several complaints letters which they never acknowledge in any way. They are just disgusting bullies!!!
So now, each time they send in another demanding letter, I am sending them an invoice for the the custom we lost due to their equipment not working. I will increase this amount on a regular basis (which is what they threaten us with) if they fail to pay up.
Any-one else having problems could possibly send them in invoices demanding money for the stress they are causing, or the time wasted in dealing with their nasty threats. Perhaps if enough of us do this they will back off.
Also, if WATCHDOG get enough complaints about them they will act on it - so if you have a moment why not email watchdog?!
Good luck
G Snow
Mar 19, 2012
Fraudulent claims for money
That should read - 'don't know' at the beginning of the previous post. Sorry typing error!
Jul 1, 2012
forrester holdings
i rented a terminal from lloyds tsb cardnet who in turn sold it to forrester holdings.In sept 2011 i had a phone call from them to say my terminal was obsolete and i needed a new one and i had to sign another 4 yr contract.i was a bit suspicious so after asking for a printed copty of the contract i decided not to proceed,that was in nov 2011.I advised them that i was cancelling my subscription and cancelled my direct debit.since then every 3 months i have a bill for the rental on my machine,i have sent letters to slough including recorded delivery ones i have emailed customer services dozens of times with no reply,tried ringing them numerous times to no avail.i have now contacted trading standards who advised me to keep copies of all the letters and emails and said that i was doing everything that could be done.Thats all very well but its hard
enough running your own small business without having all this added stress.roselia1966
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