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United States, Minnesota

Consumer reviews about IMVU

Dec 23, 2011


Ive been a member of imvu for 3 years and i bought all that vip and Ap and guess what 4 weeks later imvu sent me something saying that i have just been banned and guess what a noob reported me for no reason.One day me and my buddy(swaggkiddo)were chilling at hollister beach party until some noob girl says im reporting you she said she has reported lots of people and i was like -____- what the hell these people are so disrespectful and childish so i didnt worry about it till couple weeks later imvu took all my credits and all of things from my dress up and a big note just poped up saying YOU HAVE BEEN BANNED FROM IMVU and the next day i called imvu saying it was a mistake and guess what those ass holes did they charged me 200$ just to get my account back and fix it so people dont play imvu its a piece of shet.

Jan 4, 2012


IMVUSUCKS, I have listened to your complaints and tried to be nice about it. from what your saying [which is verry little] you got banned for a reason that this "noob" [who sounds like a not noob] found offencive. You did not set up your access permissions to prevent un wanted guests from entering.
According to IMVU page: http://www.imvu.com/help/help_iframe.php?topic=TopLevelHelp they dont charge money for reactivation if you can proove you did nothing wrong. you can go to the BBB if you feel they wrongly terminated your account. again you need all relivant data to proove your the owner and own the account. i looked at oher aras of the tos and such and found no indication of a activation fee.
I also asked a friend who works for IMVU and they said "Your joking right? Someone posted we charge $200 to reactivate an account that was banned for some reason they did not do? They must be making things up. The only time we charge for anything like that is if we can't proove they actualy own the account, but we don't charge $200 for it." why not use the 2 paths I posted then complain.

Feb 15, 2012


I had an account for 3 years, VIP and AP, and a lot of stuff in my inventory. A person hacked my account ( I did not give out my password), she gave away credits and bought credits with my credit card ( I had ONE CLICK BUY function ON; stupid i know. I was thinking to remove it but too late) I wasn't expecting to be hacked ya know...luckily i noticed before she stole more from me. She bought credits for 60 dollars. I got my account back after 3 days and was happy and grateful to IMVU costumer service... BUT...like a week later, after I asked my bank to get those 60 dollars back from IMVU, IMVU disabled and banned my account due to payment fraud. I'm like WTH!!! First they help me and then they do this!!! They didn't give me a reason why they said this was a payment fraud...they just told me that if I wanted my account back, I had to pay 111 dollars. 60 dollars for the money they had to give back to me, that was MINE IN THE FIRST PLACE!!! and 50 dollars they had to pay in payback fee. What kind of crap is this????? IMVU SUCKS!!! I used a lot of money on them. They make me sound like a freaking criminal when I was the victim of a hacker. I'm so upset about this. Seriously freaking morons!!!

Feb 15, 2012


i understood everything but where you have the amp parts what exactly happend?

Feb 16, 2012


yeah sorry about that, I think what happened was after i spelled checked, this program corrected the words with an apostrophe, and the AMP showed up. And the spaces too. I dont get why it turned out this way.

I had an account for 3 years, VIP and AP, a lot of stuff in my inventory, and lots of credits. A person hacked my account ( I did not give out my password), she gave away credits and bought credits with my credit card ( I had ONE CLICK BUY function ON; stupid i know. I was thinking to remove it but too late) I wasnt expecting to be hacked ya know...luckily i noticed before she stole more from me. She bought credits for 60 dollars. I got my account back after 3 days and was happy and grateful to IMVU costumer service BUT like a week later, after I asked my bank to get those 60 dollars back from IMVU, IMVU disabled and banned my account due to payment fraud. Im like WTH!!! First they help me and then they do this!!! They didnt give me a reason why they said this was a payment fraud. They just told me that if I wanted my account back, I had to pay 111 dollars. 60 dollars for the money they had to give back to me, that was MINE IN THE FIRST PLACE!!! and 50 dollars they had to pay in payback fee. What kind of crap is this????? IMVU SUCKS!!! I used a lot of money on them. They make me sound like a freaking criminal when I was the victim of a hacker. Im so upset about this. Seriously freaking morons!!!

Feb 16, 2012


Ok now i can see the order of the events. 1st off it sounds like to me you took too long to request the money back. I belive I recall from a chat [it has been about 9 years] with a imvu personel that a hacked account that purchased credits has 3 days after the report is sent and account returned to the owner if there was a illegal transaction. i could be wrong, but after the grace period they can ban you because the process of verifying they sale is complete.
For hacked accounts i think they procss the request 2 times. one with the back [the origenal take of money], then when a hacking is claimed they internaly investigate the request. if they find a discrepency then they will allow a money recall. If they find no discrepency it is ended and the case is closed.
AGAIN it may have changed in 9 years, si this may be wrong. DO NOT imediatly say i am protecting the companey, even though i do support them. when i am not positive of my answer i tell only what i know.

Feb 16, 2012


What i dont get is how they can first help me, and then disable me because I wanted my money back. I got my money back, I just dont get the account back. I dont get it., its weird to me and I dont see the problem. They gave the account back for a reason, they believed me, and everything was fine. But when the same person, being me, wants their money back they make it a big deal and ask me to PAY THEM the money that was mine in the first place, and for the fee. Its just stupid and makes no sense. If I did pay them back, I would loose my money again and the whole thing would be a waste of time.

Feb 16, 2012


from the TOS:
"When you purchase items or services on this Site such as Credits, credit bundles, avatar names and try it passes, with cash or monetary equivalent, your purchases are non-refundable and are made at your own risk. IMVU is under no obligation to provide any refund (either in cash or in Credits) for any item made by a third-party developer that is broken, that later becomes disabled, that is later removed or altered by the developer or by IMVU, or that was inappropriately submitted. If you have any billing problem or question, please visit the IMVU Help Center. Additionally, if a catalog Submission item is removed from this Site as a result of an intellectual property infringement claim (or Unsuitable for IMVU content as set forth in the Virtual Goods Policy) and/or IMVU disables your use of such an item as set forth in these Terms, any cash or any Credits that you used to purchase such items will not be refunded."

there is a part about hacking someplace on the site, but that is right from the section on "terms and conditions of sale". i can not do any more than what i just did by telling you this stuff. only other thing i can tell you is do this http://www.imvu.com/help/help_iframe.php or contact them for a explaination of why you ned to pay to reactivate a account that they unblocked for being hacked and a illegal transaction happened.

Mar 14, 2012


I have already answered you. I have asked their staff about this back when I had a issue with my VIP tag. They said that there is a window of about 9 days from a purchase[18 if you report that you were hacked before 9 days] to request your money and account back without a penalty. If you ask say on the 10th or 19th day then there is a penalty to get both back. This may have changed since I spoke to a IMVU staff member. I do not know more than thyis. Please DO NOT take it out on me.

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