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itouchwearable slim watch

United States

Consumer reviews about itouchwearable slim watch

Jul 11, 2020

poor quality, warranty useless

The product worked for almost 2 months before it stopped charging and acted erratic. I contacted company per there 1 year warranty. They made me submit a video of what it was doing and a picture of the bottom of the product. I sent the watch to their Riverside, CA warranty department at my costs and was required to pay them $10 fee for them to mail the watch back. After months of them delaying and giving me the run around about sending my watch back, I finally complained to paypal regarding the $10 and made another effort to clarify if they intended to honor their warranty. A few days ago I noticed they gave me back the $10 and yesterday I received a watch in the mail. As I suspected, the watch doesn't work, doesn't charge and is useless. The company I bought this from, Kohls was no help either.

poor quality, warranty useless

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