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Consumer reviews about Jan-pro

1st Amendment
Feb 17, 2012

Less than Minimum Wage!

To Lying source,

Your still being a chicken and not telling us who you are ? Still hiding in your cave like a Rat ! I guees you will never tell us your name because you are so scared. Why are you scared to give us your NAME ?

Jan-crap is constantly Lying.
Jan-crap says that they have thousands of cleaners which are all missclasified employees. This has been proven in the Rhina Alvarenga Lawsuit using the 3 prong test.

One of Jan-craps Biggest Lies is that jan-crap claims to have thousands of cleaners which is a Big Lue. Thousands are no longer with them but they add them to there fake numbers. Jan-crap claimed to have cleaning operations in all 50 states. This was another ine of there many thousands of lies. Jan-crap doesn't have cleaners in all 50 states. Lie, Lie, Lie!

Many of the cleaners that they say they have only have one account left because jan-crap has already stolen all of there accounts. Last but not least many cleaners haven't worked for jan-crap in years but jan-crap puts them on there cleaners list. Many left years ago but jan-crap adds them as still being with them. Inflated numbers just like Wallstreet, Rats hidding in a cave or like Judge Young stated:
Describing franchising as a business in itself, as Coverall seeks to do, sounds vaguely like a description for a
modified Ponzi scheme – a company that does not earn money from the sale of goods and services, but from taking
in more money from unwitting franchisees to make payments to previous franchisees.

1st Amendment
Feb 17, 2012

Less than Minimum Wage!

If you have been riped-off by jan-pro or any other cleaning franchisor There is several things that you can do.

1. Report them to your State Attorney General.

2. File a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission www.ftc.gov

3. Get together with other cleaners. All of them have been ripped-off and you should get together and look for an attorney and take legal action.

4. You can call me for more information. My name is Jerry and I'm a plaintif.

Your Mom Knows Best
Feb 23, 2012

Less than Minimum Wage!

lol complaintsboard

Informed source
Feb 25, 2012

Less than Minimum Wage!

1st amendment as you continue to amaze people in regards to how stupid you and Fortman are, let me give you some facts about the companies you continue to blame for your lot in life...Maybe Fortman can help show you a path to success that he has because he has done so well financially and in such good standing as the following:
a) Behind on his child support payments
b) Drives a 250k mile Mercedes that is probably worth as much as your cardboard house in Mexico City.
c) Buys Ice-Tea in great quantities because he used to be a drunk
d) Sleeps with as many assistants as his measly pocketbook can afford and then marries them after a long in-office affair
e) Is trying desperately to get money from SEIU to fund his "wild goose chase" as Liss-Riordin did.

Facts for you, 1st amendment...

Jani-Kings yearly sales volume is over 2 Billion Dollars now. I would think you would need at least 20K owner-operators, plus their employee's to perform that kind of work volume.

Jan-Pros yearly sales volume is over 400 Million Dollars now. I would think you would need at least 10K owner-operators, plus their employee's to perform that kind of work volume.

Coveralls yearly sales volume is over 500 million Dollars now. I would think you would need at least 12k owner-operators, plus their employee's to perform that kind of work volume.

Vanguard, Stratus, OpenWorks, Corvus, Bonus, Anago and others on the "next tier" are doing over 500 million dollars combined in sales. I would think you would need at least 15k owner-operators, plus their employee's to perform that kind of work volume.

Bottom line is 1st amendment, Fortman, Liss-Riordin the unlawful courts in MASS and others, the facts are the following: Vast majority of owner-operators are hard working, loyal, honest, good listeners, trust worthy, honest business owners. They LOVE their businesses and take great care of their customers and work well with the Masters and Corporate Officers of these companies. Problem is with SEIU money and others, this industry (yes, even those running "traditional companies" are under attack from SEIU and the Obama Administration every day!

1st Amendment
Feb 29, 2012

Less than Minimum Wage!

Judge certifies class of cleaning workers misclassified as 'franchisees'

The National Law Journal

By Sheri Qualters February 13, 2012

A Boston federal judge has certified as a class a broad swath of
purported franchisees of cleaning company Coverall North America
Inc. who are suing the company for misclassifying them as
independent contractors instead of employees.
In a Feb. 10 order in Awuah v. Coverall North America Inc., Judge
William Young of the District of Massachusetts defined the class as
individuals who owned a Coverall franchise and performed work for Coverall customers
in Massachusetts at any time since Feb. 15, 2004, who didn't sign an arbitration
agreement or have their claims previously adjudicated.
Young's recent ruling expanded the class he certified on Sept. 22, 2011, to include
some people who obtained a franchise through transfer. The class includes individuals
who became franchise owners through a consent-to-transfer agreement but did not
receive a copy of Coverall's franchise offering circular, which outlined terms of the
janitorial franchise agreements, including mandatory arbitration.
Eight named plaintiffs claimed in their February 2007 complaint that the company
misclassified franchisees as independent contractors. They also alleged Coverall did
not provide the promised volume of cleaning work to franchisees who paid $6, 000 to
$30, 000. And they claimed Coverall targeted immigrants who do not speak English as a
first language or fully understand the company's legal documents.
Since they are employees, the plaintiffs contend that the company is liable for minimum
wage, overtime and wage law violations. The legal claims include breach of contract,
misrepresentation, deceptive and unfair business practices and unjust enrichment.

In March 2010, Young granted the plaintiffs' motion for partial summary judgment on the
misclassification claim. In that ruling, he found that Coverall did not meet the second
prong of the state's three-part test that defines independent contractors, which requires
workers to provide services that are "independent, separate and distinct" from the
employers' business.
The other two parts of the test require independent contractors to be "free from control
and direction in connection with the performance of the service" and customarily
engaged in the same trade, profession or occupation that they're doing contractually.
In his Feb. 10 ruling, Young expanded the class to include people who didn't sign an
arbitration agreement and get notice of the arbitration agreement, so "it's a pretty
straightforward commonsense ruling, " said one of the plaintiffs' lawyers on the case,
Shannon Liss-Riordan of Boston's Lichten & Liss-Riordan. "People can't be bound by an
arbitration agreement that they didn't get notice of or a copy of."
Liss-Riordan said the plaintiffs are looking forward to Young's pending ruling on the
"illusoriness" or validity of Coverall's arbitration agreement. "We have challenged the
arbitration agreement as a whole, " Liss-Riordan said.
She also said the case "raises very interesting questions about whether companies
really want to compel hundreds of individuals to go to arbitration or [whether they] are
they hoping they can deter people."
"This case is showing these issues are not going to go away, " Liss-Riordan said." It's
going to be even more expensive and complicated [for companies]."
The plaintiffs have filed a motion for summary judgment on damages, which is slated for
hearing on Feb. 14, based on Young's March 2010 ruling. They're seeking several types
of damages, including: $916, 844.65 for initial franchise fees and additional business
fees; $894, 433.78 for insurance deductions: $106, 535.77 for funds collected to offset
unpaid customer bills; and $122, 932.25 for interest on late payments.
The plaintiffs are also asking for triple damages based on a 2008 amendment to the
Massachusetts law concerning unpaid wages that allowed for the increase in damages.
Aside from that change, the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts ruled in 2005
in Wiedmann v. The Bradford Group that courts can treble damages for unpaid wages
when there is a showing of "outrageous[ness], because of a defendant's evil motive
or…reckless indifference" to workers' rights."
"He'll either assess the damages based on the papers or will have a trial in March to
determine those damages for the class members, " Liss-Riordan said.
Liss-Riordan said those amounts don't include fees paid by class members before
February 2004 and after June 2010, or fees paid by the class members added by

Young's Feb. 10 ruling. Neither fee category has been calculated, she said.
Lawyers at DLA Piper who represent Coverall were not available to discuss the case.
Coverall did not respond to a request for comment.

Informed source
Mar 2, 2012

Less than Minimum Wage!

1st amendment, fortman: As I have said time and time again, you win in the Socialist/Communist State of MASS. What more do you want? Has there been any money exchange hands so far? (I mean besides the misused Union Dues from SEIU to Liss-Riordin) the answer is NO! In fact, the only one with an actual judgement against them is Aiwah...Poor ole, test case Aiwah...

1st Amendment
Mar 3, 2012

Less than Minimum Wage!

To lying source,

Lets see what you say when many more Class Action Lawsuits and individual lawsuits are filled in many more states. They will keep getting filled until jan-pro and the rest of the other franchisors stoped ripping off people. People in over 30 states have contacted me and many people and groups are organising. Here we come and we are growing in numbers looking for Justice. We will get JUSTICE!

If anyone reading this has been ripped-off by jan-pro or any other Ponzi Scheme cleaning franchisor do the following.

1. Report jan-pro to the Federal Trade commission. www.Ftc.Gov
2. Report them to your states Attorney general.
3. Talk to everyone and organise and find a lawfirm and take legal action or join a class action already in progress.
4. Picket jan-pro and try and get media attention.
5. You can contact me Jerry at 909-684-1837. I can give you more information on our class action.

1st Amendment
Mar 3, 2012

Less than Minimum Wage!

The following is what Attorney Richard Solomon recently posted on another website.

" Jan Pro is an excellent example of a bozo franchise that I have vetted for over a dozen investors. Not one of my clients bought one of these fanchises.

The story of janitorial franchising is that they are sold with a promise of a guaranteed initial inventory of building maintenance contracts so that you start out "making money". Most of the time these deals either don't produce even enough start up revenue to enable you to do the work and also go out and scout up your own additional building maintenance accounts, or if they are good accounts they are soon taken from you and given to another new franchisee.

It is easy to take a building account from a janitorial franchisee. The rep goes to see the account and tells them that they have conducted a follow up inspection of the work you have been doing and have found it to be less than proper. They will happpily replace you with a better operator to assure their total satisfaction with the service. The building manager signs off on your being fired and you are toast in that account and in any other account of that building management organization. These franchiors typically lack sufficient actual on hand accounts to provide a start up customer base for new franchisees signed on. So they just go take buildings away from recently signed franchisees and give them to the newbies.

Even in the best of situations the ability to go get a building janitorial account on your own is nothing like you are told in training or on "discovery day".

You always end up doing toilets yourself because you lack funds to hire help. Often your wife and kids are doing toilets with you to try to get it going.

This is a perfect segment of franchising where competent pre investment vetting by someone who knows the industry can save you from financial ruin."

1st Amendment
Mar 3, 2012

Less than Minimum Wage!

Another Post that I saw by Attorney Richard Solomon

" There is a janitorial franchise joke in America. The janitorial franchisee is known as a Janitor In A Drum. Janitor In A Drum is a cleaning solution product that comes in a can shaped like a 55 gallon drum. The joke is that when you buy a janitorial franchise you become - in the financial sense of it - a janitor in a drum.

There are other janitor in a drum jokes but they wouldn't pass muster on BMM."

Informed source
Mar 17, 2012

Less than Minimum Wage!

1st amendment and Jonathan Fortman, Well lets see, Judge Young's ruling was delayed, not because of settlement talks that good ole 1st amendment would like, but because he cant seem to get his "head" around the fact that these people signed agreeing to arbitration and now he can't see how to figure damages, since these people bypassed the arbitration part of the contract. Another issue at hand happens to be the monies that were already paid to the former franchisees by Coverall when they were actually performing, acceptance of those monies by the former franchisees have become a "sticking point" in the contract...Oh Well, at the end of the day its still MASS what the hell is written in contracts is certainly secondary to the facts the SEIU and Big Labor in general want damages to be awarded in this case.

Big shout out to my friend Fortman, here things aren't going well in the Stratus case for you, though you are getting "inside information" from a former Master (who by the way really did rip-off a ton of franchisees and should be prosecuted criminally in my opinion) it seems that you have run into that nasty roadblock of truth! I'm sure you will figure a way around it, but you made need to go get another ice-tea and have your kids tell you about the facts of life again...Maybe you can get a little "somethin, somethin" from your newest addition from TEAM FORTMAN, I'm sure your current wife won't care as she was the "side piece" in your first marriage...

1st Amendment
Mar 19, 2012

Less than Minimum Wage!

To Lying Source,

Like always you Lie and you are still afraid to tell us who you are. Why wont lying source tell us who he is? Why are you so AFRAID to tell us who you are ???

1st Amendment
Mar 19, 2012

Less than Minimum Wage!

Justice at last Justice at last !

To Lying source,

The Judge has RULED ! Coverall ordered To Pay Triple Damages !

Things get even better, or should I say more people will get JUSTICE !

He is including all people going back to 2006 instead of just 2010.

Here is the article from the bluemaumau.org website. Here is the link.


Coverall to Pay Triple Damages Posted Sat, 2012/03/17 - 21:53 by Janet Sparks

BOSTON – A federal judge ruled last Thursday that Coverall North America must pay triple damages to hundreds of workers classified as franchisees instead of employees, dating back from 2006. Previously, he had ruled that the court would triple damages from 2010. That changes the calculation of damages dramatically, adding the four year period.

In addition to the award on damages, the global janitorial cleaning franchisor will have to pay all the initial franchise fees and additional business fees, as well as recovering insurance deductions. The judge said those fees were unlawful and can be recovered as provided by the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court.

Attorney Shannon Liss-Riordan of Lichten & Liss-Riordan, representing the class plaintiffs, said they were excited about the order. “We are very pleased that the workers who did not have arbitration agreements will be getting a judgment, and can finally see a conclusion to their case, ” she declared.

Liss-Riordan said the parties were given 30 days to submit what final calculations are based on from this order. She added, “We are now looking forward to the judge’s further rulings on the workers who had arbitration agreements. That will be the next step.”

The case, Awuah v Coverall North America Inc., has been closely watched by the franchise community since it began in 2007. The original complaint filed by eight purported franchisees alleges that they were misclassified as independent contractors instead of the reality of being employees. They accused Coverall of not providing the promised volume of cleaning contracts to them after they paid $6, 000 to $30, 000.

As employees, the plaintiffs assert that Coverall is also liable for minimum wage, overtime and wage law violations. In the lawsuit, the employees claim breach of contract, misrepresentation, deceptive and unfair business practices and unjust enrichment.

While there has been much activity with both sides filing various motions in the case for the past three weeks, U.S. District Judge William G. Young’s order took care of several other housekeeping issues. He did not rule on fifteen additional class members who converted their businesses to Coverall franchises without receiving a franchise offering circular containing arbitration clauses. Nor did he rule on other class members who signed releases after August 31, 2011.

DLA Piper, outside counsel to Coverall, did not respond to our request for comment on Thursday’s order.

IFA’s past warning

The International Franchise Association submitted an amicus (friend of the court) brief in the case last June through attorneys Eric Karp and Doris Fournier of Witmer, Karp, Warner & Ryan LLP in Boston. It was filed jointly on behalf of the IFA and two of its franchisor members, Friendly’s Restaurants Franchise and Fantastic Sam’s Franchise Corporation.

The organization warned the litigation could result in franchisors determining that the costs of doing business in Massachusetts are too high in comparison to other states. The brief surmised that it would leave many entrepreneurs without the chance to start their own business and many residents without employment opportunities or access to important products and services.

IFA President & CEO Steve Caldeira stated at that time, “On behalf of the franchise industry, we urge the court to fully take into account the unique attributes of franchising and the federal regulatory oversight of the franchise business model.”

The court disagreed.

Now, after five years of litigation, plaintiff attorney Liss-Riordan exclaimed, “It’s looking like we are finally seeing the end of the road here, at long last.”

Informed source
Mar 22, 2012

Less than Minimum Wage!

1st amendment, you continue to drink the Kool- Aid of liss-riordin, why isn't she jumping for joy? Because she realizes everything I said in regards to this being a futile effort are true! Even on blue mau mau.com is there any major victory dances happening? Even usually supportive attorney's are questioning the enforcement, what this may mean outside of MASS will be nothing! Where have you been hearing that from for over two years? Little ole me!

Fortman, time for you to get some "big boy pants on". Hear things are chaning for you in regards to jurisdiction! Have you caught up with all of your past due child support payments? Would you like unhappyfranchisee.com to run a special telethon for you? They do it for themselves at least once per year...Wouldn't hurt to ask! Maybe when I'm in St. Louis soon, I could come by and meet you face to face, that way you can attempt to "man up"!

Informed source
Mar 25, 2012

Less than Minimum Wage!

1st amendment, wish I could have physically seen your face when your 2nd hero in Richard Solomon informed you/the whole web wide world that there will be NOTHING to collect in regards to Coverall...Oh how I wish. Wonder how that makes you feel after over 2 Years of me telling you that the only winner in this entire mess is Liss-Riordin! Not because she is going to get a Penny of her supposed fee's paid by Coverall, but because she has been getting Union Money all along, her Marketing of herself, her firm, her brand has resulted in a multitude of cases all of which are paying her monthly stipends at the very least! What is poor old Aiwauh getting, You getting ZERO!!! So let me ask you a simple question posted by a simple man, WHAT'S NEXT?

Fortman, maybe you could call on Richard to help you with your case, makes me wonder why he didn't sue on behalf of "others" like you? I know the answer, but let's see if you are smart enough to figure it out on your own...

1st Amendment
Mar 25, 2012

Less than Minimum Wage!

Coverall Looses, Coverall to Pay Triple Damages!

A good article just came out on Bluemaumau.org you can read the full article by going to the following link.

Coverall to Pay Triple Damages Posted Sat, 2012/03/17 - 21:53 by Janet Sparks

BOSTON – A federal judge ruled last Thursday that Coverall North America must pay triple damages to hundreds of workers classified as franchisees instead of employees, dating back from 2006. Previously, he had ruled that the court would triple damages from 2010. That changes the calculation of damages dramatically, adding the four year period.

In addition to the award on damages, the global janitorial cleaning franchisor will have to pay all the initial franchise fees and additional business fees, as well as recovering insurance deductions. The judge said those fees were unlawful and can be recovered as provided by the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court.

Attorney Shannon Liss-Riordan of Lichten & Liss-Riordan, representing the class plaintiffs, said they were excited about the order. “We are very pleased that the workers who did not have arbitration agreements will be getting a judgment, and can finally see a conclusion to their case, ” she declared.

Liss-Riordan said the parties were given 30 days to submit what final calculations are based on from this order. She added, “We are now looking forward to the judge’s further rulings on the workers who had arbitration agreements. That will be the next step.”

The case, Awuah v Coverall North America Inc., has been closely watched by the franchise community since it began in 2007. The original complaint filed by eight purported franchisees alleges that they were misclassified as independent contractors instead of the reality of being employees. They accused Coverall of not providing the promised volume of cleaning contracts to them after they paid $6, 000 to $30, 000.

1st Amendment
Mar 25, 2012

Less than Minimum Wage!

Here is the link to the full article up above


Informed source
Mar 26, 2012

Less than Minimum Wage!

1st amendment, articles mean nothing...Let's see how much money actually exchanges hands...My bet, Not a penny!

1st Amendment
Mar 27, 2012

Less than Minimum Wage!

To lying source or should I say churn

I see that you are still giding like a Rat in a cave. Seriusly why are you so scared to say who you are???

Here is another article.

Cleaning company took franchise fees illegally, SJC rules
September 01, 2011 By Katie Johnston, Globe Staff

The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court ruled yesterday that Coverall North America Inc. illegally collected franchise fees from a worker, clearing the way for hundreds of workers involved in a class-action lawsuit against the cleaning company to be awarded millions of dollars in damages.

The ruling could have a significant impact on similar cases pending against five other cleaning companies in the state.

The decision follows a US District Court of Massachusetts ruling in March of 2010 that found that Coverall had misclassified the workers, the majority of them immigrants, charging them thousands of dollars apiece in franchise fees to establish their own cleaning companies, but treating them like regular employees.

“It’s a perverse system in which the workers are paying to do the work, ’’ said lawyer Shannon Liss-Riordan, who is representing the Coverall workers and hundreds of others suing Jani-King International Inc., Jan-Pro Franchising International Inc., System4 Commercial Cleaning, CleanNet USA, and Westborough-based All Pro Cleaning Systems. She is also involved in cases against cleaning companies in California and Pennsylvania.

The SJC ruling could lead those cleaning companies, which use the same franchising model Coverall does, to settle their cases, leave the state, or change the way they operate, Liss-Riordan said.

“The commercial cleaning industry has been plagued by companies such as Coverall that make their money by profiting off of their own workers, ’’ Liss-Riordan said. “The ruling will have huge ramifications on the commercial cleaning industry, as well as the trucking industry, adult entertainment industry, and other industries that exploit their workers by misclassifying them as independent contractors.’’

Coverall officials could not be reach for comment.

The SJC’s ruling also entitles the former Coverall workers to recover worker’s compensation and other insurance fees that the company illegally deducted from their paychecks. In all, Coverall workers could be awarded tens of thousands of dollars each.

Diego Low, a coordinator at the Framingham-based Metrowest Worker Center who first introduced Liss-Riordan to a group of Coverall workers in 2004, said he is pleased that the immigrants with whom he works will get their money back.

“It was a situation that was clearly predicated on vulnerable people who because of language and because of status would be easy to rip off, ’’ Low said. “There are hundreds of people out there in this state who lost three or four years of savings to these schemes.’’

Informed source
Mar 28, 2012

Less than Minimum Wage!

1st amendment, as you continue to post nonsense on multiple sites, can't you even answer the simplest of questions...How much money has exchanged hands between Coverall and Aiwauh? NONE! How much money will exchange hands between Coverall and Aiwauh? NONE! How much money will you get from Jan-Pro? NONE! Now ask yourself, outside of Liss-Riordin, who got money on this deal of a lawsuit? NO ONE!

Fortman, try to keep up here, this is going to show you that your shame of a lawsuit will end up going no where just like Coverall's at the end of the day. Whether it is under Missouri Law or Federal Law, this will be getting you ZERO in the money cycle. I know you aren't a good businessman, your own statements have proven that time and time again, but even you can't be that stupid to continue YELLING at Windmills? Can you?

1st Amendment
Mar 28, 2012

Less than Minimum Wage!

To lying source or also known as Churned

Will you ever tell us your real name and your reason for attacking all the people who bought a fake cleaning franchise? How much are the Fake cleaning franchisors jan-pro, coverall, cleannet, stratus and janiking paying you to do Damage control?

Tell me your real name Churn / lying source or keep hiding like a Rat in a Cave.

1st Amendment
Mar 28, 2012

Less than Minimum Wage!

Another Lawsuit against another Ponzi Scheme cleaning franchise.

Here is the link to the whole article article


Court House News Service Monday, January 16, 2012

Latinos Say Janitorial Franchisor Ran a Scam

SANTA ANA, Calif. (CN) - More than 50 people say so-called janitorial franchisor Stratus Building Solutions of Orange defrauded them in a cold-blooded "corporate scam" aimed at Spanish speakers.
The 51 Latino plaintiffs say GoldeneyeHoldings dba Stratus Building Solutions of Orange ran a "simple" scam that targeted "victims who don't speak English by taking out ads in Spanish speaking publications."
"The advertisements seek to attract Latino immigrants with promises of financial freedom if they purchase janitorial franchises from defendant Stratus. The advertisements encourage prospective franchisees to immediately call or visit 'Fernando, ' one of its sales representatives, " according to the Superior Court complaint.
The complaint does not state how much each plaintiff had to pay to buy a so-called franchise. But they say Stratus made them promises it did not deliver.
"(T)he plaintiff's attempts to achieve the 'America Dream' was thwarted by the new American reality - the corporate scam, " the complaint states.
Lead plaintiff Alfred Mendoza, and 50 more, say that regardless of they responded to the ads by calling or showing up in person, "Fernando" discussed the terms and conditions of the franchise agreements in Spanish.
The complaint states: "During his 'pitch, ' 'Fernando' informs those that are interested in purchasing a Stratus franchise that Stratus sells sixteen (16) different franchises, franchises that will earn the prospective franchisee between $6, 000 a year to $204, 000 a year. During this presentation, plaintiffs are enticed to purchase the franchises because Stratus guarantees a certain monthly income based upon the size of their franchise. Moreover, Stratus promises the prospective franchisees that their cleaning locations would be geographically located in close proximity to their residence and that they would be guaranteed to make a higher hourly rate because their contracts were extremely lucrative.
"Once the prospective franchisee agrees to purchase a franchise, 'Fernando' immediately pulls out a franchise agreement in English and immediately insists that the prospective franchisee sign the agreement in order to reserve a franchise since it contends that its franchising opportunities are about to be sold out.
"Once the prospective franchisee signs the agreement and pays the franchise fee, he is informed by 'Fernando' that Stratus will be calling the franchisee shortly to inform them of the location of their new franchise. Despite these promises, none of the prospective franchisees are ever given the franchise they purchased nor are they ever provided with a refund from Stratus for its inability to provide the franchise it promised.
"In the present case, each of the plaintiffs purchased a franchise from Stratus and none of them ever received the franchise they were promised by "Fernando", while acting as an agent for Stratus.
The complaint does not name any individual defendants, nor does it list an address for Stratus or Goldeneye.
The plaintiffs seek damages for fraud, breach of contract and violations of the California Business & Professions Code.
They are represented by Eric Aguilera with Bohm, Matsen, Kegel & Aguilera of Costa Mesa.
Neither the law firm nor Stratus responded to requests for comment.

Informed source
Mar 29, 2012

Less than Minimum Wage!

1st amendment, it drives you crazy not knowing who I am...That's why I don't tel you. I don't know where you've been, my guess is Mexico for an unpaid vacation, but what you are posting happened month's ago. Just because someone brings a case, doesn't make it true. Look at poor Aiwauh, poor dumb SOB, doesn't have a clue that after 7 Years of complaining, 4 Years of working with liss-riordin (being paid by SEIU funds) and going in/out of court, he will get absolutely NOTHING! Even the blowhards on BMM agree with the above, well they don't know that Mexico is your native land.

Fortman, awfully quiet, haven't heard from you in awhile. Things not going to well for you I hear...Maybe you can contact Liss-Riordin and see if AFSCME or AFL-CIO has some extra money lying around that they can send you to facilitate your false/worthless case against Stratus...I've challenged you before, still waiting on my "suit" to appear...Wait a second, didn't you get into trouble for mailing things, sending things, getting things out of State of Missouri? OOOOOOPS! I will be in St. Louis soon enough, maybe I'll stop by your office and introduce myself...You wouldn't mind would you? Give you a chance to look the "devil" in the eye...

Informed source
Apr 3, 2012

Less than Minimum Wage!

1st amendment, Poor ole Bastard, Georgia just ruled against your "cause". Liss-riordin must not be too upset though, she has long moved on after she got the publicity for "her cause" which was simply to get more SEIU money in her coffers and is now attacking baggage handlers at Logan Airport.

Fortman, bad news for you as well. Looks like your going to have to go through even more hoops than you thought, seems that the Georgia ruling is working its way through some of the States that you 'illegally" reached out too in your most recent gaff of mailings outside your "legal reach". Have you started an affair with your newest staff member yet? Might want to start sooner vs. later, probably will have to let her go soon, it's ok, she can sue you for sexual harrassment letter and collect from your insurance company!

1st Amendment
Apr 3, 2012

Less than Minimum Wage!

Lying source, they are trying to take workers compensation away which wont last when they go to court, it isn’t final yet this is only more proof of a state going backwards. Lying source you sound like a complete Anarchist. I don’t know who the Seiu is but it looks like they have smacked you around in the past because you keep mentioning them all the time.

Finally lying source or churn will you ever tell us who you are or will you completely keep hiding like a Rat in a cave? You know who I’am. You know my name, my phone number. But you somehow are scared to tell us who you really are. Are you a Man or a mouse?

Tell us who you are or this will mean that you are simply a little chicken mouse.

If you have been ripped-off by Jan-pro or any other cleaning franchise don’t let them get away with it. You can do the following things.

1. Report them to the Federal Trade commission www.Ftc.gov

2. Report them to your States Attorney General. Gather a group of people and pay your Attorney General a visit and file a criminal complaint.

3. Gather a group of other people who have also been ripped-off by jan-pro and take legal action.

4. Picket jan-pros offices and warn other people not to invest there money with them.

5. You can call me or contact me and I can give you more information and a copy of the National Class Action Lawsuit that we have against jan-pro


Informed source
Apr 7, 2012

Less than Minimum Wage!

1st amendment, SEIU is the Union that is paying liss-riordin all of the money to go on this "witch hunt" as the CEO of Jan-Pro has stated in the past. You of course being an illegal alien here on expired visa should know that without issue.

Fortman, haven't heard from you in a while, I know you are busy brushing up on "how to play" in Federal Court, but maybe you could take a moment to respond to the numerous charges that I have made, so I can make fun of you, your old car, your child support payments in arrears, your lack of morals etc...

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