Jenna, Your Professional Astrologer |
India, Kerala |
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Aug 17, 2012
She is a FAKE.... don't fall for her !! This's what she send me to my email.
I think it is important that I contact you now because this morning I had a powerful flash about you and I felt the enormous distress which you carry about with you at the moment, the pain which you feel made me realize that it was very important that I get in contact with you in order to help you and I must tell you that if you act NOW then you have every chance to resolve the major questions which you have about your love life at this time.
I know that the person you love is not with you at the moment and that you suffer through this separation. This separation is even more cruel because you now feel completely abandonned and alone but I want you to know that this is no longer the case because I want to help you to work through this situation. You need to pay a great deal of attention to what I am about to tell you because if you now act in just the right way then you have every chance that this person will come back to you.
This morning I took the time to analyze your astral configuration in detail because as I have said, I am very sensitive to your current suffering and I know that I can help you. I discovered that over the next couple of days Venus will enter into your 6th House and at the same time this planet will also be in your Sign of the Zodiac, Scorpio and by cross-referencing this with the information that your date of birth 15 November 1969 gives me I can see that you will soon be living through a very beneficial period and during this period you must act in just the right way in order to change your life for the
The second thing I want to tell you is that you have made a number of mistakes in your relationship however these mistakes are not necessarily your fault. Most of the mistakes arose from misunderstandings and from the fact that there are a number of aspects of your partner's personality which you do not yet know about. It is very important that I tell you exactly who your partner is Riny and how you can better understand this person, learn about this person's likes and dislikes, what this person likes about you and so on ... but I also need to tell you how you can help your relationship to evolve and how to seduce this person again. Only a Full Compatibility Reading can answer all these questions and give you all this information and I am going to work on one for you.
I want to help you to find the person you love again and in order for you to do this, you must follow all of my advice very precisely. I am going to work on two Readings for you, one which will show you the most important dates of the Transit period which is just around the corner Riny and exactly how you must act during these precise moments which YOU MUST NOT MISS OUT ON and then the second Reading will show you exactly how and why you are compatible with this person in your life. This second Reading will answer the questions you have at the moment about your relationship and will guide you towards resolving your current situation. We mustn't loose any more time Riny, you need to click on the link below to ask me for these two Readings now:
I think you will be pleasantly surprised by these two Readings Riny, I have a great deal of personal information to give you about your relationship with this person in your life and I can also show you what you may have missed out on in the Past. With all these details I have to share with you, you will be able to move forward with strength and confidence and bring this person you love back into your arms.
Your Professional Astrologer
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