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Feb 23, 2012
Yeah sure, you lie and dig a bigger hole for yourself also if you are not a pervert as you say why are you asking for my phone number and asking my boob size and if I like sex?
Feb 23, 2012
What the hell are u talking aboutur sick and nice set up now I'm calling the cops I have everything documented and they'll find were ur server is
Feb 23, 2012
I thought you were done with the site.
Feb 23, 2012
Nice excuse the cellphone thing.
My fun
Feb 23, 2012
Calling the cops because someone is trolling you. Ha, they will laugh in your face. They have more serious things to worry about. Like people who try to commit credit card fraud and other fraud online, and people who try to prey on children. They don't care that you are being trolled. You would be lucky if all they do is laugh at you and not have you arrested for making a false report. Also it is most likely that the person who is posing as you sent that message to Tasha.
My fun
Feb 23, 2012
I can just see the conversation
r.caple : Um I would like to make a report.
Cop : okay what is it about
r.caple: this person is pretending to be me online, and they are claiming that I am sending them sexual messages.
Cop: Okay how are they pretending to be you.
r.caple: Well they are using my username and pretending that I am a pervert
Cop: and what else, did they threaten your life, are they trying to trick you into give them your credit card number.
r.caple : No they are just pretending to be me claiming I am sexually harassing them when it is the other r.caple with a I who is doing this.
Cop: Okay we have this man in New Jersey who has a fake advertizment and is ripping people off, he has so far ripped of thousands of people, we also have a man in Canada who is preying on young children on facebook, however your case is more important so we will let that man in America Junior prey on more children, we will allow more people to be ripped off by that man in New Jersey. Your case is more important.
Seriously they are trolling but you have no case.
Quark Kent
Feb 23, 2012
The only one trolling is r.caple, calling the cops because someone disagrees with him online because someone is making false claims when he does not even use his real name? Most likely he created both accounts with both spellings of " r.caple" for attention.
Gino Orlando
Feb 23, 2012
r.caple has got to be Kronk Gym. Both posters threatened to call the police because other people's replies to their reply. I bet Paul Vance and Tasha are shitting their pants now.