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Dec 12, 2011
I am always outbid by a literal few points
Very true, the site is a scam. I have been outbid by literally a couple of seconds before the auction ends on everything I bid on. The people that are saying it's a good site are the ones working with Listia.
Dec 29, 2011
I am always outbid by a literal few points
Yea I always get outbid a couple of seconds after bidding on something, to me it seems like a biiig rip off, I cant remember the last time i actually won something there, even when i bid before the bidding is actually over.
Jan 17, 2012
I won an auction but never received the merchandise. Also, never got my credits back.
Jan 28, 2012
I am always outbid by a literal few points
I win on that website all the time and I sell on that website all the time. I am not ripping anyone off. The website has 'real' people registered on it so how can it be a set-up scam? You just need to know what you are bidding on and not blindly bid on things that seem obviously seem too good to be true.
Feb 19, 2012
Horrible site, they have all fake products or unusable crappy products
I have had several disputes on Listia and they always quickly respond, especially when you go throw the proper channels on the support site.
I have yet to have an unfixable problem. A lot of the auctions are scams but if you follow the proper channels you always receive your credits back.
My advice: read the rules. Read the descriptions. Wait until the end to vote and vote as much as you're willing to spend.
Feb 22, 2012
I won a auction 20 days ago for 1695 credits that i had to pay for, seller never sent the item i won, and listia still has not returned my credits !...Surveys are thru Trialpay ! You will spend hour's of your time completing them and be lucky if you get credits for half of them ! So far I have spent $ 135 dollars for credits and shipping fee's to ship to the winner's of my auctions, and i have got little back in return ! Nothing is free in this world and you would be a fool to think so !
Mar 2, 2012
This is the worst website ever
My experience is worst. My first 6 auction won. 4 already are in dispute. People just either don't respond or they say they don't have the money to ship the item. And they will send it whenever they got money in the bank. Don't use this site. There are plenty of fraudulent activities going on. Auction people with no integrity.
Mar 13, 2012
I am always outbid by a literal few points
I recently won an item that arrived broken and unrepairable. I paid the seller $5.50 to ship it. I disputed the auction, and did receive my points back, BUT with the stipulation that I return the item to seller at my own expense, with delivery confirmation. Total cost to me would have been $13.50 for a bad experience. The moderators administer the site both unprofessionally and arbitrarily. Support requests are often ignored, or unnecessarily delayed. To date, my request to close my account has been totally ignored
I have found that given the time it takes to bid, the amounts spent on postage one way or the other, and the sheer amount of junk I have received, that I am financially better off by simply purchasing items that I want or need. Don't waste your time on this site!
LCP 99
Mar 22, 2012
This site is badly administered by a group of moderators who have little or no sense of logic, or fairness
The moderators are a joke! The one they have authenticating the purses don't know real from fake! Support tickets are useless! They allow minors to open accounts and rip people off! They allow copyright infringement! They have there pets and let them break the rules yet hold the true honest sellers to strict guidelines! Lots of good honest, rule following sellers are leaving, soon it will be nothing but scammers, minors and the ones that "order your product after the auction ends" (a select few pets they have get to do this) on there. A nice recent change they made in the rules is this one: you can sell pez with candy (although anything edible isn't allowed) but pez w/candy is an exception because it's collectible..well there are people that collect candy bar wrappers and such..there not allowed and heaven forbid some child eats some tainted pez candy..Listia could be in for some big trouble. I feel some kind of class action lawsuit coming against Listia for discrimination, copyright infringement or such as soon as someone gets fed up enough to get a good attorney!
Alfred Mann
Aug 13, 2012
This company is a scam! They blocked my account after I paid for my purchase and shipping and I never received my order. Morerover, I can't contact them, they just ignore me. This is well organized scam business, beware and don't trust!
Jan 14, 2013
liars and thieves
Beware of this company! This company steal money from people after they give them private information.
There is no other chance but to cancel a back account to prevent their charges. People beware and better stay away from them!
Mr. Awesome
Feb 4, 2013
If you guys hate your listia accounts so much, why not tell me your usernames and passwords because I like listia?
Mar 21, 2013
Avoid this website at all costs! It contains a lot of viruses which may damage your computer. It is 100% not safe to use their services. Be careful!
Jun 18, 2014
Supended a few times
I have been suspended 3 times in a row for nothing!i have no idea how to get back on.does anyone know?
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