Meaningful Beauty |
United States, California |
Consumer reviews about Meaningful Beauty |
Dec 22, 2011
cancelled order
I, too, w sucked in by the I-want-to-look-like-Cindy-Crawford gimmick. Here is what I found: only the first shipment is sent at $39.95 and $5 shipping. Consider it a "trial" shipment. If you don't cancel, the second, and subsequent shipments, are 90 DAY SUPPLY KITS, SHIPPED AT A COST OF $139.95 and $10 shipping. This is blatantly undisclosed. So when you get this second shipment (which by the way appears to have the same qty of product in it as the "trial shipment, " for this one box you will be charged THREE TIMES at about $57 each time.
You CANNOT use the "return to sender" method as there is no way to track the company's receipt of the product. This way they can say they never received it and you will never be credited. You will only be credited if you send the package so you have DELIVERY CONFIRMATION. Then you will likely have to keep phoning until you see the credit (less the shipping).
What I see here are a lot of small things (e.g. no hours of customer service shown on the website so you have to call and call until you finally get an answer; no cancellation information on website - you have to phone) that add up to very shady business practices. The fact that the shipments are of a different size (purportedly) and hence a different cost makes the procedure complex and easier for people to misunderstand. Companies like this make their money from misunderstandings, not from product quality.
Jan 4, 2012
Unauthorized Charges
Thanks, I'm doing the same. Similar situation.
Lily Bolden
Feb 15, 2012
False Advertising
thank you for info. I also been a victim of fraud, bogus negative billing and I was turned in with 2 different collection agency and this stressed me out.
Lily Bolden
Feb 15, 2012
False Advertising
Meaningful Beauty turned me in with 2 different collection agencies collecting a negative bogus fraud bills that was returned, received and confirmed by customer service agent Guthy Renker (GRC)Meaningful Beauty in 06/29/11. The first collection agency was backed out due to my statement I sent them and later received letter from another 2nd collection agency 3x times letter sent to me collecting payment from agency SKO BRENNER AMERICAN INC. This is a big of a hassle and very stressful-why I would pay product I have not order and it was returned received and confirmed by customer services agent and now they want me to pay product that was returned back. I have not been turned in to collection agency ever and my records is crystal clear to maintain my credits clean due to my financial purposes not until this agencies harassing me with this negative credit threats, and collecting abuse. My phone use to be non published I paid monthly my home phone to be confidential but somehow since this collectors was involved with this bogus fraud collection anonymous calls keep calling on my home phone
Jul 18, 2012
Lack of Customer Service
Horrible customer service.
I received my second shipment, which I didn't know was coming, & called in to ask about it & what I could do with it. The guy said that I could send it back for the 60 day money back refund, full well knowing it was my second shipment.
So I send my product back for the 60 day money back refund. Even though Canada Post tracked it & I can show them that D McLean signed for the package, they are saying they didn't receive it. Then there is their fail safe backup line of, "it's well past the 60 days". End of story, they will not even recognize the fact that their customer service agent (what a joke) told me that I could send it back. They completely ignore all of the information that I have been trying to make them understand.
So I have paid the full value, plus shipping the items back to them, and I am out half of the product. I've tried to ask them why I would do that if their agent hadn't told me I could. Do I like to pay way too much for half of the product? NO
Camie Oakes
Laura Niven
Feb 11, 2013
meaningful beauty
I have been charged, on my credit card, for 3 shipments of product that I did not order or receive. I tried to rectify this with the company, but I am still being charged, and I'm wondering what my next step is.
Laura Niven
Denare Beach, SK
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