Metro Public Adjustment INC |
United States, Pennsylvania |
Consumer reviews about Metro Public Adjustment INC |
Mar 8, 2012
Wrongly Repersented
i applied at metro public adjuster inc. they want me to pay out of pocket
$40 - intial cert
$47 - for exam
$71 - for finger printing
$100 - for bond for state department for insurance and banking
$170 - for license
equals around $450
and once completely licensed they claim they will reimburse you once you have 3 of your friends and family fill out a claim
is this a scam
Mar 8, 2012
Wrongly Repersented
You don't have to use your "3 friends and family." Any three claims will do! As you know, this is a state licensed profession, and they can not pay you until you have a license from the state..
Mar 8, 2012
Wrongly Repersented
they said it was illegal to get anyone but family and or friends until we were 100% licensed i worded it wrong but as of 2011 the license fee dropped to $70 but this company still charging $170
Mar 8, 2012
Wrongly Repersented
i guess doing family and or friends is like part of training which is why they want you 100% licensed to do anyone else and then they reimburse you once completed it sounds like a scam
Mar 8, 2012
Wrongly Repersented
It is not. Unfortunately, this is a question for your trainer, not the complaintboard.
David welker
Mar 8, 2012
Wrongly Repersented
Of the fees you are talking about, only $40 goes to Metro, the other fees go to the agency that runs the test for the state and the state itself Metro is charging you $40 for the training and reimbursing $450 once you finish training. Those fees are set by these outside agencies NOT by Metro.
I almost was had...Ouch
Mar 13, 2012
Wrongly Repersented
This operation calls for a serious investigation...Why don't the FEDS and State fine then or close them down? Something dose not add up! They must have some political connections. This just can’t be legal? In my 50 years of business I have never seen anything operate like this without the FEDS eventually getting involved. What the hell are they doing? Exploiting nice honest hard working people.
David welker
Mar 13, 2012
Wrongly Repersented
Metro has been in business since 1995, nothing illegal about it. Feel free to let the department of Justice know. Here's their link. I work for Metro in the midwest region, we are very comfortable with you contacting any enforcement agency you would like. Let me know if I can send you any other addresses.
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