My body guard German shepherds |
United States, Illinois |
Consumer reviews about My body guard German shepherds |
Jun 17, 2013
liars and cheaters!
My body guard German shepherds do not buy from this breeder!
They sold me a German Shepherd puppy which was not German Shepherd! It was mixed sick dog which was totally misrepresented and overpriced! Anyway I wanted to hold that dog because already loved him only contacted this breeder for the right information which was required by veterinarians. These people never responded to me.
Be careful! this breedership is just bunch of liars!
My body guard German shepherds
7213 blissdale rd, Marengo, Illinois USA
Sep 5, 2013
My Body Guard German shepherd Dogs
I agree with Rodin. My Body Guard German Shepherd company (Julie Sasso) is not a reputable or honest company. I brought my dog to her for training, she took my money (over $1,000.), called me a few days later and told me to come get my dog because they decided (for some reason, still not sure why) they didn't want to work with him. I came to get him and Ms Sasso refused to give me my money back. They had him for three of the seven days. I stood there arguing with this crazy woman and finally she gave me half of my money back. I should have gotten all of it back, or at least more than half. My advise is to stay as far away as possible form this very disreputable company.
Feb 8, 2014
My Bodyguard German Shepherd
I have never had anything but positive experiences with Julie. I would recommend her or her training class to anyone. That being said, if you are considering training your dog in Schutzhund/IPO, Do not let their trainer Dean Salamone get his hands on your dog. Instead of building your puppy up in prey drive until they are mentally mature (over 1 year old minimum) he will invoke their defensive drive way too early and use excessive force with corrections. This will ruin any prospect of you having a good protection dog. Then, instead of taking responsibility, he will become verbally abusive to you, and tell you it's all your fault. Not to mention, there are the numerous times he contradicts himself when he tells you how to handle things. I have had my dog evaluated at 2 very reputable institutions in the area, as well as hours of research on top sites that are authorities in this matter and I hope it's not too late to turn things around. DO NOT GIVE DEAN SALAMONE YOUR BUSINESS.
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