Nemasket Orphaned Animal Haven |
United States, Massachusetts |
Consumer reviews about Nemasket Orphaned Animal Haven |
Jan 21, 2012
angry , rude and uncooperative
I can not believe someone would comment about Linda after Nemasket Orphaned Animal Haven ended work in late 2010/early 2011. You are obviously uninformed and just wanted to complain about something. Regardless, I volunteered at NOAH for almost five years. To some people, our policies were unfair, but that is because people have biased opinions when the situation involves their wants and needs. Look at it from our perspective; the cat is the most important individual. All volunteers were experienced in judging people/families/environments and how they would affect the desired cat. If there was something off, or the family seemed unsuitable for the personality of the cat, we would have to decline for the cat's well being.
For the original complaint, Linda is just honest and upfront. And when people are ignorant and do not understand how much work goes into NOAH to help the animals, ex. why do we have to pay for the cat? Or why can't I have this one?, then it should be understandable when she might have been frustrated. We never saw a dime of the money go towards ourselves. Rather, we used our own money, ESPECIALLY Linda, on numerous occasions to help the cats. Any fees were for the health costs for the cats, which, if you are a responsible pet owner, you would know they can be extremely high.
As for the last comment, first of all, as much as it might kill you to admit, your children might have been behaving badly, therefore giving the volunteers and Linda GOOD reason to reject your application. I'm sorry, but if you watched other kids misbehave, you might think, wow they should NOT have pets, they might hurt them or make them miserable. Maybe your kids were that way and you just didn't know, or they weren't old enough, or something. Linda is not prejudiced as you make it out to be.
And in the case of your friend, you're too vague. NOAH SPECIFICALLY stated that vet fees would only be paid within a week of adoption. How do you know the cat did not catch said disease after adoption? The vet checked our cats numerous times every week. You are making claims that you don't know are true.
NOAH is no longer running because the number of volunteers dropped and a limited amount of people can only do so much. I know for a fact Linda loved all of the cats who came through our shelter, she gave all her energies to helping them find happier lives. And she is reliable, I called her for help with a cat problem recently and she came through for me. So please, although there is no shelter anymore, do not try to make Linda out as a bad person. She is in fact quite the opposite and still remains a friend to cats today.
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