Nicole Blodgett |
United States, Michigan |
Consumer reviews about Nicole Blodgett |
Dec 23, 2011
Puppy Mill seller
She is still at it...stupidly purchased a golden retriever pup from her...he is currently at the veterinary hospital receiving treatment. I have filed complaints with PayPal and am hoping to get my money back. We are trying desperately to save the puppy's life!
Dec 24, 2011
Sells Dying Puppies
My wife bought a golden retriever puppy from Nicole 6 days ago. We immediately fell in love. Griffin came home Sunday, December 18. On Monday, we discovered fleas. On Tuesday, we discovered roundworms. On Thursday, Griffin was acting lethargic, and started vomiting, and had a bout of diarrhea. We rushed him to the vet, where he tested positive for parvovirus. The vet explained that sometimes a parvo test is inconclusive, but she said this was one of the strongest results she had ever seen. She advised us to rush Griffin to a nearby 24 hour, intensive care veterinary hospital. Our puppy is currently fighting for his life and running up unbelievable vet bills. We are praying for his recovery. We also discovered that our puppy has roundworm, hookworm, and coccidia isospora. This woman has to be stopped. Any ideas or responses on how to stop her PLEASE email me at
Dec 24, 2011
Sells Dying Puppies
"We cannot have a new puppy for a year. Our vet said our house is contaminated with Parvo now and will not be safe for a new puppy for one full year." - Bull.
Jan 4, 2012
Sells Dying Puppies
My in laws just bought a boxer puppy from Nicole on new years day. He is now fighting for his life, he was diagnosed with PARVO. This is animal cruelty! I have reported her to both the Michigan Humane Society and Animal Control. I will be contacting the media and police tomorrow. I will do everything I can to stop this woman!!
Jon McCartney
Jan 4, 2012
Sells Dying Puppies
Good luck. It is very hard to do anything about this except BUYER BEWARE. Buying a puppy is a lot more risky than most people realize - breeding reputably takes a lot of effort and time. If you run into the wrong breeder, it can cause a lot of heartache and money after you get the puppy home.
Jan 4, 2012
Sells Dying Puppies
I am really hoping they pass this Puppy Lemon Law ASAP!
Jan 4, 2012
Not a puppymill o
How is it that you sleep at night? You are responsible for the deaths of so many innocent puppies! What a cruel person you are!
Jan 4, 2012
Sells Dying Puppies
Just wanted to give an update on our puppy. After 5 days in isolation at an emergency veterinary hospital ( and $2000.00 in vet bills), it appears that our puppy is going to survive. We have to find a way to stop this woman from ever doing this to another family.
Jan 5, 2012
Not a puppymill o
If I leave someone a message does it go straight to the person I messages or is it shown on the complaints page?
Jan 5, 2012
Sells Dying Puppies
After 2 nights at the vet we have brought Bo home! Our little guy pulled through. There is still a long road ahead of us with extra care and medicine but the outcome for Bo looks good.
Feb 3, 2012
Sells Dying Puppies
There will be a positive Snap Test for Parvo if the puppy or dog was just vaccinated for Parvo. A lot of times it is the breeder just being NASTY and not keeping the puppy' s environment clean, puppy de-wormed, etc.
The best to all who have the sick puppies - will think positive thoughts for your puppies.
Nicole M Blodgett
Feb 3, 2012
Sells Dying Puppies
This is Nicole, I do not know who Ann Marie is I hope she did not get a puppy from me and if she did and it is sick please contact me. Every complaint on this board is semi accurate. I do rescue, we help alot of animals from home and some we just try to advertise to help place them from the person who bred them so we do not have to take them in and so they find a home. I personally spend thousands of dollars a year on vet bills, medications, travel and advertisements to help place Adults, pups, half grown dogs. I spend months on some of them, rehabilitating the animal for placement. Sickness happens, especially when I am helping folks that can not afford to advertise. 95% of them should not ever breed again and we tell them so.
It is not easy to get someone to spay their dog or give it up, even if they have it tied in the yard. Animal control wants to help but can't as as long as the animal has water and food and shelter of some sort they can't take the animal.
Specifically the Pom Post, pup did not feel well the day it went home. I did tell her it was acting "off" and even wrote it on her receipt it should stay another week. Her pup sadly died. I kept took the other 2 to the vet next day, they received a healthy puppy check. I kept them 3 more weeks before selling and offered her a new pup, she refused. I do feel bad for her and I am still wiling to help her find another puppy. I decided not to refund her money as she refused to listen to me about leaving the pup her another week. I actually regret it when home at all.
We disinfect everyday, with vet approved products, Animal control came out after this incident and I am in compliance as I have a very nice home and very clean environment and I went to vet as soon as there was a report of sickness, which I restate, I have those records and my pups did not test postive for parvo.
Keep in mind I don't breed and it is a FACT the people I help are not breeding responsibly and they are NOT vaccinating most of the times the first shot they get is at my house. I believe sometimes stress of moving causes coccidia and then the vaccine kicks in and a puppy with lower immunity gets sick.
Nicole E:mail me if you have specific questions I do not come her often and most likely will not see your post
Nicole M Blodgett
Feb 3, 2012
Sells Dying Puppies
This is Nicole the Sellor - Regarding Pom puppy - She mentions the site posted her ad after she provided proof she was a buyer and she bought a sick pup. Also Mentioned they did a good job but eludes that I buried her review with bogus good ones. The TRUTH is I can not post bogus ad's, A buyer has to post the review, only one review per buyer, so a mad buyer can't write ten bad reviews. It has to be from the e:mail they purchased the puppy under. Their system is designed to allow bad and good reviews but only from real buyers so that a Sellor can not post a bunch of raving reviews, those are real buyers of pups some from the same litter she got her pups from. I am really sorry about her puppy and would help her replace when she is ready.
Feb 3, 2012
Sells Dying Puppies
"no warranty" clause" - 'Nuff said. Buy at your own risk.
Nicole M Blodgett
Feb 3, 2012
Sells Dying Puppies
Golden Retriever - Eldridge - Refunded full purchase price and they kept the puppy that lived -I am Nicole the Sellor- Although I consider all breeders puppymills, there are good breeders and bad ones. I got this puppy from a very good breeder. If you went to their house you would buy a puppy. Her dogs are healthy and have a wonderful set up, each with an acre of land to run on. They did not expect flea's in the winter, pups had flea's, I believe they ran out of shots as if I recall correctly the pups did not have a vaccine at 8 weeks. I did vaccinate them as soon as I picked them up. This breeder is wonderful person. I informed her the puppy got sick after it went home and that the pups had flea's and she promised to look more deligently. The Eldridge's were informed I am not a breeder. They were given the breeder information. They signed a statement saying I consider all pups I help rescues and they would be responsible for any vet bills incurred. Their puppy went home happy and healthy, there were 5 pups in the litter. Unfortunately two got sick after going home. Thankfully the other 3 did not. I refunded both pups. The Eldridges Stopped payment on their Paypal payment and It took me a couple weeks to get the payment reinstated into my account but I then refunded it to them. I am aware they incurred approx $2000 in vet bills. I agreed to the refund of full purchase price of $460 AND THEY GOT to KEEP their puppy who lived if they considered that full restitution. They AGREED. Mr Eldridge and I spoke the day his dog got sick and I ask him to return the puppy so I could keep the litter together and contain the parvo and keep the vet cost down as my vet will work with me, I told him then the vet bills would be his responsibility if he did not return the dog. I am sad any of this has happened. I can see how folks would assume I have an infected area and keep exposing pups but that is not what is happening. What is happening is PEOPLE dont vaccinate, some don't believe in it. Some don't vaccinate Dams, and Sometimes it is really the Vaccine doing it's job. Giving the a bit of Parvo so they build their immunities but with other factors like Coccidia, which is Stress induced i think it reduces their immunities and the parvo kicks in. How else would you explain the other 3 not getting sick. The ones that did not move from my house? I am really asking, i am willing to do something different, I have talked to several vets and professionals and that is what we come up with. I disinfect just like they would at a vet before I bring anything else in. If it was true one cannot have another dog after parvo is present then how do vets keep their doors open?
If I was a breeder I would vaccinate my dam prior to breeding and make sure I gave a Neopar (a singular parvo shot) designed for younger pups at 4 1/2 weeks old. I am not a breeder and the pups or dogs I get are not current on vaccines there for when I vaccinate it is risky up until they have had 4 vaccines. That is not a specific risk to ONLY dogs and pups I help that is a risk to anyone getting a dog with less than 4 Vaccines. This information was also given on the reciept to the Eldridges.
They have been in contact with Channel 4 who sent an investigator to my house under false pretenses. Later contacting me for an interview. I have nothing to hide, as my house is clean, the dogs are always clean. So no worries about them Exposing me. I refuse to stop doing something I love because folks will not read or believe what I am telling them about the risk of buying a puppy that is not completely vaccinated. It is not a great risk but it is a risk. About 2% so 2 dogs out of 100 are going to get sick and get better or get sick and die.
Nicole - Please e:mail me with specific Questions at as I do not come her often and will miss your question with all the blogging. I offer this because I will not run from this or deny or justify. It happened, it is part of dealing with animals.
Nicole M Blodgett
Feb 3, 2012
Sells Dying Puppies
This is Nicole Sellor mentioned in bad reviews -Unfortunately in December of 2011 it was a bad time because I broke my rule of only having 1 or 2 Adults at a time and or 1 or two litter of pups at time at my house. By sticking to that rule I am able to place the Adult or Litter prior to getting another and disinfect inbetween the litters so no cross contamination. Because of this I believe I did cross contaminate so had more than one sick pup.
In December there are so many dogs especially puppies. Folks breed them specifically for Christmas. Back yard breeders are learning is the paper does not work and they are getting stuck with mouths to feed. I get 100 calls or more in December alone and have to refuse or offer to advertise only as I can not take them in. I send them to animal control other organizations, making this take harder is one of the largest non profit organizations in our area closed this year. Making the need higher.
I am a bit more selective in December as to which of the calls I choose to help as that profit will be used to purchase new shots, wormer, antibiotic, iv fluid, food and other necessities to provide for the dogs I take in the next year.
Nicole - Any question direct them to as I do not come here to this site often. I am posting all I have to say today and mostlikely will not return to site for 6 months.
Nicole M Blodgett
Feb 3, 2012
Sells Dying Puppies
Nicole - Sellor - I am not going to change my e:mail to avoid these reviews, nor am I going to move to avoid - I am a home owner and have no plans on moving. I have 20 good reviews for every bad. In acutality I have 98 good reviews to every 2 bad ones but most folks do not write reviews, especially if they are happy. A Negative or unhappy person will take the time to write. I documented with video and posted on YouTube the remaining pups in each Litter. I did this after I got a report of a sick pup to document the remaining pups were not sick. I only saying I believe it was the new Move to the new home which caused stress, which cause coccidia, which caused decline in immunity, which allowed the Modified live virus of Parvo given in the Vaccine to overwhelme the pups. The pups here did not move until 10 days after the vaccine so believe that is why they did not get sick.
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