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United States

Consumer reviews about Ocwen

Dec 22, 2011

fraudulent practice, discrimiantory lending

I have twice been denied a HAMP modification by Ocwen because they claim I don't live on the property. I have given them sufficient evidence that I do, utility bills, etc., and they still insist I don't live there. It really has become surreal.


Jan 11, 2012

Fraud charges

this was just one of them what about the other guy that worked for us department of hud and now is ceo or something at ocwen to cover up !!! all the fraud !!! im starting to believe our goverment knows all about the fraud, credit scams, the thousands of dollars they tac on to this loans to keep the home owners in debt to them .the goverment dont want to see there friends in jail or loss every thing they have .the ftc dont even check this company out . watch your tax papers they dont even have the right amount on some of your end of the year taxes.there frauding the irs and no one in the gov can see this !!! or they just hope u dont !!! or someone that can do something..

Feb 4, 2012


Ocwen says "Helping Homeowners Is What We Do!" - this is farce! I have applied for modification time and again only to keep being told my income is too high. They are not willing to look at the whole picture of other financial obligations including student loans and medical insurance. If your payment is one day late they will send you a certified letter and begin harassing phone calls. NOBODY at Ocwen speaks fluent English! It is very frustrating and we are going to do all we can to make others aware. Ocwen is "special" and I have never worked with a mortgage company as difficult as them. I will refinance as soon as possible!

Mar 20, 2012

don't waste your time and money on them!

I've been sending them tons of paperwork they requested, talking to their phone agents in India who I couldn't understand at all (and they couldn't understand me as well), spending loads of money sending them faxes, finding out I'm still missing that document and this paper. Finally I came across somebody in their office in FL just to find out my retirement is not enough. God! They do everything for unemployed people and I spent so much time and money for this?? I am going to lose my house because of these thieves, avoid them !!!

Apr 5, 2012

the company's a joke

It's been a year now since I started trying to remortgage through this company. They are constantly asking for bank statements and I constantly send those to them. It's just a joke, stay away from them.

Apr 24, 2012

completely scammed me

These guys scammed me by not doing the promised loan modification! This has resulted in me not qualifying for any mortgage loan mod. They are a scam!

Jun 3, 2012

no documents

I paid my home with them and never got any documents clarifying that my home is paid off. I really would like to have these documents. We are in our late sixties and we require them in case if something happens to us.

Aug 12, 2012


I HATE THESE PEOPLE WITH A PASSION! They gave me the same runaround about a bogus loan modification and missing documents for NINE MONTHS. I was ONE WEEK away from the SALE DATE ON MY HOME after receiving a foreclosure notice. I paid those SCAMMERS every single dime and stopped the foreclosure and my loan was reinstated. NOW they claim I owe them money for a negative escrow account!!!!! THAT MONEY HAS BEEN PAID INTO ESCROW ALREADY!!!! They also claim I owe them $2000 for "FORECLOSURE FEES"!!!!!! It's not even about the money anymore.....IT'S ABOUT SHEER PRINCIPLE! I will fight these people til I die if I have to. They are NOT going to get my home! And BTW, don't waste your time or effort contacting any government agency. THEY ARE USELESS.

Sep 20, 2012

Help me get them to court!

They were suppose to help me with my mortgage, instead I am about to lose my house. They took money from me, and now won’t give it back. I understand if that money was honestly earned, but they are frauds! They should be taken to court!

Dec 4, 2012

Ocwen Loan Servicing LLC

Owen sends all the jobs to India and whenever you call someone is on the other end of the line who doesn't speak English answers
Now we need all the help we can get from our United States government to bring all this work back home.
I applied for a modification with Ocwen a few months ago and they denied me saying I made too much money at times when my job is busy I make a little money then it slows down.
Whenever you send the money to them they say they don't receive it and you have to pay late payment.
How can we just stand by and let these people take dis-advantage of us,WHO IS GOING TO TALK FOR US WE ARE LOOSING OUR HOMES LEFT AND RIGHT.

Dec 4, 2012

Ocwen Loan Servicing LLC

If you allow these crooks to get away with this then they will,Tell your congress man and woman and see if we can get results I will ask my bank to take over the mortgage if I have to.

Dec 8, 2012

loan servicing ocwen

Ocwen improperly boarded my loan (their term for the seasoning period, the time in which they were already sued for charging lates fees to customers who could not pay because their loans were not set up and you could not access computer. The prior theives (litton, aka Goldman sach, told me not to try to pay until i was sure my loan was properly set up with Ocwen).This happened in 9/11,10/11/11/11. On Thanksgiving eve got a call from someone at Ocwen, (totallly could not understand who, what or where he was), finally, no joke, he asked if i wanted to speak to someone in spanish. Had to get Hope Now involved, just to find out what to pay because payment amount changed daily or hourly on the computer. Also, they say they are allowed to charge 2 comparative market anaylysis a year and you can be sure they will manipulate your payments and miscomminicate withing their divisions to insure you get tagged for $800-1100 per year, along with drive by inspections. If you include a late fee with your payment they will not pay the late but divert these fees to reimburse themselves for their fees. For 22 years I never had a fee on my loan for anything and if its included in my payment it was paid (WAMU>present wall street mortgage based asset securities in trust by citit at wells fargo, so you see all the major players are very poliitcallly connected.). The relations ship manager are a joke (cONSUMER PROTECTION FINANCIAL FED LAW NOW REQUIRES A SINGLE POINT OF CONTACT. YOU CAN REQUEST AN APPT ON LINE, BUT REMEMBER THERE WILL BE NO CALL ID NUMBER APPEAR ON YOU PHONE0. LITTON RIPPED ME OFF FOR THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS FOR 5 years of servicing. SAM MEANS SHARED APPRECIATED MORTGAGE LOAN MOD. WHICH I HAD NEVER DONE BUT SOMMEONE WITH A SIMILAR NAME HAD DONE. SO MY LOAN WAS COMINGLED FOR 5 years without my knowledge. Litton said they would charge any fees they wanted because they could. Now Ocwen professes to be alll mighty and could care less about properly processing a payment and boy have they loaded up my fees and wiped all almost all my principal reduction for the year with these fees. Politicians know about this. The President is well aware of this. But the money just from one pocket to the other, if your know what i Mean/.Meanwhile, I am losing my mind and health over this. I put 40% down, bouth a small home in 1992 after my husband served 20 years in the Navy. Ocwen makes sure you continue to be trapped in their system, and will never be able to refi.I have enough equity in my home that I could use a home equity to pay off my first. What a joke. They are fraudsters with a badge.

Dec 28, 2012

i got help!! hopefully others can too!!

Hello all,
I recently got my Ocwen remodification done with RIG Financial Solutions after trying with dismal results to try other avenues. I am admittedly one of the people who jumped on the "we can help with your re-modifcation" addage a lot of these "companies" claim; I paid over $5,000 in "start up" or "processing" cost as they said, for NOTHING to a company who was unable to help! I got nothing in return but angst and a lot of unanswered phone calls . I tried to do a modification myself, which as I look back on was a ahorrible idea, but it led me to doing some research and homework on who can help me, and HOW they can help me! My friend Arlene told me about RIG Financial Soultions ( her fiance' worked for them from what i understand now) and how they really fought to help save her home, and she kept encouraging me to look into the matter. Finally I did, and the best part of the entire processs, I paid nothing until my modification was approved! They were really enthusiastic and focused on my case i had a 70k dollar principal reduction at 2% interest rate. My monthly mortgage payment was reduced from $2,222.56 to $1234.42. I have nothing but the utmost confidence that they can help you if your in need. I sat down with their intake counselor, and they were able to jump right in; I was in foreclosure, losing my home as it was was on the sheriff sale list and they were able to save my home! I honestly did not think they could, but they did and i am still amazed . For everyone here looking for a possible solution, maybe try RIG Financial Soultions....it worked for me...

hope everyone has a blessed 2013!!

take care, each of you!!

Feb 14, 2013

Ocwen Loan Servicing

there is a direct link to Ocwen

email: [email protected] for details...

this info is especially useful for those of us in the modifcation process!!


Clare M
Apr 16, 2013

began from scam

The company which I have been paying out the loan to has went out of business. Another company that took their place claims that I owe a lot of money. They began their business from scam. That’s very wrong!

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