Peak-Life Somnapure |
United States |
Consumer reviews about Peak-Life Somnapure |
Todd Kennedy
Jan 29, 2012
I'm a class action lawyer investigating this company. If you've been affected, please contact me at 415-789-6390. This is attorney advertising. - Todd Kennedy, San Francisco, CA
Todd Kennedy
Jan 29, 2012
I am a class action lawyer investigating this company. If you have been affected, please contact me at 415-789-6390, or [email protected]. This is attorney advertising. - Todd Kennedy, San Francisco, CA
Feb 21, 2012
We are so sorry if there has been any confusion! For questions or concerns, please call our customer service department at 1-877-869-3304 and we will sort out any issues immediately!
Thank You,
Peak Life
Glen Burrough
Feb 8, 2014
Sleep Aid: Somnapure (Peak Life)
Somnapure ad on TV by Peak Life Offered a Day Supply for: shipping & handling. After 4-5 days trial I began to vomit. I threw it out in the trash. I was charged $34.98 on my Credit Card. They sent another bottle which I returned to sender. I should send a bill to them for the reaction, and my ER bill! What I want is simply my $34.98 credited back to my credit card.
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