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Apr 8, 2012
Verbal Abuse, Intimidation, Lying
So true. Yesterday my assistant manager came into work (day before easter) at around 7:00 am. I had been there since 5 am. It was going to be very busy, so I decided to move quicker than normal and get things moving to best of my ability. When you open up in the morning by yourself, you have to pretty much look over the shelves and decide which product to begin producing first in order to fill consumer need and missing product areas. It can be a hard choice due to baking times, temperatures and rising of the dough schedules. It really is a science and one has to stay on top of it. I worked hard and made some tough choices that I thought would set us up for a winning retail day. Well my assistant manager came in and immediately began complaining about how the set up went, bossing me around etc... Then she said, "Now don't you go get crazy on me like you did a year ago." She called me crazy. Hum... If I am crazy, then the other bakery worker who calls in sick all the time, then often doesn't even show up or call in for days at a time to let us know if she is still working for us is normal, and the other worker who doesn't like to work when he does work and sulks when asked to work and calls in sick during the busy days is normal too. I have been there for them at 5 am all the time, never called out sick, even filled in during difficult times especially when she was sick in the hospital. It is not fair for my assistant manager to call me crazy when I have been there for her through thick and thin time and time again. My feelings were very hurt. I like my manager but this assistant isn't going anywhere. The last year she is referring to is when she was repeatedly verbally abusing me and yelling at me in front customers and other employees. I just couldn't take the humiliation anymore so I went to the store manager and complained. So now I am labeled as crazy for one act of anger that happened over a year ago and I never repeated the behavior again. In fact, I just let it go, remain calm and forgot it. She couldn't forget it and threw it in my face. Happy Easter to me!
Apr 8, 2012
Verbal Abuse, Intimidation, Lying
Actually I have a confession to make. I lied about my manager because I did not get the promotion. I lied to make my manager look bad and incompetient. I did use fowl language at one point to a coworker and they said that I was not entitled to a promotion because of this. Because of this one lie I am labeled as a crazy person. They ruined my Easter. I did not even want to work it being a holiday but they told me I had to because I volunteered to work. I later changed my mind. Losers.
Apr 8, 2012
Verbal Abuse, Intimidation, Lying
You sound immature.
Mar 9, 2016
embarrassed by staff
I returned a box of streits matzoh this morning to the store I did not have the receipt .
The employee working the customer service whose name is Becky could not scan the item
in the system and asked me to get another off the shelf,I did this and returned to the customer service
line at this point a was met by a gentleman who must have been a manager for the front end .
this guy was so rude to me he asked me how I paid for the item and couldnt believe I bought the
matzoh in his store even though I HAD RETREIVED A BOX RIGHT OFF THE SHELF.
I was taken aback by his attitude the matzoh was stale and needed to be returned
I felt like a criminal over this box of steits 3.29 matzoh.
This store is poorly run and the staff acts like they hate being there .
The bakery doesnt have its goods out when the store is openned and the Produce section
doesnt have its produce out when the store opens.and the staff in these 2 departments are joking with each other and
having loud conversations instead of taking care of customer needs ..
shopping in this publix is a horror . the store mgr is Susan Mullan
address 1140 sw 36th ave palmaire 03/09/2016
thank you,s Hamilton
[email protected]