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Ridgeview Ragdolls

United States, Tennessee, Clinton

Consumer reviews about Ridgeview Ragdolls

Mar 2, 2014

Ridgeview Ragdolls

2678 Dutch Valley Road, United States, Tennessee, Clinton

My kitten died of FIP, and breeder refuses to compensate me.

Here's 10 things to know from my personal experience with Ridgeview Ragdolls:

1. The breeder sold us a kitten (Pumpkin) that was showing signs of FIP and died 3 months later. When we picked him up he was underweight and had fleas. That night we got him home he had diarrhea and was sneezing. She made up illogical excuses for these things. If you're wondering why I bought him even though he was too thin and had fleas, just know that I had already paid her a non-refundable deposit. I figured he just needed some flea preventative and good quality food. She refuses to give me ANY compensation, even though she gave me her word that she would.

2. She brought a cat into her cattery that originally came from Elegant Ragdolls. Look it up and you will find warnings of scams, ringworm, and kittens/cats dying of FIP. She admitted that this cat came from a "non-reputable breeder". This was the mother of the kitten we purchased that died of FIP.

3. The father of our kitten that died of FIP is Hershey from Ridgeview Ragdolls, and he is still in Tamie Knowle's breeding program.

4. The kitten I purchased from her had fleas upon me picking him up. When I asked her about this she told me that she lived in the country and this couldn't be helped...... SERIOUSLY?!

5. She will only allow guests into a room she calls a "kitten room". She says on her websited that nobody is allowed into her house. How am I supposed to know what type of conditions my kitten is coming from and the condition of the parents if not allowed to see it? That seems EXTREMELY suspicious in the very least.

6. When we bought our kitten from her we recieved no veterinarian records. Instead I recieved paperwork listing were she had self-administered nasal vaccines and wormings.

7. When I asked to see the paperwork proving Kara-the mother mother of my kitten-had been tested for FIV/FeLV she told me she didn't have it. That the breeder she got her from only gave her her word that she had been tested. She wasn't shown any proof of that. That could have potentially endangered her entire cattery. Even our local Animal Control and Rescue test for this. Because of this we had to pay to get our kitten tested for FIV/FeLV. Tamie advertises on her website that her cats are tested for FIV/FeLV. I feel as though she has falsely advertised at least in my case.

8. Tamie and her friends posted that one reason I was not given a refund was because according to them kittens usually die within 14 days of the Corona Virus mutating into FIP. Look up: www.peteducation.com, and search FIP. That is a webpage that is referenced by veterinarians. It says on there that kittens with the wet form of FIP can live up to 2 months. In the dry form of FIP it says kittens can live up to a year. Our kitten had the dry form. Also search FIP on "wikipedia.com". It actually gives an account of a cat living 26 months after showing clinical signs of FIP. Another good source of information is a website written by an actual doctor. It is: http://dr-addie.com/Choosekitten.htm. I wish I had found her websited BEFORE purchasing a kitten. I am wondering where they are getting their information. Tamie says she plans on educating people about FIP. Given the knowledge or the lack thereof that Tamie and her friends have about FIP, I certainly hope she does not try to educate anyone about FIP.

9. She does not show her cats. Beware of breeders that do not show their cats. Showing is a sign of a true breeder that cares about the betterment of the breed and not just making a profit off of breeding and selling kittens. When a breeder shows they are willing to put the money into their cats and cattery to make it the best it can be, and do not care about making a "quick buck".

10. Another reason she will not give me any compensation is because she claims we fostered a kitten while we had the one that she sold us. This information she got and has misrepresented from our confidential vet reports. She claims it was the Coccidia that Jake had that caused Pumpkin, the one we bought from her, to develope FIP. Coccidia is an intestinal parasite. Like a tapeworm. Has anyone heard of a DEADLY tapeworm? I advise you, the reader, to look up Coccidia. It is not deadly. Certainly not like FIP, which has a 100% mortality rate. Corona caused the FIP in Pumpkin. What happens is the Corona virus mutates into FIP. Or at least it did in Pumpkin. Jake WAS an adoption. I did not foster any kittens while I had Pumpkin. I had originally contacted my rescue letting them know I wanted to adopt a friend for pumpkin. I asked them if they got any pointed kittens to let me know. The next day I got an email from them with a picture of a cute, fat, Siamese mixed kitten that they had just found. For the record, Jake never stayed at a shelter or rescue. He stayed overnight at the vet, had a series of tests done on him, as well as recieved his vaccine and worming. They even tested him for FIV/FeLV. He was neutered and watched overnight. The next evening I picked him up. Because he was kind of skittish at first I was given 9 days by the rescue to decide. They also wanted to make sure Pumpkin and Jake were a good match. That was a kindness on their part. I adopted him on the 9th day. I have explained to Tamie why it says foster on the records. The rescue had the vet list him as a foster because they had originally promised me they would cover all of his vaccines and wormings. As well as pay for the Coccidia as I found out he had it after I got him. They are very good friends with me and did me that kindness. I do, however, have the official adoption contract which is signed and dated by me and a witness that says when I adopted him. So I do have proof of adoption even though he stayed in the vet's system as a foster long after. In fact, I believe she could learn something from this rescue. They put the animals and their customers first. To them it is NOT about the money.

The seal pointed kitten is our healthy kitten Jake. The flame point curled in a ball in pain is Pumpkin. In the picture Jake is trying to get Pumpkin to play with him and wondering why he won t.

My kitten died of FIP, and breeder refuses to compensate me.

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