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Consumer reviews about Rip Off Report |
L Nelson
Dec 22, 2011
Seeking Class Action Participants
Absolutely terrible things ... i agree that this is a criminal enterprise.
L Nelson
Dec 22, 2011
Seeking Class Action Participants
just did a search on line and found another class action already filed
RIP OFF REPORT owner Ed Magedson charged with RICO - Racketeering in Phoenix Federal
Racketeering Charges Filed! Conspiracy and Racketeering (RICO) proceedings as well as claims for defamation and invasion of privacy are being issued against Ed Magedson owner or RIP OFF REPORT and Bad Business Bureau - under a Federal Court in Phoenix Arizona. The warrant has been issued against Rip Off Report, Bad Business Bureau - owner Ed Magedson for the operation including the sites: /link removed/, and a number of countless other “consumer advocate” sites being orchestrated by the extortion consortium. Ed Magedson operates his illegal extortion scam under the guise of “consumer advocacy” sites - to force innocent companies into paying him to take down his dirty posts. Currently 28 Attorney Generals and 17 Federal Prosecutors throughout the U.S. are pursuing Ed Magedson and the rip off report. Known to draft court service notices since 1992 (long before he started this extortion operation), rewards of up to $50, 000 have been offered for his whereabouts. If you do a key word search under “Ed Magedson” you will see his shady past.
But the legitimate companies are not paying. Currently there are almost 100 court cases pending against Ed Magedson – including a judgement against ED for Ten Million Dollars - under the courts of Nevis where he has hosted his websites in the past.
Ed Magedson and the Rip Off Report EXPOSED in a WSVN Fox News Television Report! Click here to view!
USA Today issues warning that bloggers are inaccurate forms of information. For more information click here.
Here are just a few of the sites you will find when you do a keyword search in google using the phrase “Ed Magedson”.
Learn more about Rip Off report extortion: Click here:
Join the Class Action Lawsuit – Against the Rip Off Report
The tide is turning. A group of more than 130 companies have joined together in a class action law suit and are leading the charge against RIP OFF REPORT Ed Magedson and his group of strong armed criminals. Instead of each company having to fight the battle alone, the class action law suit has organized many companies and individuals including Walmart, Verizon Wireless, Pizza Hut and more who have been targeted by this extortion operation.
* If you have posted on the site and have been solicited for money we would like to hear from you.
* If you have seen a Ripoff Report posting and decided not to work with a company or do business with a company because of what you have read on one of these sites please let us know about your story.
* If your company has been victimized or attacked on the Ripoff Report we would like to hear from you.
If you are a consumer and you are researching a company you should be skeptical of anything on these sites. Instead visit official government sites such as the BBB, or the FTC: website to check out a company, and you will not be drawn into the web of deceit created by these criminals.
File your complaint with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) -$.startup?Z_ORG_CODE=PU01
News 1-23-06
DEFENDANTS: Ed Magedson, Xcentric Ventures, LLC,, Bad Business
“IT IS SO ORDERED. Defendants’ Motions to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction are denied.”
January 18, 2006, Charles R. Norgle, District Judge
This decision by a Federal Judge clears the way for business, that have been the target of Rip Off Report - Ed Magedson’s extortion racket, to sue, shut down and jail Ed Magedson and his collaborators.
Facts in Evidence:
“Visitors must register with Sites, by providing identifying information such as name, email and street address in order to post comments. Defendants sell this information to law firms seeking to file class action lawsuits against companies. In addition, discovery has revealed that Defendants sought to enter into a business relationship with the law firm of…, which holds itself out as a firm, which ‘prosecutes class actions throughout the United States...’ Defendants proposed to refer clients to this firm, and attempted to negotiate a fee of $800, 000 per year for this service. Defendants referred clients (information) to one of these (law) firms and actively solicited the business of another.”
In one case, the website (Rip off Report) posted more than 110 “complaints” from consumers. Investigation proved that only 11 of these postings were actually from customers. The balance of 99 reports was made-up by members of Rip Off Report staff.
Dee Gerrish2
Feb 26, 2012
Fraudulant website practices
"Truthisnowtold" is a scam in itself and is more than likely ROR itself, I see. It's pretty obvious since they've posted 97 complaints about others and they have posted 919 comments, for god's sake on this website alone! I'm going to address this knucklehead's comment what they said about me since they don't KNOW anything about me whatsoever, nor does this jerk know anything about me as a breeder. Let's get one thing straight, "Truthisnowtold". I just recently hired an attorney in my local area whom is a criminal prosecutor. I did it so I could try and hail Mrs. Sandra Faye Johnson of Orlando Florida here to North Carolina, to court. Why ? Because this woman is the KEY to all of the internet BS that has been going on and is the main REASON there is now over 31 (and counting) fraudulant complaints that is now posted on the scam website called ripoffreport that is ran by the scammer, Ed Madegeson or however you spell his freakin' last name. I filed a complaint with the Arizona State General attorney's office and they told me they could not help me with that creep because I didn't buy anything from him or his website! Yeah! Go figure! He didn't sell me anything, so the state of Arizona can't help me shut his damned website down. The man is a fraud! HE rips innocent people and he allows people like Sandra Faye Johnson to post BS on his website in any name they so elect! She can claim she is JESUS; MOSES; JOE SCHMOE from TImbuck TOO and she can photoshop me as an alien carrying the baby from GOD himself and ED Madgedson will allow it! The woman has posted over 31 fraudulant "complaints" on that website using multiple fake names. DO NOT tell me that I should be dealing with each "family member" and NOT the website owner himself. IF the website owner was a responsible and honest person, he would NOT run his website the way that he does. He would have done the right thing when I first contacted him back years ago when Sandra Faye Johnson began this nonsense. He would have removed the content and NOT allowed this. He would have blocked her IP address as other responsible websites, forums and groups have done to her. This man and others whom have fueled her incessant cyberbullying and cyberstalking makes money off of her and others like her. This is why he does this and this is why this website does this. This is why websites and similar groups and forums do this. MONEY and greed. It costs thousands of dollars to hail each individual to court. Each person whom bullies others live out of state, more than likely. An attorney is costly and going to court is expensive. ROR does NOT investigate complaints because he does NOT give a crap . The moment someone writes the "complaint" and clicks that post button...the "complaint" is posted. It does NOT matter to the owner of ROR what you state about a person or company. There are many forums, groups and websites like ROR that takes what you say about them and they run with it. Much like the National Enquirer. It's downright shameful. Well, "Truthisnowtold"'re an idiot! You have no truth! The truth don't know the truth. You go around posting BS about people you don't know. ROR hurts the reputation of people because they don't do any true investigating to find out both sides. They don't know the facts just like yourself. Your full of crap. Why don't you call me, knucklehead and I'll be glad to give you the name of my attorney ! You want some facts ??? I've got thousands of pages full of facts about Sandra Faye Johnson! She's a woman a woman in need of a mental clinic with deep seated issues that dates back to her childhood. Nothing this woman has been doing has had anything to do with my dogs, my home, my spouse or where I live. The woman has personal issues but has spent years specifically targeting ME because she's jealous, envious and has mental health problems. You ever hear of a stalker and bully ?
They're out there and people need to realize that. Websites, groups and forums need to stop fueling people like her . They also need to recognize these people and recognize a fraudulant BS post when they see one. ROR and other sites like should NOT allow fraudulant content to be posted and they should know it when they see it. My business has been substantially hurt because of this woman and Ive suffered substantial distress because of this woman's nonsense! When others copy the images Sandra Faye Johnson has already posted on ROR or elsewhere that SHE wrongfully copied from my blogs, articles or sites that clearly stated they were not to be copied or redistributed, etc... they are infringing upon my copyrights and actually doing exactly what SHE's doing and then they turn around and make fun of or believe what SHE posted, or poke fun of or turn around and do exactly what SHE has done in the first place like bullying and harassing. What am I suppose to do ? Go around the world to sue every single person that mimics what she's been doing ? It all boils down to the fact she's the KEY individual that started this mess. If SHE had not began posting all of the bs on ROR; all of the photoshopped images and posted all of the fraudulant claims that she posted, what has been going on all of these years would not have been going on and my dogs would have found homes. I would not be here having this discussion right now. I would not have had to hire an attorney to try and hail this woman TWICE now to court. I am now seeking my SECOND restraining order against the same woman for the same reasons. Multiple websites have assisted me. Multiple forums have assisted me. Multiple groups have assisted me. But countless groups, forums and sites have NOT. I have filed numerous upon numerous complaints...for years against this woman all over the internet. This woman has created gmail, yahoo accounts and all types of accounts using my own person name! The extent that this woman has gone to as a means of harassing me over the internet... you have NO freakin' clue of what you are event talking about! She has even had her boyfriend from PA. to call my home to threaten my life! She has involved her own adult son whom has a police record in Florida. It would not even surprise me if she has had his friends to harass me via the internet using scam names. So do NOT tell me that you know what the hell you are talking about because you do not. They use facebook fake names to friend me pretending they play specific games that I play. I know how they work the scam. I'm not an idiot. So please take a hike. You are a scammer right here on complaints board, yourself. If people believe for a second that this website and ROR is a true website...I have a million bucks waiting for them in a form of a check ! But don't cash it. The damned thing will bounce like a rubber ball.
Feb 26, 2012
Fraudulant website practices
Ed is so misunderstood.
Feb 26, 2012
Fraudulant website practices
So sue her or STFU already. You bitch about websites allowing people to spew anything, well they allowed you to spew this garbage ao STFU.
Dee Gerrish2
Feb 27, 2012
Fraudulant website practices
"Ed is misunderstood" ??? "So sue her or STFU already " ?? Hey "ragoon", why don't you come to my home and make me STFU. People like you post your childish bs because (A) You have not been affected by a mentally challenged stalker on the internet whom is being allowed to post their content under multiple assumed identities by Ed Madegson on ROR and his other websites that he owns. (B) Your email account is being flooded by the mentally challenged stalker whom is actually seeing a doctor for their mental health condition, whom is under medication, whom sometimes MISSES their required doses; whom lives out of state; whom has people that assists her with her absurd internet behavior. Lastly, knuckleheads, (C) It takes thousands of dollars to SUE people no matter what their mental health condition may be! The woman has no job. She just lost her home. Her spouse dumped her. She is strapped for cash. What the hell will I get from her even if I sue her ? Nothing. After I sue her then what ? She returns back home to post more "garbage" all over internet under multiple fabricated names in the same exact way on Ed's ROR website including his extended other websites that he owns, pretending she is the ultimate victim of mine, when she is the person posting content about herself and creating the images from her own computer! This woman has been found on countless websites, groups and forums under so many identities that the documentation has taken up two entire containers where she has posted fabricated "diaries" about her life...her family...and myself...of events that has never taken place. Her "events" happen only in her mind. When someone confronts her with the reality of what she has stated, she becomes upset and claims she is being "harassed" . She can not accept the facts as the facts actually are. This is usually how a stalker behaves especially if they do this on the internet. They are secretive on the internet and they post what they want about someone else using false identities. Ed allows this on his website and he does NO fact checking when people post content about individuals or about a business. This is not a responsible way to operate a website which is why ED has no credibility. No one should give ROR any credibility if they want to look into a business or an individual if they want to do business with them. Sandra Faye Johnson is a mentally ill person and has been for a very long time. She has been seeing a mental health physician for years and this was documented by her attorney during a probate case just recently at an Orlando Florida hearing for my mother, whom has dementia. Because this woman has mental health problems and has continued acting crazy on and off the internet, I hired an attorney and I asked for a restraining second one... against her. The woman has posted images on the internet such as houses burning to suggest she intends to burn down my house. She has posted images showing a man putting a chemical laced cloth over my mother's face to suggest she was harming my mother with chemicals...then she sent a questionable package to my home that contained a letter that was soaked with some type of chemical that caused me to call the police to my home. She even went out of her way to hide the identity of whom sent that package to my house. Ed allows people like this woman to post fabricated content on his website and he does NOT do any fact checking. Spewing garbage ?? No one is "spewing garbage" here! I speak the truth about the scam artist, Ed Madgeson of ROR ! He allows lives to be ruined by people whom have mental health problems, whom are on medication, whom are stalkers; are jealous, envious, have other issues going on and he does not a single bit of fact finding before he approves the content on his website. He should be more responsible with what is posted on his website if he wants to be the "authority" and wants to be taken seriously when it comes to businesses or people doing business with others. My personal name and my business name has been dragged all over the virtual mud because of a mentally deranged individual whom has hated her entire family since she was a teenager. Her personal problems is no fault of mine. She needs to take up her hostilities with her therapist and leave my dogs, my family and me alone and remove her content like she was asked to do. Ed should remove the content like he was asked to do a long time ago as well. You don't like it ? I have the right to post a complaint on this site about the scam artist, Ed Madegson because that is what the man is. A scam artist. BS artist who allows fabricated content on his website for a buck! There is absolutely NO truth to what is posted on his website whatsoever. No one should give his website any credibility if they are seeking information about any business or any individual. You can claim you did business with JESUS and that he ripped you off because he stole a piece of bread from you and sold you a soiled bottle of wine. TRY IT. Ed will allow that story to post. Create a photoshopped image of Jesus and yourself with a broken bottle of wine. I guarantee Ed will then send you an email telling you that if you send him several thousands of dollars, he'll remove the derogatory content! His bs team did this to me after this crazy woman posted each and ever single fabricated story about me on his scam website! That includes all of the fake photos she posted there of me too! This woman has claimed to be countless people on his website and claimed to live in multiple states and cities! Not once did he check out the fake stories! He ran the stories and refused to remove the content knowing they were fake! End of Story. Ed is a bullshit artist. He's a scam artist. He's a fraud. He's misunderstood ? To whom ? The pope ? Here's a cellphone. Here's a dollar in quarters. Tell someone who cares. When your name or your life is destroyed by someone like this woman because a man like Ed refuses to be responsible for his own website ... come back to me and tell me how misunderstood this man is. End of Story.
Feb 27, 2012
Fraudulant website practices
Better yet why don't you tell someone who cares OP. You're ASS u ME ing that the above posters have never been stalked or harassed online or have never had their reps dragged through the mud. baseless ignorant assumptions. File police reports. Suing her or taking her to criminal court would silence her or have her jailed. Quit playing the victim and do something or as Ragon says, STFU. ROR is not the problem. You bitch about these websites having no credibility yet here you are posting on them. So what credibility should we give you? Read the TOS of these websites, the owner is not responsible for content.
Dee Gerrish2
Feb 27, 2012
Fraudulant website practices
I do not care that you do not care, "Mixie" whom is hiding behind an assumed name. The owner of all websites IS responsible "Mixie" . Those whom create a website, group or forum ARE responsible for all content that is posted. It is their responsibility to look into the facts before approving the content. It is also the responsibility of the website, forum, group owner to remove the content when the content or image posted is disputed by another individual. Ed of ROR does NOT do this. At least the owners of this website WILL remove content when content on this site is disputed. I have had content and my images removed from this website because of the fact the content was fabricated and my personal images were posted without my consent. That at least gives this site SOME type of credibility. Ed of ROR does NOT do any fact finding. When content is disputed on his website, he does NOT remove images or the content nor will he look into the facts of the images or content that is posted on his site. I sent him an email disputing what was posted and he had the audacity to send an email back to me to state I did not know what I was talking about. He then had the audacity to have someone call my home asking for over $25, 000 to "remove" the "derogatory" content that was posted on his website and then I was flooded with email asking for money by his supposed team to remove the same "derogatory" content that was posted by this woman even though he knew the content was fabricated. Gee. How did he get my email address ? Because I contacted him telling him that the content was fabricated and I asked him to remove the content.
NO ONE is playing a victim, you jerk! I don't care that you do not care. Their TOS policy ?? What a joke. Ed does not even abide by his own TOS policy. I don't ask anyone to give me any credibility whatsoever. The fact is, I hired an attorney to hail this woman to court in my local area of North Carolina to try and obtain my second restraining order against her because she refuses to stop harassing me over the internet and has continued the same repeated nonsense since 2006, literally every where. Her offenses include creating email accounts in my own name and fabricating other accounts using my business name to pretend to be ME to post content that is derogatory, over the internet. That in itself is fraud and deception. The fact she has caused a substantial loss in revenue by doing things like this, to my business, is theft by deception.
I AM taking her to court regarding the matter, little "Moxie" and that DOES give me credibility. Taking people to court is expensive. "Hailing them to court" is not easy especially when THEY live out of state and especially when the issue is about the internet. I could care less whom believes my story. I didn't ask for your opinion or the opinion of anyone on here. My story is the story of many people around the world. People like Ed make money off of crazy people like Sandra Faye Johnson and it is very unfortunate. I thought my situation was unique but it isn't. All you have to do is go to any court room where people are trying to obtain a restraining order against another individual. The room is packed. One deputy told me every day is the same. Jam packed, daily. What a sad world we live in. Unscrupulous people like Ed should be ashamed of themselves, but instead, he is laughing his way to the bank and attorneys are go home with a headache thanking god their lives are not as screwed up as the lives they have to help defend or prosecute.
Feb 28, 2012
Fraudulant website practices
No it isn't dumbass. You don't know law so quit trying to make it. How do you know Mixie's not her real name? Claiming to be psychic as well as psycho now?
Dee Gerrish2
Feb 29, 2012
Fraudulant website practices
I'll tell ya what, fake "ragon" ... my address is 165 four lakes dr. cleveland NC 27013 . You are welcome to come to my house to call me a "dumb ass" to my face. My complaint has been on this board since 2009 and suddenly you and your buddy popped on over here to drum up some business. I think that's rather odd and at an interesting time frame. If you have something to say to me, pick up the telephone and dial my number! I'm listed!
Feb 29, 2012
Fraudulant website practices
"I AM taking her to court regarding the matter, little "Moxie" and that DOES give me credibility' - No it doesn't. Many false reports and restraing orders are filed, not saying yours is false, but that doesn't prove anything nor lend you credibility. You come off just as loony as the person you are defaming.
Dee Gerrish2
Feb 29, 2012
Fraudulant website practices
Whatever, fabricator. As I stated to the fake "ragoon". My address and phone is listed. Any time you want to show your face at my doorstep or call ? Feel free.
Mar 2, 2012
Fraudulant website practices
Drama queen. Must be realted to Beatrice.
Dee Gerrish2
Mar 2, 2012
Fraudulant website practices
You must not have attended "Skool" . You can't Spell .
Mar 4, 2012
Fraudulant website practices
Correction: Nazi drama queen. There is nothing fraudulent about Ed's website practices. The TOS is clear and concise as is this one. Hispractices are perfectly legal.
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