RMCB - Retrieval Masters Creditors Bureau |
United States |
Consumer reviews about RMCB - Retrieval Masters Creditors Bureau |
Feb 6, 2012
Deceptive business practices!
I received a letter of collection just the other day for $24 for RMCB for some fishing club. I have attempted to call them for 3o minutes this morning and it hangs up on me every time. I never subscribed to this and my proof is that the letter states a sign up date of June 16, 2011. The only thing that I was living in a hotel not my home during that time frame due to and EF5 tornado that ripped through my city. So, how can I sign up for something that I never received? I as a debt collector will not have any problem taking care of this issue. I know the rules and believe, e if they mess up I will have them by the you know what.
james of berkeley
Apr 4, 2012
Deceptive business practices!
This is BS!!! i have ezpass in all my vehicles, i expalained to all that i filled out form that my transponder didnt pick up signal, they said they never recieved it. so they sent me to this collection agency that can not budge.think about it they can have a guy in mail room just throwing letter in trash.first their equipment doesnet work, they neither do thier employees, & i got to pay 50 fine? how is that fair? its wrong & you can not treat your customers that way.
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