South Africa |
Consumer reviews about SABC |
Feetjie Fix
Jan 5, 2012
TV License
Is their modus operandi maybe, that if they can not force monies out of you now that are not due to them, they can steal millions from people estates when they die? You just have to go on to the website to see, what a futile exercise it is to close a TV Licence account with just higher debt being incurred every year. They use bully tactics that you first have to pay the alleged debt, before they can close your account, which they offcourse in many instances never do. Because when you pay, their argument will be the following year that you admitted that you had a TV by paying for a television license account. It is far to late for these companies to claim innocense.
Sonja Mizen
Jan 28, 2012
TV License
I want to let you know that we TV license payers notice when you just cut things out of programs. You recently cut out 4 acts out of America got talent. As if we do not notice things like this. Please at least inform us of changes and if the program do not fit into the time schedule allocated for it, split it into two programs. There is so little to watch on TV, it is highly frustrated if you broadcast the decent programs half heartedly like you do. I would really appreciate a response
NG Ntsoane
Mar 18, 2012
TV License
I received an SMS from VVM that I owe SABC R2700.00. I tried to explain nicely to them that the area am staying(RDP house) was not electrified between 2004 and 2010. hence is beyond my control. I bought it after 2004 as I was having cash by then hoping that soon our area will be electrified, normal empty promises from our leaders. I even went to my local municipality to get letter as a proof but they insist that I must pay. For me to pay for the service am not getting is a crime. if SABC get away with it, it tells us crime is legalised in our country. I am willing to pay 2011.
NG Ntsoane
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