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james stanton
Feb 1, 2012
Direct TV service sold at Sam's Club by this company
I work for Smart Circle. This company just offers what most sales positions offer and that is a draw. There are some shady employees that work for them but also some hard working good folks too.
Customers who sign up for Direct TV through one of these reps usually end up saving the potential customer quite a bit of money over the two year promotion over their current provider. It seems that everyone is gaining in this except the one who showed you all the benefits of canceling your current cable service. The retailer makes $250 a install and the manager of Smart Circle local marketing team makes $200 which he is supposed to give anywhere from 120.00 to 100.00 a install. This is where it becomes a mission nearly impossible for the sales rep. Managers frequently do not pay their reps week in and week out what they initially are told they are going to make. Either their install dates are so far backed up or they just don't get the minimum amt of needed installs to validate commission. The worst thing about this is if you work there for more than a month you basically pay back loans you were given due to their draw system. I've seen managers not give a hoot about their employees or their needs. The product however is fantastic for 90% of those that sign up. Just be honest to the customer and in most cases you are able to not only upgrade their service from what they have but I've saved people over $500 on their 1st year of DTV service.
Some of you complaining customers need to have a reality check on the issues you want addressed. If your sales rep lied to you that's one thing. I've found customers lie just as much. At least after all is said and done you get everything in writing. If you only were going to sign up for the friends and family discount then you wouldn't of received the retailer discount. Most reasons people sign up in the store is all the additional savings or benefits thanks to the retailer. The fact they are locked in at prices they know over the next two years and cap on their 3rd year and beyond. They are not receiving that in most cases at the present. I tell everyone I sign up to take a day or two and research DTV and ask folks how they like it. I'm not scared to tell them that I work for a 3rd party neither. At least Smart Circle and the retailer have teamed up to save their customers money. Since the recession places like Smart Circle have given people a chance to save money while switching and upgrading their TV services. In reality the only loser in the long run is the employee who took the time to show you what you could have and how much you could save.
All you complainers last year they signed up 250, 000 folks across the country. I read about 10 complaints so I guess DTV through a 3rd party can't be too bad. No one is perfect but if there's more pluses than minuses over what you had then stop whining and be grateful for the aggressive salesperson who is trying to help you help him/or her.
Feb 17, 2012
Direct TV service sold at Sam's Club by this company
I agree with the posting above. The customers seem to blame the rep more than anything, when in most cases the rep is just trying to save them money while making also making some money themselves. The sad thing about it is that if these reps don't make the minimum sales for the week they will never finish paying off the loans the employed gave them. The sales person really doesn't get paid hourly its all based on commission, but smart circle doesn't clearly explain that when they are first hired. They don't get paid for over time, even though they work more than 48 hours a week. Most of the reps work over 12 hours a day, they are not happy about it but don't complain because smart circle keeps promising them their own office. The dream of having their own business takes over the injustice of not getting paid what they deserve. I wish smart circle would change their policy and pay them the hours they work for. It really breaks my heart to see how hard they work and still not being appreciated.
Mar 1, 2012
Direct TV service sold at Sam's Club by this company
I ordered DirectTV for my new apartment through Smart Circle at Best Buyat the beginning of February. Unfortunately, when I moved in I found out there were no phone jacks in the apt., so I had to wait 2+ weeks for AT&T to set up my internet access and thus did not have it when the installation tech arrived. First, he said I needed to pay $75 for "custom installation" (because my roof is flat, or something ridiculous like that). Ok, fine. Then I told him that I did not have internet access yet, which is apparently required in order to set up DirecTV's On Demand service (Cinema Connection). He told me it would be no problem, that he would complete the installation and then when I get internet access I could just call to get a tech to come install Cinema Connection AT NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE. Am I sure I heard him correctly? YES. I re-confirmed this with him multiple times; I had already payed $75 for what was supposed to be a "free" installation, " and I was not about to pay any more. The tech gave me his direct contact number and said if I have any service problems at any time, I should call him and not DirecTV.
Cut to this morning. My internet is all hooked up, so I call Smart Circle to set up Cinema Connection installation. They tell me that the cost to send someone out to install it is $79. I tell them what happened and what the tech said and they claim that when I deferred installation of CC (because I had no internet access), I was essentially agreeing to cancel the free installation of CC, which was part of the package deal I purchased at BB. Angry and frustrated, I immediately tried to call the tech at the number he gave me, only to receive a computer message saying, "the mobile customer you are trying to reach is not available at this time. please try again later." Positively livid now, I call DirecTV to see if they can help me. They tell me they would be happy to order me a CC wireless, self-installation kit- for $31. Oh, and since I didn't place the initial order with them, they consider this a service "upgrade, " so I'll have to pay another $50. And should I have a problem with the "self" installation, it will cost me $50 to get a service tech to come out to help me.
When you go through Smart Circle, you are indeed buying DirecTV service, but you are actually ordering Smart Circle hardware installation. DirecTV has nothing to do with these 3rd party installations, but they will be happy to clean up the mess they make- at the expense of the customer. So basically, not only is there zero incentive for DirecTV to qualify or even approve these resellers, the more resellers there are and the crappier service they offer, the more money DirecTV makes. And what does Best Buy (or Sam's Club) care? They're not the ones doing anything wrong, the poor service doesn't reflect negatively upon them and clearly DirecTV doesn't take issue with them over it. The whole thing is totally sketchy and, ethically, highly suspect at best- which makes it entirely unremarkable. That's just the way business is done now. The only thing we can do is remember what Mike Brady taught us- caveat emptor.
Sep 12, 2012
smart circle inc
Contact a Health and Safety Officer by the name of Cindy who is cutting refund cheques the past 5 years. She has a habit and the take i believe is 25000 per me and have more info if the cops get involved.
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