Spring Forest Qigong |
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Consumer reviews about Spring Forest Qigong |
Centered Energy Massage
Dec 16, 2011
Awful company
Healing does not go from bad to better in a few steps. often things have to get much worse before they get better. No one expects to get off the operating table and carry it home! blocked energy is dealt with by the body as best it can. Compensation occurs. These compensations change how energy paths operate. Removing the blockage is not all there is to healing. The compensations must sort themselves out before the energetic path ways return to the default setting. These changes may be painful. Accept the Change, accept the pain, Be ready for the gain.
Centered Energy Massage
Dec 16, 2011
Awful company
like all injury and disease, energy blockages forces the body to compensate. Removing the blockages will cause problems until the body can reset to the default. One must expect these negative effects until the reset happens.
I have read the "Born A Healer book". Using the most basic Qigong exercises i have changed my life and have found that I can positively affect the health of others. No one system can do everything for everyone. No one can heal you! In the west, we think, when the pain is gone we are healed. In the west we treat disease by hiding the pain.
Mar 17, 2012
Awful company
this world is always divided into three parts- "for, against and no comments". All are right in their own ways because every one has created his own world in which he lives and his perspective is what he sees his world is like. You experience something and you are wholly owner of that. you can tell others what and how it happened but can not make him get the some experience as you did. So accept the good points like "love every one, do unto others as you want them to do to you, have faith in yourself, and in nature which has brought you into this world, " and so on. Please do not give opinions, because you never know the whole truth at any time and the other side of the coin is always not visible when you look at a two dimension picture
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