summerside bengals |
Canada, Ontario |
Consumer reviews about summerside bengals |
Jan 28, 2012
sells sick cats with genetic diseases
I am sorry you had bad luck with your kitten. You likely didn't visit te breeder's home. I did. It was very clean with healthy cats. I think this is a rare occurrence and bashing the breeder online because you now have just a "pet" is brutal. I am saddened that you only see dollar signs.
I bet the cat is happy and healthy now...just not a source of income for you.
not to be screwed
Feb 8, 2012
sells sick cats with genetic diseases
hey bengal girl...i got severly ripped of with a sick cat wich still has expolsive diarreaha all over my fing house...yea nasty i could only imagine what her place smells like!!! *puke!* she only has 30 cats in there YUCK! ... I DID NOT PAY FOR A SICK ANIMAL...i paid $2500 for a sick cat it took me over a YEAR TO PAY FOR IT! end of story i am bashing her she is a kitty mill breeder i mean look on her website with the sick looking kittens she sells give me a break. its about the welfare of the sicjk cats she sells AND THE MONEY SHE ROBBED FROM ME! if it was you you would be mad as well she does not deserve to be called a BREEDER...she is SCUM...what goes around comes around. i hope she never sells another cat again, , they can crap all over her house NOT mine
not to be screwed
Feb 8, 2012
sells sick cats with genetic diseases
oh let me guess your her buddy as well.. or better yet you are wendy...nice try
not to be screwed
Feb 8, 2012
sells sick cats with genetic diseases
does this look like a picture of a healthy kitty??? this is a pic on her website of a "sold"kitten...i dont think so...there is also been on, off problems with this cats eyes...i am done..i was going to join into the cat fanciers world and start showing/breeding.. she soured me of that along with emptied my bank account no thank you i am done. i see all these complaints about cat breeders...Wow is all i can say...disgusting. these are not breeders...they are criminals robbing people stealing their money and breaking their hearts with these poor sick cats they sell that had no choice where they were brought into this world... makes me sick.
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