The Mutual Fund Store |
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Consumer reviews about The Mutual Fund Store |
Jan 12, 2012
Scam artists
That's plain stupid. If a broker gets paid by selling you on something won't he be motivated to keep selling and selling? Does he care if you make money? Only slightly. If an advisor is paid for managing money won't he be motivated to manage your money? In fact, if your account gets larger and larger won't get a pay raise? You can make up the numbers but it doesn't make sense.
Frank Rudolph Bledsoe
Feb 9, 2012
Time to tell the truth
I've got to say Thank-You to all of you who have shown me what I was to blind to see...If it sounds to good to be true, well we all know where that one goes. So I'm going back to what I already knew, if ya wanna make some good doughnuts, you be the one that handles the dough.
Mar 2, 2012
Scam artists
I was taken in by the sales pitch of Mutual Funds Store also I had talked with five advisers associated with two credit unions, my bank, a small firm locally and auto insurance company and narrowed the field to two. My mistake - I choose the Mutual Funds Store. However, someone in the know told me to get out and get out fast. My money was put in my account with them two days ago and this afternoon I'm going with my other choice. A good friend who suggested them does his own investing but felt I'd need help and sent me to talk with the Mutual Funds Store. I do need help, I have learned a lot compared to the nothing I knew. Why I didn't go on the Internet first is beyond me. If I'd have read these comments and done a little searching I would never had even made the first appointment with the Mutual Fund Store. Thank all of you for sharing your experiences. My investments will be keeping me off Medicaid and foodstamps so what I do is crucial to my wellbeing, the Funds guy knew this and still sold me on his product.
Avalon XLS
Mar 30, 2012
Scam artists
In the last 5 months with the Mutual Fund Store, I am up 7%. I have been with them almost 3 years and my rate of return average is mid-teens. If they can do that consistently, I'll be glad to pay .375% per quarter. I also like being able to log on to my Charles Schwab account and see my account daily. Other advisers cannot supply up to the minute information like this company.
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