US Metal Buildings |
United States, Florida |
Consumer reviews about US Metal Buildings |
Larry yadan
Mar 5, 2012
Unethical practices
Wow, seems to me there is alot of bad press out there . However I just got my building delivered with all it's parts pieces and components
With no problems. Customer service was good through out. My price was amazing and I'm very happy
Mar 28, 2012
Unethical practices
I have fallen victim to US BUILDINGS as well. These guys are as unethical as you can get. My story is the same as most on here. I called the 800 number and got a sales representative who, was as slimy as they get. He pitched me on the same "clearance", "only 3 left", "limited time offer" thing that everyone else was pitched. The buildings had already been sent off to auction... but wait, he put me on hold and a minute later low and behold he was able to talk to his manager and get one pulled out for me. But I had to act now... he could not hold it as they were already designated for auction. So after a bit of back and forth with his alleged manager we came to a price and all I had to do was give him my Credit Card for a 25% deposit to grantee my building. I told him that I did not even have anywhere to put it yet as I was trying to get HOA approval... He stated it was not a problem if I paid the 25% deposit they could hold it for me for free until the end of May 12'. He emailed me the "purchase order" with the signature for the Credit Card charge. BUYER BEWARE... under that signature block is the "F&^% You CLAUSE" "Upon cancellation of order, Buyer and Seller both agree that 50% of the total price equates to probable damages suffered by seller, and shall be paid by buyer to seller immediately after cancellation of order.'" This is where they get you... once you sign and fax back you are indebted to them for at least 50% of your total cost no matter what. I have contacted the BBB in Florida... which there are currently 168 open complaints outstanding. I also contacted the Florida Attorney General's Office which stated US Building is currently "Under Investigation" and added my complaint to the large stack. In addition I also contacted the Florida Commission for Consumer Affairs. Lastly I contacted an Attorney who is drafting them a Certified Letter today. I have to admit I have a sinking feeling that in the end I'm going to get screwed out of another $1, 100... Which they are demanding I owe to complete the 50%. WE Need to shut these guys down... people like this should not be allowed to do business PERIOD!! I normally am the guy that researches everyone I do business with before signing anything. But like you all I fell victim to the "High Pressure", "Constant Nagging", "Deal of a lifetime", "Act Now" sales approach and signed before doing my research. If one thing comes from all of this I hope that I can help save others from getting screwed like I and others on here have been. DO NOT DO BUSINESS WITH US BUILDINGS!!! Don't Even Call Them! Let’s Band together and put these guys out of Business.
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