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Consumer reviews about Vodacom |
Janine Cane
Dec 22, 2011
Data usage
So glad its not just me... Vodacom always telling me its my updates etc. We used to have a my meg 500 that would last for just over 3 weeks. We decided that we need more Internet for the kids etc and got the 2Gig promo with a R100.00 limit. Now the 2Gigs last just as long as the 500 megs. No extra downloads - nothing. Now my child still don't have access to the Internet because the 2 gigs is also not enough. And when I got my account - what a surprise!!! My R100 limit doesn't help at all because my account is R558 this month in stead of R149 subscription and R100.00 limit. How can they cut you off IMMEDIATELY when you are on pre-paid, but as soon as it is on account - then they nail you big time...
Feb 29, 2012
unlawful ITC listing
If your bank cannot support you through this and cannot see that you are not at fault then get rid of them as well. You dont owe them any loyalty and they dont have any loyalty to you as a customer. It is also a disgrace that Vodacom do this to clients, you need to advertise this as widely as possible
Feb 29, 2012
unlawful ITC listing
thx Joe. . .
the banks work on FICA requirements which suck so any bank i go to will say the same...
as for the spreading of the news. . . i intend to do so as much as i can... share the link pls
Feb 29, 2012
Extra Costs After Contract Ended
Vodacom is pathetic my friend
in January 2011 i had all 3 my Vodacom accounts cancelled.
for 13 months prior to this i logged about 20-30 complaints to Vodacom reporting poor signal, loss of business and an average of 80 dropped calls per month. after sending a technician to test the signal in my area Vodacom authorised the termination of my contracts at no penalties or expenses to me. my cell number was ported to MTN (the better connection). my nr can only be legally ported one Vodacom has authorised it as well as verifying that my account is up to dat.
in Feb 2012 i became a contract client with MTN.
vodacom continued to bill my account for a service i no longer had. after 4 months of reversing my debit orders to Vodam i called the customer care line and was told that my accounts were still active and that the cancellation was not logged correctly.
another 6 months passed and i recieved legal letters from Hammond Pole attourneys claiming almost R13 000 for a service i have not had at all.
refusing to pay this i contacted Vodacom and Hammond Pole and was sent back and forth with no results.
as result i have been listed with ITC and my credit record has been compromised.
my business banker has called back my business overdraft facility until this matter is resolved.
dealing with the attourneys i gave them every detail so that they can collect every voice recorded phone call in which they can establish that Vodacom actually agreed to terminate all my contracts.
the claim has been taken back from Hammond Pole attourneys and Vodacom has now appointed a new debt collecter to attempt to intimmitade me for the claimed amount.
spending the last 2 months on the phone with Vodacom, hammond Pole and the new debt collectors i have absolutely no joy...
not a single person at Vodacom can help me, neither can their internal legal Dept help me.
after driving to Vodaworld and spending the day there i was disgusted that i was not allowed to see any legal department and was forced to call them from the parking lot where i spent an hour on the phone with Desmond, the reprasentative for the legal department at vodacom.
my emails no longer go through to the legal team and this now leaves me with absolutely no means of resolving this matter.
in the meantime i have an Unlawful ITC listing and i am faced with severe financial issues to to my overdraft facility being recalled.
not only is the signal supplied by Vodacom of the poorest standard i have experienced, the service is just as poor. i will publically advise anybody not to consider Vodacom as a service provider but to rather consider MTN.
Feb 29, 2012
Take no notice of complaints
in January 2011 i had all 3 my Vodacom accounts cancelled.
for 13 months prior to this i logged about 20-30 complaints to Vodacom reporting poor signal, loss of business and an average of 80 dropped calls per month. after sending a technician to test the signal in my area Vodacom authorised the termination of my contracts at no penalties or expenses to me. my cell number was ported to MTN (the better connection). my nr can only be legally ported one Vodacom has authorised it as well as verifying that my account is up to dat.
in Feb 2012 i became a contract client with MTN.
vodacom continued to bill my account for a service i no longer had. after 4 months of reversing my debit orders to Vodam i called the customer care line and was told that my accounts were still active and that the cancellation was not logged correctly.
another 6 months passed and i recieved legal letters from Hammond Pole attourneys claiming almost R13 000 for a service i have not had at all.
refusing to pay this i contacted Vodacom and Hammond Pole and was sent back and forth with no results.
as result i have been listed with ITC and my credit record has been compromised.
my business banker has called back my business overdraft facility until this matter is resolved.
dealing with the attourneys i gave them every detail so that they can collect every voice recorded phone call in which they can establish that Vodacom actually agreed to terminate all my contracts.
the claim has been taken back from Hammond Pole attourneys and Vodacom has now appointed a new debt collecter to attempt to intimmitade me for the claimed amount.
spending the last 2 months on the phone with Vodacom, hammond Pole and the new debt collectors i have absolutely no joy...
not a single person at Vodacom can help me, neither can their internal legal Dept help me.
after driving to Vodaworld and spending the day there i was disgusted that i was not allowed to see any legal department and was forced to call them from the parking lot where i spent an hour on the phone with Desmond, the reprasentative for the legal department at vodacom.
my emails no longer go through to the legal team and this now leaves me with absolutely no means of resolving this matter.
in the meantime i have an Unlawful ITC listing and i am faced with severe financial issues to to my overdraft facility being recalled.
not only is the signal supplied by Vodacom of the poorest standard i have experienced, the service is just as poor. i will publically advise anybody not to consider Vodacom as a service provider but to rather consider MTN.
Feb 29, 2012
legal department testing my patience
i agree totally with you.. . i have a similar problem a bit worse than yours... im not being declined a service, i have been blacklisted and have nobody within Vodacom to talk to who can reverse this. . . oh wait i know, . . . they all share the same brain at vodaworld. . . heres my issue
in January 2011 i had all 3 my Vodacom accounts cancelled.
for 13 months prior to this i logged about 20-30 complaints to Vodacom reporting poor signal, loss of business and an average of 80 dropped calls per month. after sending a technician to test the signal in my area Vodacom authorised the termination of my contracts at no penalties or expenses to me. my cell number was ported to MTN (the better connection). my nr can only be legally ported one Vodacom has authorised it as well as verifying that my account is up to dat.
in Feb 2012 i became a contract client with MTN.
vodacom continued to bill my account for a service i no longer had. after 4 months of reversing my debit orders to Vodam i called the customer care line and was told that my accounts were still active and that the cancellation was not logged correctly.
another 6 months passed and i recieved legal letters from Hammond Pole attourneys claiming almost R13 000 for a service i have not had at all.
refusing to pay this i contacted Vodacom and Hammond Pole and was sent back and forth with no results.
as result i have been listed with ITC and my credit record has been compromised.
my business banker has called back my business overdraft facility until this matter is resolved.
dealing with the attourneys i gave them every detail so that they can collect every voice recorded phone call in which they can establish that Vodacom actually agreed to terminate all my contracts.
the claim has been taken back from Hammond Pole attourneys and Vodacom has now appointed a new debt collecter to attempt to intimmitade me for the claimed amount.
spending the last 2 months on the phone with Vodacom, hammond Pole and the new debt collectors i have absolutely no joy...
not a single person at Vodacom can help me, neither can their internal legal Dept help me.
after driving to Vodaworld and spending the day there i was disgusted that i was not allowed to see any legal department and was forced to call them from the parking lot where i spent an hour on the phone with Desmond, the reprasentative for the legal department at vodacom.
my emails no longer go through to the legal team and this now leaves me with absolutely no means of resolving this matter.
in the meantime i have an Unlawful ITC listing and i am faced with severe financial issues to to my overdraft facility being recalled.
not only is the signal supplied by Vodacom of the poorest standard i have experienced, the service is just as poor. i will publically advise anybody not to consider Vodacom as a service provider but to rather consider MTN.
Mar 6, 2012
Someone keeps taking my airtime
I have exactly the same problem. Last month I bought 450 rand airtime bundle purchase from my phone, then I use the sim card. it in the computer.
I supposed to get 2.5gb, but after about 300 its finished. This month the same thing happened. I know the guy on the corner is a programmer and he sits on his internet all day as he is retired. so I dont know if he has hacked into my system and so on. Not saying its him, but someone is stealing my airtime.
I dont know how to stop it.
Pranesh Maharaj2101
Mar 12, 2012
legal department testing my patience
On the 20th November 2011 my wife and I went to the Vodacom 4U store at The Glen shopping centre to do an upgrade on an existing contract we have with Vodacom. The Salesman managed to persuade us in applying for a new contract. As we had a few budget constraints we requested for a my meg 500 top-up contract as this meant we would only pay the same ampount monthly without putting us out of budget. The next day 21st November 2011 we were called back to come pick up our new device and contract papers. That’s when all our problems started. Firstly we were given the wrong device than what we applied for and were promised as the memory was insufficient, thereafter when we went back were given a memory card to substitute the error which the device was not compatible using. On the 3rd corrective visit we were told that the error was due to the person being “dumb” which is a comment I had no words for. The next day the manager JANA from the store calls me and apologises for the issues and offered to substitute the device with the correct one at no extra charge which I was greatful for and went back the same day to collect. I was satisfied.
I then receive an invoice at the end of December 2011 for an amount of R 850 for a contract that was supposed to be R299 per month. I was charged data charges for R550 for the month although it was a top-up contract we signed for. I then phoned the store and they said that they would look into it and call me back. After a few days with no call from the shop I phoned Vodacom directly on their 111 number and they informed me that my contract was loaded as a normal contract of my meg 500 and not the top-up one and was changed as of the 1st of January 2012 by the store. I then called the store again and they said that they had made an error in loading the package but changed it timeously for the 1st of December 2011 but Vodacom failed to do so, they also promised to sort it out with Vodacom and keep me informed. I was then called by Vodacom Data division who informed me that they will investigate the query and get back to me within 14 days. Vodacom called me within the 2 weeks and advised that it was not their fault and couldn’t help me further, so I had to sort out with shared services division and the shop. On the 28th of February I received a call from the shop by a gentleman who said that the matter is resolved and they were going to pay the R550 into my vodacom account before the 7th March 2012. Today the 12th of March 2012 I received a statement from Vodacom that is not showing the credit of R550 at all. I then called the store and asked for Jana who stated that they never called me and said they are going to pay the money to my vodacom account and that the issue was with Vodacom to sort out. Upon calling Vodacom again they point the blame at the shop again and said that they are responsible as they are the ones that loaded the contract and not Vodacom themselves.I thus had to reopen the query at Vodacom.I have also been a victim of them invading into my privacy which I am furious about: someone at either Vodacom or The 4U Shop has requested itemised billing on my account without my consent or approval and still had the ordasity to charge me for it twice, an extra R45.60 on my current invoice. They have violated all my rights by doing this.
anwa mohan
Jan 31, 2013
wrong contract supplied
I hope this gets some attention from those idiots who run such a major player in our society(Vodacom) if it does I will be amazed. where do i start? firstly, I've had 2 contracts with vodacom for the greater part of 10yrs, i moved my 1 contract to MTN a few years back and never looked back, My wife on the other-hand held the other contract at Vodacom, needless to say what a DISASTER and at the end of our contract we opted to cancel her contract. We were contacted by their REWARDS DEPT and offered another contract and I said the only way we gonna keep a contract was on top-up, (we had talk 200) we agreed and they sent us a nokia C6 which i realised the C was for Crap. one month came a bill of R3000 and second month a bill of R4000 and this is ON TOP-UP. I contacted them about my problem and got no response and I decided to stop the debit order(this was Dec 2011) in October 2012 I finally got an SMS stating they would give me a discount of 25% if I settle the R22000 balance I have with them. several walk-in centres later I was told Vodacom can't help with this account as it was handed to the legal dept. to this day I have only been offered a discount and nothing else to help me in anyway. My only wish is that they sort this problem so I can move along and cut any relationship I had with them. I have reference numbers that would make a dictionary shy but they are worthless. IF THERE IS ANYONE OUT THERE WITH ANY FORM OF HELP OUT THERE PLLLLLLLLLLEASE CONTACT ME ON 0827779791
Apr 15, 2013
Terrible Customer Service and Assistance
I have 2 cell contracts with Vodacom. My first BB curve 9360 I got in February 2012 gave me numerous problems. I sent it in for repairs on 02.11.2012 through Hificorp. 26 days later I got my phone back,was informed that it couldnt be repaired &was replaced. I fully charged the phone before using it. 9 days later I started having same problem again regarding the battery life.I requested a replacement battery -was told I should send the phone in again.I depend on my phone for work so that wasnt an option.I found a workaround-it had the functionality of a Nokia 3310.Now 5 months later I went to Voda. repaircenter Canalwalk.Explained the situation & gave the phone 29-03- Tuesday 2-04 I receive R700 quote.Not once was explained that the battery warranty is 1 year &with receiving a new batt in Nov12 it doesnt count as it is only 5months old.Natheleen kept trying to convince me that it was my old batt from feb12 instead of stating fact.Taylor reception confirmed battery was replaced in guarantee now. That was false.I and my mother spoke to Omar Abrahams-supervisor-who was very rude, arrogant and disinterested.Supervisors are meant to calm an escalated situation!!Emails remain unanswered!
Why did I have to wait 10 days to be told that I am not covered instead of just advising me to buy a new battery as I wont be covered!
Apr 15, 2013
Terrible customer service and assistance
I have 2 cell contracts with Vodacom. My first BB curve 9360 I got in February 2012 gave me numerous problems. I sent it in for repairs on 02.11.2012 through Hificorp. 26 days later I got my phone back,was informed that it couldnt be repaired &was replaced. I fully charged the phone before using it. 9 days later I started having same problem again regarding the battery life.I requested a replacement battery -was told I should send the phone in again.I depend on my phone for work so that wasnt an option.I found a workaround-it had the functionality of a Nokia 3310.Now 5 months later I went to Voda. repaircenter Canalwalk.Explained the situation & gave the phone 29-03- Tuesday 2-04 I receive R700 quote.Not once was explained that the battery warranty is 1 year &with receiving a new batt in Nov12 it doesnt count as it is only 5months old.Natheleen kept trying to convince me that it was my old batt from feb12 instead of stating fact.Taylor reception confirmed battery was replaced in guarantee now. That was false.I and my mother spoke to Omar Abrahams-supervisor-who was very rude, arrogant and disinterested.Supervisors are meant to calm an escalated situation!!Emails remain unanswered!
Why did I have to wait 10 days to be told that I am not covered instead of just advising me to buy a new battery as I wont be covered!
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