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Mar 24, 2012
Employee Relations
I could have written most of the original post myself as I dealt with the same thing but at the store in Carpentersville, Illinois. I applied for pharmacy tech but there were no openings so they hired me as a Photo Specialist. Since I am very active in my church, I put no Sunday availability on my application. During the interview I was told "We have no problem with that", which was a flat out lie. They put availability in the computer for after 3pm on Sunday because "One hour in the morning is plenty of time for church". I tried several times to fix this, but the manager refused. I even tried 4 times to fix it in the computer only to have it denied. When I did finally get a Sunday off, the manager put it in as vacation time which I was saving for the Summer to use during out VBS week. When I mentioned that, I was told that if I wanted Sunday off I had to use my vacation time for it (which I believe is illegal). I was written up for calling in on Sunday morning stating I was not working so I could go to church.
I never did work in Photo, they kept me constantly at the front checkout (not what I was hired for) despite my having back issues caused from standing in one place constantly. I could have a line snaking around the store and begging for help, only to be ignored. I'd have to apologize to the customers because I'd have to leave to do a price check because nobody answered the page, then only to be yelled at for leaving the register. At the end of the night I'd be the only one working on cleaning and facing, the rest of the crew would be in the office on facebook or sending text messages.
I walked out after being scheduled on Easter Sunday, a day I told them I would not work as it is a Christian Holiday and as a Christian, I observe that day and do not work. I was threatened with a write up and possible termination (since I had been written up before for the same thing).
M3C QueenBee
Mar 24, 2012
Employee Relations
Good afternoon Never.
Mar 24, 2012
Employee Relations
You fell for a scam. Walgreens does not offer free gift cards online, nor does any company.
Mar 24, 2012
Employee Relations
That is not quite accurate FarfalleAlfredo. Most are scams, but there are some legitimate sources for getting free gift cards online.
Mar 24, 2012
Employee Relations
Not many Brenda, and what's weird, that comment was posted on a completely different complaint, but ended up on this one.
Mar 24, 2012
Employee Relations
You think that's weird? Stick around... :P
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