Wealth Development Center / Angela Penbrook |
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Consumer reviews about Wealth Development Center / Angela Penbrook |
Feb 14, 2012
A business scam!
Well Thank you guys! I almost made the purchase but now I'm glad I didn't. I guess if its too good to be true it probably is. If something like this really existed everyone would be doing it.
Apr 11, 2012
A business scam!
I have just received this link and decided to look into the companies more closely. There were a couple of things that caught my eye 1. The references to the fact that the indicated amounts were not gained by most people who subscribed to the scheme, this seems to be a get-out clause against claims of false advertising
2. The repeated reference to 'education'. I think that they have got around any real grounds for a case against them because they are providing the education stated in the ads during that submission and payment process ... ie anyone paying money to them is going to learn a lesson to either not try these schemes in the future or to do some research themselves prior to committing.
PAINFUL lessons to learn but unfortunately it strikes me that they can claim this as the purpose and so those people who purchased it have in fact got what they paid for.
If you look into the companies closer you will find out that one is registered in China ... that should say everything. The Chinese are one of the biggest cyber-racketeering nations out there in the 'dark-web'.
I do not often come across these types of schemes but I have always checked them out and I have yet to find one that is legitimate ... but you never know maybe one day one will actually provide all the benefits the hype says ... wait a minute what am I saying ... the only way to make an honest living is off your own back not some-ones get rich quick scheme.
The only way to get rich quick off one of these scheme is to be the one to create it and wait until good honest folk send their hard earned cash (often all they have or worse don't have!!) ... I am not suggesting that it is something anyone should do though!!!
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