Absolute Vacation Club |
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Consumer reviews about Absolute Vacation Club |
Jan 5, 2012
False Information
Sucked in by the Absolute crew on our first day in Samui in December and contacted Visa immediately and they passed our complaint along from dispute to fraud investigation in less than 24 hours... Every aspect of their sales presentation is a con and they tailor the lies to suit each individuals needs and/or desires. With us it was the false claim of being affiliated with the Hilton and Marriott chains of hotels back home in Ontario, Canada, as the savings on domestic travel alone would have afforded us the ability to afford more frequent foreign travel. It took less than 10 minutes on the internet to discover that not a single one of the dozens of Marriott and Hilton locations in Toronto has any familiarity of, or affiliation with, Club Absolute! Such deliberately fraudulent misrepresentation is not the practice of a legitimate company with a real product or service to offer. The two properties on Samui that Absolute represents (Q Signature and KC Over Water Villas) are billed as 4-star resorts, when in fact they scarcely rate 2-stars due to lack of maintenance and poor management. Hope to prevent others from wasting their time and/or money by sharing our personal misfortune. Remain confident that we will receive a refund of our deposit from Visa at the current time...
Jan 9, 2012
False Information
It couldn't be more obvious that members of the Absolute staff monitor this complaint board, as we very unexpectedly received an offer from them to cancel our membership and give us a refund of our deposit, in spite of their supposed "no-cancellation" policy, immediately after I posted my comment! The proviso is that we sign a form agreeing to not publicly share any information concerning their company and our personal experience with them in exchange for the refund. After weeks of back and forth emails offering us "downgraded" products for the deposit we paid and repeated denials of our claim of fraudulent misrepresentation, they now seek to coerce us into a form of silent complicity? We did not set out to defame this company out of petty grievance and blatantly deny the implication that our entirely factual account constitutes such. We are entitled to our opinion and will continue to exercise our legally protected right to express it, as the quick response from Absolute is proof positive that the only voices they pay any heed to are those who air their grievances publicly. If they feel a single comment we have made is untrue, we encourage them to feel free to sue us...
Jan 9, 2012
False Information
Who's we Mandylee? In these tough times there's a lot of people who would setle for just that - their money back.
Jan 9, 2012
False Information
We refers to my spouse and myself Chowderhed and we will be very content to "settle" for a non-provisional full refund. Based on your comments on various threads on this site I assume you are a bored troll who's sole purpose is to seek negative attention in order to distract from the real issues and complaints being discussed.
Jan 9, 2012
False Information
When you assume you make an ass out of u and me.
Jan 9, 2012
False Information
Chowder's comment did address the topic at hand, so I would have told Mandy that her assumption made an ass out of u and not me, Chowder.
Jan 9, 2012
False Information
Nope...just u
If you have something against people exposing cons, why are you here?
Jan 9, 2012
False Information
Nothing against scam exposure, just idiots.
Jan 9, 2012
False Information
Your self-loathing must be intense in that case...
Nice try at being an agent of chaos now go pollute another thread unless you care to actually add to this conversation.
Jan 9, 2012
False Information
Nice try at being a forum nazi Mandylee. Try that crap somewhere else.
Jan 9, 2012
False Information
Self-loathing? I am not the one who swallowed someone's shit hook, line, and sinker, parting with some serious pocket change without doing due diligence research, and then ran around with their hand on their ass trying to recoup from the inevitable fallout. When it comes to loathing, take a good look in the mirror.
Jan 9, 2012
False Information
Nice try Mr. Absolute...Do you REALLY think your agenda isn't clear to anybody reading my complaint, but, way to drop the false pretense.
Seriously, it's not all that hard to get your money back, which is why I will continue to share our story and help others to do the same.
Jan 10, 2012
False Information
I have no "agenda".
Jan 10, 2012
False Information
Nope, no agenda except to make pointless comments on unrelated threads of a consumer complaint board and attempt to silence those who have had success in obtaining a refund from Absolute Destinations by mocking them for their supposed idiocy...
Jan 10, 2012
False Information
No one has attempted to silence you Mandy, though someone should. Supposed? The ptroof of your idiocy is glaringly apparent. I found Chowder's comments to be very pointed and closely related to the subject at hand.
Jan 10, 2012
False Information
Mmhmm, very pointed indeed...take the refund and quit worrying about warning others who may bow to intimidation and idle threats of legal action. Neither of you clowns has a point to make, on ANY of the threads you participate in...
Do continue to point out the glaringly apparent idiocy of those among us who've beaten cons at their own game though...
Jan 10, 2012
False Information
The point is you are a dumbass Mandylee. You act all righteous in your first 2 comments about them bribing you with refunding you if you shut up, and you get all indignant about that, but then you later say you will take the refund. Then sit down and shut up hypocritical bitch.
Jan 10, 2012
False Information
The problem with Mandy is her cunt is so big she can't close it.
Jan 10, 2012
False Information
Let's see... I was a dumbass who didn't do any research on a company before signing up and giving them thousands, then when I realized how stupid I was and what a wasted investment I made, I whined and snivelled and threw a tantrum until I got my way. That about sums you up.
Jan 10, 2012
False Information
I've received a refund from Visa you ass clown...Pleases me to inform others of the desperate measures the scam artists at Absolute will employ to try to buy silence.
Get a real job and maybe you will be less bitter and able to afford the opportunity to be scammed. lol
Jan 10, 2012
False Information
You have shown yourself to be all ass Mandylee. P.S. - Your husband wants his balls back.
Jan 10, 2012
False Information
Oh christ, I have bigger balls than the lot of you combined...And that's what has you all pissed off!
Jan 10, 2012
False Information
I am glad you were able to repoup Mandy, and feel for the millions who don't. Hopefully you have learned a valuable leson from this about doing research before falling for scams. Timeshares are not worth it for the majority of people, unless you are independently wealthy. The ever increasing fees, constant devaluation, and limited availability being some factors why. Foolish you are, balls not.
Jan 10, 2012
False Information
Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me...I also feel for the millions who feel helpless to recoup their losses and I can just tell how glad you are for those who've been conned with the faux sincerity and pearls of cynical wisdom...
Jan 10, 2012
False Information
The only balls you have are the ones you teabag.