Antonia montiel Feb 17, 2017 |
Ser, do we have an airfrieghtcourier [email protected],can you give us full info about this airfrieghtcourier because we want to claim our package from them...
Julie McDaniel Feb 17, 2017 |
Ridiculous. We've been calling this company to get a refund on charges that was never authorized and they keep hanging up. We have never given them our credit card number and never have authorized them to take anything off of it. They took 70 dollars off today and last time they took...
heijudyric Feb 17, 2017 |
Q Link is one of the worst companies I have ever done business with. The customer service stinks, they sent me an email and told me to call them that they couldn't process an answer through the email. Yea, like try to CALL customer service. Automated service and finally I found a live...
Cartiergirl Feb 17, 2017 |
I had a color for grays and blowout was charged $72 I was shoved at price since that is not what I paid at another smartstyle salon. Stylist offered a 10% discount for seniors. When I got home I tried to comb hair too wrap it was so stiff i could not comb so I wound up rinsing hair in the...
Grayfox #1 Feb 17, 2017 |
Why have you taken Gunsmoke off,>?<
I watched it every day religiously ,PLEASE put it back,put Mash at another day and time if you must,it isnt much to watch,
there are several of my friends that like Gunsmoke as well,and are disappointed with Mash,who wants a comedy show.
Rjdaniele Feb 17, 2017 |
I won 3 games in a row and each time the losing opponent was credited!! WTH???
Has this happened to anyone else???...
William2004 Feb 17, 2017 |
Just played 8 ball pool I went all in I won both rounds and then at the end it gave the over person all the money...
linhda Feb 17, 2017 |
Kristen lazy, impolite and lack of professionalism....
Pen Feb 17, 2017 |
What happened to Gunsmoke????. Mash all day long ???,WHY?...
Ullabulla Feb 17, 2017 |
Theirs is a culture of intimidation, retaliation, accusations, threats and lies (tenants files are works of fiction and fabrication). I suffer from disabilities (known to management) which were not only not taken seriously by management but laughed at and made fun of. I and was sick constantly...
[email protected] Feb 17, 2017 |
I mis-spoke last review earlier tonight, I had over 6,000,000,000.coins instead ended up with just over 200,000,00 talk about getting cheated....
[email protected] Feb 17, 2017 |
Had over 600,000,000. Chips this morning, a night I have barely over 200,000,000....so what happened to my extra chips this happens all the time, would like a refund.........
potroast Feb 17, 2017 |
I received my Free Q-link Smart Phone this February 2017 as promised. I accidentally put the wrong phone number in and I activated it. now I was having problems to get this fix. I did try customer service, I had no luck, Then I got smart. I sent them an email explaining my situation. and I made...
JRHoffman Feb 17, 2017 |
These collectors are garnishing a small savings account I have because they can't get to my disability income to settle a very old debt that Discover bank sold them years ago. I tried to reason with them on the phone and they were rude and short with me. I can't get that money back...
Michelle Ripmijah Thomas Feb 17, 2017 |
I placed a order on Jan 24th for a jump suit it's Feb 16th haven't received anything yet.. I have emailed multiple times the first time they said it was gonna ship I never received it sent another email they told me it was gonna ship out Feb 14th I should receive it today and I haven't...
TNFlyFisher Feb 17, 2017 |
TVLand Network used to provide family friendly programming, at least during prime time. However, with the introduction of their own original programming, even the commercials shown during family shows are low-class filth. I am a tolerant person, but I an so tired of hearing homosexuals brag...
Lee Feb 17, 2017 |
First and for.last I had a ratherong anengthy discussion about Bait and Switch with Q Link Wireless
Promising that there "Unlimited" plan was for 60 bucks.
Well as it turns out they cut you dead off once you hit your quaota of 10 Gigs
It that is...
Matthewkereszti Feb 17, 2017 |
went in person to cancel my membership feb 2015 as per there cancellation policy, this was also the last time I went as a member which should be proof enough that I cancelled and I also signed a cancellation form in which they have misplaced. I have since been charged every two weeks for $23.60...
TC1 Feb 17, 2017 |
Just get a Smart TV and install YouTube. Put any old show in the search window and it will give you tons of them to watch: Newhart, Andy Griffith, Columbo, Dick Van Dyke Show, Gunsmoke, The Bob Newhart Show, The Beverly Hillbillies, Mary Tyler Moore Show, The Odd Couple, I Love Lucy, Christmas...
lebuttry Feb 16, 2017 |
I paid the $1 for this and I thought I had until the end of the 7th day to cancel but no it was 11:59am and they billed my account immediately so I called them for the person to tell me that they could extend for 30 days free and I could cancel before 11:59am on April 16 so I signed up on Feb....
Dsgbeaulieu Feb 16, 2017 |
 My husband ordered me flowers for Valentine's Day and had them delivered as a surprise. For the flowers and the delivery charge it was over $60.00 dollars. The flowers that arrived were broken and small bouquet no feature flowers and we're dying. We were very disappointed especially...
Vpitingaro Feb 16, 2017 |
Worst company ever! Never got product or refund....
Jgibb Feb 16, 2017 |
Please put Andy Griffith back on, at least the black and white episodes, mash has been running all day, un my opinion the worst sitcom in history next to hogans heros, Andy Griffitb should be one program that you should always have running, always. Thats the one and only reason me and my family...
Jay Mather Feb 16, 2017 |
 throwing shades
Needs to Be Boycotted and removed Worst ever...
hjeff Feb 16, 2017 |
Received an email today (sender: [email protected]) with no business name, nothing other than a message that indicated that they had made several attempts to collect with no response and that I had until Feb. 27 to pay in full or be sued. I responded by asking who the heck...
Carolyn66762 Feb 16, 2017 |
I am stating my dissatisfaction with the change in TV Land’s scheduling of shows for the following reasons:
1) Our household does not like the shows Teachers or Throwing Shadow.
Teachers is very disrespectful to teachers.
2) Now, you have replaced...
Beth Feb 16, 2017 |
While we're at it... Please rethink what I call "Everybody Hates Raymond"! Please!! I despise that show! If you don't do something, INSP has you beat by far!! (Except they play entirety too much Walker, but I'll tell you this;. I'll watch Walker, Way before...
Truthwillsetyoufree Feb 16, 2017 |
Stay away from Psychic Apolonia999. She is rude and apathetic. You go into her/his ( I say that because this person presents as female but the profile says male) free chat and she blasts you with a badly written sales pitch about her famous love spell etc. when you try to talk to her she ignores...
John Tinsley Feb 16, 2017 |
I noticed to day my favorite afternoon tv program is missing. I watch Gun Smoke every afternoon. I looked ahead a couple days and do not see it. I am highly Disappointed that you took it off. I have watched most every day for a year and a half since I moved to Missiouri
and it is pleasant...
kasi305 Feb 16, 2017 |
my phone calles have been hanging up and I want my money back...
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