VIJAY saxena Jan 6, 2017 |
I have got a message on 5 January 2017 that is your mobile number win 500000 gbp ... so I want to know how I receive this cash of their winning draw ICC international mobile draw...
12332145616 Jan 6, 2017 |
Khuhta Jan 6, 2017 |
As the wife of a retired teacher I find the commercials for the teacher show totally offensive. I can't imagine who would watch this show! It's demeaning to one of the most honorable professions and a sad commentary on your station's programming staff. Our daughter is beginning...
d.don Jan 6, 2017 |
Hello. I recently have a new computer and do not have Norton on it. Due to auto renewal I have been billed $112.99 for Norton 360. I do not have the program to support this nor do I want it. Please let me know how we can resolve this problem. Order #AP1209975118 Serial# 49TFXBW2CJCW. You can...
[email protected] Jan 6, 2017 |
On January 6&7 they have an offer going on at the shoppers stores if you spend $75 you can receive 2 movies vouchers. They always have all kinds of promotions going on but none of these promotions apply to the home health care store. Why is this you
would think as long as you are...
Steve454 Jan 5, 2017 |
I am another that wishes he'd checked reviews before buying from this company. I was charged $19.95 shipping from California to Washington state for 2 cell phone cases that cost $11.99 each. One case is defective. I, as many, have tried to call, been on hold for over 15 minutes then goes...
Francis Rodrigues Jan 5, 2017 |
actually i ordered 4 items in Nov month two different orders for India and another one Dubai, almost 4000 inr, really am happy about service and all , i got in proper time. but in this December i ordered again almost 5000 inr products in Dec30 still showing processing order if i call or msg...
MadMike Jan 5, 2017 |
Yesterday we were told, "the Note WOULD be faxed today".
* Tick, Tock. . . Time passes
* In a follow up call today we were told it will take 2 to 3 days to find the Note, then it will be faxed.
How incompetent can they be? This (month) delay will end...
AutoLover345 Jan 5, 2017 |
This company is the worst. The "manager" is a child is will hang up the phone and belittle you. I have never dealt with a worse company. These people should not be in business. Please do not order anything from them. It is a compete waste of energy to deal with these people, so...
wdw1160 Jan 5, 2017 |
I believe it is rigged. I been saying it for months. I was dumb enough to purchase coins as well. I almost broke down and tried to find a way to cheat myself.. too many strange ball movements... too many running of the table with "great" shots.. even on the calling a pocket game....
dlc449686 Jan 5, 2017 |
I bought 3 out of 4 tires to pass an inspection. I agreed 1 need replacing only but to get inspected I bought 3 . the next day I found a 60 dollars of coupon for a set of 4 tires. I call the girl working and she said they would honor it and my cost to bring it back and put the 4th tire on would...
anjali jain Jan 5, 2017 |
hi, i ve been facing a skin problem for last two years..its chronic urticaria.. i ve visite to each and every doc but didnot get any result. i am so depressed.. plz help me in overcoming dis..
secondly i ve been facing problem with my job also and my love life.. plz tell me the solutrion...
Kurtis Sternberg Jan 5, 2017 |
VACATION VILLAGE VOYAGES is a #SCAM! The 3+ hour presentation is painful as everything they show on their website you can get online as they link to what the public can get for free. In fact the link on their website for vacation packages does not even exist!
you can get the same or better...
Kurtis Sternberg Jan 5, 2017 |
This is a #SCAM! They (Vacation Village Voyages) present products that are not even available in the website they sell you. Example "PACKAGES" tab that goes to Not Available. You can rent a car or a vacant timeshare for the same or less than the amount they con you into during the...
trushargadhavi Jan 5, 2017 |
Karnika Patel in her most stylish way called me and asked to try for the trade, initially I lost Rs. 2000 on very first call. She asked me to have trust and promised to recover the loss. On next call it was done and I was trapped in her nets. I paid Rs. 8000/- for the services. She was not...
RajuBomma Jan 5, 2017 |
I have received 1st shock of the new year in the form of yupptv recurring charges on my card even before my subscription ends. i was on 6 months plan earlier and now a monthly highly priced recurring payment has been charged. I spoke with the customer care in the last month and they told me...
Scamed by Dot Heads Jan 5, 2017 |
Ripped me off for 25 bucks. Did NOTHING but try to give me some worthless credits. Game is full of bots and hackers/moders. Want a fair game? Play as guest only. Otherwise IMPOSSIBLE to get more than a 58.9 w/l percentage before getting stacked against opponents 7+ levels higher than you....
[email protected] Jan 5, 2017 |
Two back to back shows broadcast on Jan 4, 2017 in the Florida Area. The judges did not allow the Hawaiian family's late answer about a dipping sauce for chicken nuggets. Yet, on the next show a Miss Pauline took even longer after the buzzer to start her answer for a question regarding...
Kc Hop Jan 4, 2017 |
 soles have separate from the boot. after only one year of use. timberland Pro steel toe titans black 150+usd. lost all confidence in timberland products. unacceptable....
lordlanky Jan 4, 2017 |
the most unprofessional outfit - i think it must be a joke company developed by teenagers to see how many people they can annoy.
if you want to have a website and have the ability to send emails from your domain(s) then avoid this "company" (quoted cos i aint sure it...
MadMike Jan 4, 2017 |
UHHHHGGG! After calling and suffering through their Voice-Mail-He11 (multiple times), their phone system just drops my call.
We requested pay-off and Note docs be faxed several weeks ago.
* we were told it would take 5 days
* They faxed the pay-off but not the...
Alexche Jan 4, 2017 |
I ordered a restaurant gift arc for my son for Christmas but it still hasn't come. I tried calling today and it won't even ring. Then I left a message with customer service. After reading the complaints about this company, I doubt that I'll ever hear back. I can't afford...
Prestigia.com team Jan 4, 2017 |
Dear Customer,
We are sorry for any inconvenience you might have faced, and want to clarify the situation of your booking at Four Seasons Worli.
As any company working with complex digital solutions, there are sometimes technical issues. It was unfortunately the case at...
Māńńū Çhāūhāń Jan 4, 2017 |
 I have not receive my order I paid 1770 n order 1product and it's been 14 days I have order December 29
Order no. #SO502107...
wauj Jan 4, 2017 |
I am a firm believer in Christmas and the birth of Christ, however, I am so tired of all the Christmas movies running from October through January and now in July ridiculous!! If you must do it, why on both channels. I see by comments from other's who have expressed the same and yet you...
Joybug Jan 4, 2017 |
I had Crystallens for cataract surgery almost a year ago in both eyes. $8000. I have had horrible eye headaches, use drops constantly, Restasis, etc. I had perfect 20/20 distance vision but dr. Recommended Crystallens to improve close up vision and reduce reader use. Sounded great. Horrible...
PrachiShahGmail Jan 4, 2017 |
They attract customers with their low price, send confirmation e-mail and later deny the booking.
We booked for Four Seasons Worli in Mumbai which is 5 star hotel. They send email booking confirmation within 30 mins. Later when we checked at the hotel they said there is no booking...
JJW Jan 4, 2017 |
Keep the Christmas Hallmark movies coming. They are a joy and the movies give my husband and I and my friends so much pleasure. It is an inspiration for the holidays and I watch both Hallmark channels.
I used to watch Hallmark Home and Family when Cristina Ferrare was on the show. But,...
mem4310 Jan 4, 2017 |
I feel Shoppers should get out of the selling of electronics.
I purchased on Black Friday a Xbox - paying full price, because I was told it was "the last one". Only to go in on Friday and hear the same story being given to another customer and "it was the last one"....
Sassee1414 Jan 4, 2017 |
I am highly disappointed. Tired of having my ritz turn into bits. Never have I ever been so disappointed in the ritz biz until the last few months.. my favorite cracker in the world crumbled, literally and just like the rest of the reviews, I too will will find another replacement for my spreads...
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